Seized by the System

Chapter 805: Nightmare

A flat field, a small river flowing from south to north.

On the east side of the river embankment lies a small village.

The village is very dilapidated, and most of the adobe houses are the old-style houses that are piled with yellow mud, dried into walls, and then built with wooden beams.

A group of children were running down the river embankment, yelling through the village, and behind them came the cries of the elderly.

Among them was a child who followed in the middle, looking pretty and running happily with the children.

I don't know how long it has been in the past, and the village entrance is suddenly noisy, and a group of people are making trouble.

"If we don't move, we just don't move. Why should we collapse our village?" A group of strong men raised a shovel, held a wooden stick, and shouted around them.

"What's the matter?" The children naturally don't know the importance, they only know that there is excitement to watch, and they go round one by one.

Soon a leading elder child understood some things and turned back to talk to those children:

"Coal must be dug from the mine and our village should be dug up."

"We will have no land to plant in the future, no house to live in ..."

"What can I do?"

"Are we going to be homeless like Ningzi in the future?"


"Ah ..." Fang Ning woke up from his sleep, sitting on the Simmons bed in the lounge, his eyes dull, like a fool.

"Uh, rich man, what are you doing?" Uncle said with concern.

Fang Ning's eyes did not move, and he slowly said: "I had a nightmare."

"Oh, it turns out that it's no wonder that your thoughts were chaotic and illogical just now, so you are dreaming." The uncle assured.

"Lying trough, I sleep, you still have to peep at me?" Fang Ning was very speechless.

"That's of course, don't you know that there are many monsters and monsters that are the best at dreaming? For example, the nightmare that was destroyed a long time ago." The uncle straightened.

Fang Ning had nothing to say, at this point his heart was empty.

He hasn't had a dream in a long time since practicing.

"Are you really going home?" He muttered to himself.

It is still thirty years before the signing of the God-Man contract.

When he was awake, he was not so affected that he wanted to sleep lazily.

However, after falling into a dream, he realized that, deep in his own heart, he actually did not want to accept this reality.

"What are you talking about? We don't have to move, the Luna is still quite interesting and made concessions, otherwise I will never let her go." Grandpa groaned angrily.

"Oh, that is also true. But if there are only a few cultivators left on this planet, can it be considered a home?"

Fang Ning recalled the scene of his dream. The empty dilapidated house, he would rather go to the streets and hang out with the children than to stay at home.

"You are in a low mood. It's really rare. What did you dream of?" Uncle was very curious.

"Nothing, I decided to work hard. For another thirty years, it's a big deal, maybe we will lose!" He gritted his teeth.

System prompt: (The system starts to check the spirit of the host.

The system finds that the host is in a period of excitement.

The host mental state is normal. )

Fang Ning suddenly said nothing, "You really don't worry."

"Nonsense, before it was just demons and ghosts, and now even the gods are starting to end in person. Of course, I have to pay attention to them from time to time so as not to start with you. Then I am not finished?"

Fang Ning has no rebuttal and can only bow his head to admit his fate: "Uncle Xie cares."

Then he got up and ran to the Internet cafe.

"Damn, you're really handsome for only three seconds, this is just swearing, and ran to play again?" Uncle exclaimed angrily.

"You are less innocent and innocent, my computer has not been turned on." Fang Ning retorted while turning on the computer.

It only took 5 seconds, and the computer was turned on. This is the benefit of the top-level configuration. In fact, it can be done in seconds. Who makes Fang Ning too lazy to clean up the program ...

After booting, Fang Ning did not open the game catalog, not even the novel catalog, but opened the "work" disk.

A series of documents, dazzling.

"Shenyuan's three-year summary report-Zheng Dao."

"Summary on the progress of medicinal planting in the City of Righteousness-Tom Tiger."

"Suggestion for the next phase of the key development project-Dragon Carp."

"Research and analysis on several key nodes of recursive growth-Xue Ba."

"Recently a large number of deficit solutions in the industry-Zheng Dao."

One by one "unread" marks, bright red dazzling.

"Uh, look at you, what are you lazy to do? These are documents from last year, you haven't read them yet." The uncle resented.

"Oh, it was last year, but just a few days later, you are less exaggerating." Fang Ningqiang argued.

Then he began to read the documents carefully.

Time passed without realizing it.

He stretched his waist, said nothing, and continued to read many documents.

It is not difficult to sort out the context and grasp the key with his current brain power and the world experience.

After all, he is not a fledgling young man. He has many years of work experience, and he runs around with his uncle. He has a lot of knowledge, and after training, he has greatly increased his brain power. Processing these documents is still a matter of course.

After all, it is not a technical problem, but some choices and judgments.

These choices cannot be left to outsiders to make, and it is impossible to hire a military division to assist.

Because the ultimate goal of choice is to increase the power of the system, not others.

And the system is impossible to be known by outsiders.

Fang Ning made instructions one by one, bringing all the opinions together.

He knew very well that the focus of everything was to speed up the cultivation of medicinal materials, refine the medicine, and finally cultivate more powerful evil spirits to bring more experience to the uncle.

He knows the true meaning of krypton online games very well, he understands the truth.

"Don't ask me how to use the gods and horses. If you can't beat them, you will be charged."

The ultimate goal of all work is to charge the uncle of the system.

"Hey, you really make me look at each other. Do you really understand?" Uncle can't channel, like the sun coming out from the west ~ ~ I don't want to talk, only action can prove everything. Silence is the greatest power. Fang Ning said lightly.

"Oh, you are still pretending." Uncle thoughtfully.

"..." Fang Ning was too lazy to justify, but continued to review the documents and sort out his strength.

Some time ago, he proposed a recursive growth plan, which has now been implemented.

Just as Zheng Dao said earlier, it brought a huge deficit problem.

Although he said that it is necessary to maintain a balance between reinvestment and sales, maintaining balance is not an easy task, otherwise, there will not be so many financial bankruptcies.

Now he has to find a way to solve this problem.

Introducing cheap labor is inevitable.

"Now it seems that the best way is to turn to the guy in the black robe." Fang Ning gave instructions in the document.

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