Seized by the System

Chapter 848: Lead the way

In the endless desert, dunes line up one after another, gravel can be seen everywhere, and from time to time there are some circular craters.

A lizard-shaped creature appeared in the desert, looking for something along the traces.

If it is on the earth, this scene is very common. In the desert, it is one of the habitats of lizards.

But this is Mars ... there are no natural creatures on Mars, at least no such lizard.

It is a pity that as Fang Ning said, Mars consciousness has just been born, and it is still a doll, which has not been absorbed into these common senses.

"These guys are hiding very deep and hard to find. Unfortunately, I can't display the scene on Mars on the system map. Otherwise, it will be much more convenient. Now I don't know when to find it. The efficiency is too low." The uncle is very depressed .

"Then you will send more people, uh, no. With more people, it is easy to be noticed by the Martian consciousness, but it was finally caught by Lei Tian's hatred." Fang Ning was also a little bit clawed.

"Thunder sky is strong, but at most it can drag it for three days. After three days, it is estimated that my robot is about to fall apart ..." The uncle said sorrowfully. "The time is urgent. Detective, please come up with a solution."

Fang Ning had a big head, thinking for a while, and suddenly the spirit moved: "With it, I don't believe in the iron demon of the Moon Demon family. Do you remember that you have encountered a devil who is determined to execute justice?"

"Remember, that guy did 10,000 good things, but I haven't heard from him for a long time. I guess it's where the pit is. Why do you ask this? Is he here on Mars?" Uncle suddenly excited.

Fang Ning was suddenly speechless: "I just made an analogy, which means that there are all kinds of wonderful flowers in the Devil's Path, and the Moon Devil must not be able to escape this limitation, because one of the essence of the Demon is to do whatever you want, and it will naturally occur. All kinds of wonderful flowers. The strange flower we need now is a moon demon who leads the way ... "

"Uh, I understand what you mean, you just want to find a Martian spy ..." The uncle suddenly realized.

"Yes, there must be such a guy. As long as it is a formed social community, there must be bullying and insults. Even a biological society like orangutans, ants, and bees exists. We only need to find a similar You can find Moon Devil's Lair. "Fang Ning said very self-consciously.

The uncle immediately exclaimed: "The rich, you still have two lives. I can't think of this method. Alas, you humans are really good at such conspiracy calculations. My simple and honest system will never learn your routines because you It is endless innovation. "

"Ha ha ha ha, congratulations, you once again understand the fundamental gap between us." Fang Ning was very proud.

"However, the key is, where is the first lead demon to find?" The uncle threw out a difficult question.

Fang Ning got stuck, and then his brain opened, suggesting: "It's very simple. You write a few big characters in these deserts. I think there will be a wonderful moon demon coming out to be sincere."

"What word?"

"Prosperity, democracy, civilization ..."

"Uh, I see, your idea is really good, the Martian consciousness certainly doesn't know what this is, but those moon demons are sure to yearn for this ... The rich, you have so many bad waters, just like the torrential waters, continuous Endlessly, like the flooding of the Yellow River, it can't be cleaned up at once. "Uncle admired heartily.

"Ha ha ha ha, don't you have to do it right away?" Fang Ning was smug and smirked.

The mini green dragon soon began to draw these words on the boundless desert.

It was written in sixteen languages, lest these moon demons could not recognize it.


Facts have proved that Fang Ning's idea is really effective.

A day later, there were two smaller brown stone monsters, crawling out from under the desert in a cowering manner.

They are only more than 1 meter tall, and they seem to be stunted stone monsters. It seems that they belong to the slave class in the Moon Devil family.

You know that the leader of the white stone monster is a few hundred meters high, and most of his body is buried in the desert, and his head is more than ten meters.

They looked around at the fonts and looked at each other as if they were looking for something.

"Are you looking for me?" A lizard suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Uh, don't you, you are Lord Qinglong?" The slightly larger brown stone monster asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Well, it's me. I'm the embodiment of justice and freedom, a symbol of justice and justice, the oriental lighthouse on the earth, the dragon in the universe ..." The uncle said self-confidently.

Fang Ning shrank in the lounge and could no longer listen.

"Sir Dragon, you are finally here. Please help us. We want to go back to the earth. We don't want to be the devil of the moon worship!" Two brown stone monsters were very excited and heard the same thing.

"Calm and calm, your current problems, slowly talk to me."

After more than ten minutes, Fang Ning probably understood the thoughts of the two leading demons.

Very normal and normal.

Because they were born with poor qualifications, they were identified as ranks of waste materials, and they have no potential for evolution. Therefore, they can only do the hardest and most tiring work, but they are assigned the least mysterious power, just barely able to survive.

They can be sure that if they cannot live for three years, they will be exhausted to death.

This is exactly the cruelty of the devil, and among the moon demons, there is no particular mercy.

If it is among human beings, there is still room for waste wood to survive. Although some people may ridicule, you will never be eliminated.

In the magic road, the end of the waste is to become a slave, and then become the nutrients of the strong.

The two moon demons were originally confessed to their fate. Later, the news of the annual meeting spread out to let them know that those tall people still have fear.

And this existence is the turning point of their destiny.

It's just that they didn't expect that the turnaround was a bit too fast.

However, regardless of whether they are traps or not, when they found someone writing in the desert, they decided to take a look.

Because they understand that they are not eligible to be prey.

The waste in the magic road is so sad.

"Very good, you help me find the core lair of the Moon Demon, I will change your destiny, take you back to the earth, find you a piece of land to live in, if the outside world does not accept you, you can also enter the mysterious cave of the sky to survive , There, you do n’t have to worry about lack of vitality. ”Xia Kejia promised directly.

The two brown stone monsters were overjoyed. Such treatment was too generous, and the only thing paid was to be a guide.

As slave labor, they naturally went to the core lair. In fact, every month demon is born in that nest, and then according to different qualifications, arrange different positions and do different jobs.

"Okay, Master Dragon, we will take you right away. Please follow us."

As they spoke, they dived into the sand.

And that lizard will also enter ~ ~ the rich, do you say this is a trap? "The uncle is about to come, suddenly suddenly worried.

"No, their ancestors were all killed by you. Now they can only fight against us with Martian consciousness. What other traps can they set up? If you want to be a trap, you must first have the power to limit us, but This place, so barren, is completely desert. It will not be easy for them to survive. Where else can we pit us? "Fang Ning was very confident.

"Intuition tells me that these two demons have not lied. I'm just worried that they will be released deliberately to attract us." The uncle still worried.

"It doesn't matter, don't you be able to transform the four-headed dragon. First, follow one of them, let's not follow it directly, and wait until the intelligence investigation is completed, and then act." Fang Ning fully played the role of a dog-headed military division.

"It's so good, you know me." Uncle is very satisfied.

The two leading demons are walking in front, but they don't know that the other dragon is already behind.


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