Seized by the System

Chapter 830: Take the path of others

In the distance, the **** of single cells, no, the future ancestor of life, is proudly looking at the helpless and painful people in front of the gate of Tianqing Mountain.

They walked back and forth, some kneeling on the ground and praying to the gods, but all this did not make any use of eggs.

Because it is God who brings them disaster.

The heavenly path that can punish God is self-sufficient.

Want to receive God's mercy and forgiveness unless offering sacrifices.

And this sacrifice, they can never take it out.

So they can only have despair, helplessness and pain.

When he was called "the **** of plague" before, the happiest time in God's life was to watch mortals despair and despair in the diseases spread by him, but they were helpless.

He is such a **** of evil, and has the highest happiness in the suffering of others.

Relatively speaking, good God is to double happiness in the happiness of others.

The lives of the gods are long. As long as they do not pose a threat to the saints, there will be no catastrophe.

In the saint's calculation, life is boring and lacks change.

Therefore, obtaining happiness from mortals becomes the best way for them to pass the time.

Because of the existence of saints, promotion to gods, and achievements, everything is fixed and hard work does not make much sense. On the contrary, it may lead to new disasters.

The sage would n’t want to see too ambitious gods, all of which fell. On the contrary, gods who are greedy for enjoyment and who do not progress for a long time will live longer until the limit set by the saint comes.

The moon **** still has some pity, especially those who are in pain and despair, are all the same **** with her.

This is precisely the reason why the **** of disgust previously cast a spell to avoid women, he did not want to inadvertently evil his potential allies.

This is the wisdom of God. Any small detail will be taken care of, unless it is He who does not want to take care of it, or is blinded by fate or saints.

She said lightly: "The fire is almost the same. On this earth, there are no people who can fight this epidemic, and they can proclaim oracles to them."

"Hopefully these mortals can understand Shenwei." The black figure nodded.


Tianqingshan Mountain Gate.

Qi Hui looked at everything helplessly. The knight came and went away. This is understandable. Instead of having a relationship with himself, others have hatred.

Now being reminded by the old Baicao, of course, stay away from this vortex.

Just then, a white mist appeared.

A white figure with unclear face appeared in the fog.

"You have violated the dignity of the gods. Only by giving the land can you calm the gods' anger."

After talking, the figure disappeared.

"Damn, a group of foreign gods who want to spread wild on our Tianqing Mountain?" A fierce female apprentice scolded fiercely at the moment.

However, not long after she finished speaking, she suddenly fell to the ground without moving, and the symptoms were exactly the same as those of the brothers and sisters lying on the bed!

Everyone looked at each other, and then they understood the means of the gods!

Gu Weiwei frowned, he already understood the meaning of these gods.

If the most powerful Tianqing Mountain is to bow its head, then the might of these foreign gods is truly established on the earth.

Ordinary people, ordinary practitioners, can never have the mind to rebel.

The oracle also has majesty.

The old man of Baicao said just now that one of the targets of the epidemic also includes Chivalrica.

He very much agrees, because Xia Ke A is a variable that Shenwei cannot cover.

With the existence of this person, mortals and cultivators will not truly submit to the authority of foreign gods.

Therefore, they will try their best to attack each other, and they will use every opportunity.

And this time the chance is to kill three birds with one arrow.

To force Tianqing Mountain to intimidate mortals, but also to eradicate all the threats.

It's just that they feared the strength of Chivalrous Armor and didn't dare to confront each other. They could only use this roundabout attack.

If you are infected with the epidemic, you cannot directly blame the plague god, because the epidemic does not directly target the knightly armor.

It's just that one thing they counted wrong is Chivalry A, a guy who loves to do business.

He said to the sister-in-law at the moment: "Sister-in-law, the only way now is to close the mountain gate, and then use some precious immortals, to maintain life for the brothers and masters and uncles, waiting for the ancestors to get out."

"How to deal with this oracle?" Qi Hui some of the six gods have no way.

"The oracles of foreign gods, if we want to get our recognition, they have to go through a level first." Gu Buwei said lightly.

Qi Hui thoughtfully, then nodded, commanding the remaining disciples and transporting the people back.

A trip back and forth, seemingly tossing.

However, she knew in her heart that it was not a toss.

Previously, they faced the god, now it is the person who faced the **** again.

Because he was subjected to incidental calculations by the gods.

Based on that person's temper, it doesn't count him. If he does evil things, he will take care of it, not to mention doing evil against him. It's a deadly act.


System space.

After appeasing Qi Yan, Fang Ning returned to the system internet cafe.

"No, you have to give this plague **** a hard lesson, let him understand that even God, in this world and the universe, can't break through the bottom line, being a **** of evil is not allowed to exist!" .

The other party has been yelling at him twice. Obviously this guy is the kind of **** who takes pleasure in things.

There are many such gods in mythology, and it is not uncommon.

There are countless evil gods that endanger mortals by initiating disasters, thereby allowing mortals to pay tribute and enjoy themselves from the suffering of mortals.

"But he's just a phantom phantom. I didn't have any experience playing it. What do you want to do?" Uncle said helplessly.

"Huh, doesn't he want to be enlightened in this world? Almighty bacteria, I already understand the basis of his enlightenment. Today I want to make these gods understand that I have offended our earth dragon and want to be enlightened. Thing! "Fang Ning said coldly.

"His ..." Uncle amazed, "You rich, you still have such a determination and ability? I have never seen it. This system admires, at least I can't do it."

"Hum," Fang Ning said, very dark, "This is the difference between a wise man and a fool. You only know how to brush, but I know how to do it to really avenge a person."

"So what do you say?"

"It's very simple ~ ~ Have you ever heard a word? Take the path of others and let others have no way to go."

"Uh, I see, the rich man is clever ..." The uncle said this heartily.

"Specifically how to do it, let ’s go to the Bodhisattva and the River God first, and ask them how they are going to promote God. Then, do n’t you have 13 threads? Take one thread and give me the game book baby. Before me Did n’t you say you want to build a God Array Computer? After you succeed, you can use this magic weapon to deduce the way of the **** of plague ... ”Fang Ning said coldly.

"It really is the most poisonous host's heart. In this way, it is more uncomfortable to kill him than killing him. He will not be a **** in the future, just a stronger cultivator." The uncle seriously said.

"You actually cursed me secretly, I just understand the truth, these ways of destruction cannot be controlled by the wicked, and should be controlled by us. Because you are a hero system, it is absolutely impossible to do evil. Give it to anyone, Both of them may change their minds, and the heart is the easiest to change. "Fang Ning said lightly.

"I like your decision. In this way, those bad guys have no day to start, and can only serve as the big fat meat I brushed." The uncle excited.

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