Seized by the System

Chapter 800: anger

Fang Ning watched the disappearance of the black water, and a very bad feeling suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Why don't you kill it?"

"Well, you finally spoke, I thought you would practice closed-mouth meditation all your life." The uncle excitedly said.

"Less nonsense, answer the question. I don't have much time to talk to you." Fang Ning was very depressed.

"It's simple, it didn't appear at all. It was just a phantom just now, but the dead fish was true." The uncle said sternly.

"Sure enough, this is bad!" Fang Ning was shocked.

"What are you worried about?" Uncle said sadly.

"This means that the other party can launch mass killings at any time, but we are helpless! God is God, they are definitely not so good to deal with, and now they have easily discovered our weakness. This is a warning to the dead fish in the lake!" Fang It's more serious.

"Damn, even threatening me. Is my system scared?" Uncle exasperated.

"What time is it? God is very vicious, because in their eyes, there is no difference between humans and ants, so when necessary, there will be no pity and compassion at all." Fang Ning was very worried.

"What will happen then?"

"If their rules cannot be enforced, you can refer to the myth of God's annihilation. Noah's Ark leaves only a family who is willing to obey God's words." Fang Ning is still wise, at least looking longer than the uncle of the system who is less than 3 years old. .

"No wonder this **** of plague wants to choose a place in the lake to carry out the tyranny, it was originally a symbol." Uncle suddenly realized.

"Yes, if we continue to adhere to our own rules, the next step, he can easily pollute all rivers, lakes and seas, and even all groundwater, can humans survive? He may not beat us, but can destroy the environment in which ordinary people live. , Let Xia Kejia maintain the object of justice, no longer exist. "Fang Ning said seriously.

"It's really abominable. I was still a simple system. They were so vicious and shameless, completely beyond my imagination." The uncle was shocked.

"You are too naive, this is just the easiest way, I believe that these gods who have lived countless years, and there are countless means, they are not NPCs in the game, they will only follow the fixed template and the given script, we will never be able to Know how much power they have. There is only a thousand days to catch thieves, there is no reason to guard against thieves. "Fang Ning took the opportunity to teach.

"..." Uncle did not speak for a long time.

Fang Ning did not urge, he believed that this second goods will not be hopeless. Facts will teach it how to make a smart system.

"Okay, I made the mistake of aggressiveness and shouldn't do it alone. What do you say now?" Uncle said honestly.

"It's very simple. Recognize reality. This is real wisdom. There is still a big gap between us and their strength. Now we can only try to get better treatment for mankind and prevent it from becoming the most tragic situation. In this case We can unite as much as possible with existing and potentially good gods and make concessions where no real core interests are involved. "Fang Ning said lightly.

He only now realized that when he walked to a very high position, he could not only care about himself.

Unless it is life-threatening, he must consider humanity as a whole.

It's very simple, because his interests have been **** with humanity as a whole.

Manpower is the greatest wealth, and his land industry, if he wants to continue to supply wealth continuously, he must maintain the normal survival and development of human beings.

In this case, he was very fortunate that he was bound to the system uncle, not an evil spirit, who did not need human sacrifices, only their wealth output, and those evil people who appeared continuously.

He was glad that his three views were normal, otherwise he could become a breeder in minutes.

Because the current uncle, as well as him, already has this power, and not many forces can stop him.

After all, he has two big secrets in hand, adding up to more than 250,000 square kilometers, using magic and technological means, enough to breed hundreds of millions of villains.

A villain 300 experience, a cycle of 20 years, equivalent to 20 years can be harvested to the experience value of a **** in the upper realm.

"Hey, you have a good idea." Uncle was overjoyed.

"You're out of control." Fang Ning said coldly.

"Oh, it's true that chivalry is worth a little bit. Damn, such a genius brain hole can't be realized." Uncle said depressed.

"It is enough to allow us to breed evil spirits to harvest. It is already a kind of compassion for the rule. This is actually a matter of neutral tendency to evil. It is just that it has a big name and purpose, and it is probably neutral." Fang Ning despised .

"The same is said, then you are responsible for contacting those gods." Uncle said very pity.

"I didn't have time to work. This task was handed over to the Alliance of Good Gods. The bodhisattva's words should be able to mediate." Fang Ning immediately showed his true colors and began to shirk the pot.

"I despise you, just like the awe-inspiring just now. It's the same way to do things. You're so handsome, but for three seconds, you're lazy into your soul." The uncle said with a look of contempt.

"Huh, the hard-working people govern the people, don't you understand, this is what the sage said personally."

"You have always been a mouthful."


A few days later, the moon landed.

The woman in white and the black figure meet in a circular valley.

"He really gave in and agreed to the separation of gods and men. God's rules on humans only required the necessary survival power," the woman in white shook her head. "I thought he had any way to make the gods and Buddhas change this idea. "

"He is a smart guy ~ ~ I like these pretentious justice, there are smart enough guys, as long as they hint, they will make concessions. Because they are too scrupulous." Black silhouettes are all expected Tone of voice.

"Well, although the means are inferior, at least the task of the devil is completed, and the next stage of the task can be carried out. Where do you think these mortals should be placed?" The woman in white said lightly.

"Placed within the sight of the gods and demon. They are the place where the primordial earth is, they can't stay. Didn't you say that they are preparing to emigrate from outside the world? Then push the boat along the water, help them, or show compassion. Hahaha. "The black figure suddenly laughed.

The woman in white didn't laugh, just shook her head. Do these ignorant mortals fight against the devil? How could it be that if they were still useful, if no better pieces were found in this universe, they would have the same ending as in their fantasy novels.

"Boom" a moment to become a firework in the dark universe.

They are more fortunate, and there is a guy with strength at this stage to help them ask for some conditions, so as not to become a real lamb.

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