Seized by the System

Chapter 860: Eat 2 times

Fang Ning thought for a while, and then went back to the top floor of the villa after his uncle's "losing".

He took out the incense case from the system space, put it on the incense altar, lit three columns of fragrance, and then put on the offerings.

After that broadcast message, there is also a process of sacrifice.

The offering is naturally the dish of colorful light ...

After he put it on, the food was gone in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, it's true!" Fang Ning exclaimed.

"Ling you, you don't want to see who ate it?" Uncle said angrily.

Fang Ning looked down and saw that the big green worm was lying on the plate and was sucking his mouth, as if he had not eaten enough.

"You, you, how can you eat my offerings to the God of Food?" Fang Ning said helplessly, blazing the head of Chong Daqing, "I still need it to get the way to enter the God of Food God's cave. it is good?"

"First of all, there is no second set for free. You can either do it yourself or pay for it." The uncle quickly closed the loophole.

Fang Ning was speechless, and the uncle would really fall into the rock.

When Chong Daqing heard it, his forelimbs were on his hips, and he straightened and said: "Am I going to be the kind of worm that eats people's meals in vain? Can I still be self-reliant now? Entering the God of Eating God Cave method, I know it all. The gods in the upper realm, I know the old man best, and he invited me into his cave to taste the dishes of mortal tribute. Unfortunately, good God is short-lived. early……"

Fang Ning suddenly heard this, suddenly.

"I see. The original meaning of Heavenly Dao is this."

"I don't understand, what kind of operation is this? Cooperating with the two goods heavenly way is just doing an intermediary job. With a little effort, you can receive so many benefits in vain?" Uncle envyed.

"What do you know? This is the benefit of the platform. Heaven is backed by the big platform of the universe, and naturally it can easily charge the fees of the franchisees in the upper realm." Fang Ning understands very well.

"Oh, is that the case?" The uncle said thoughtfully.

At this time, Zha Daqing's eyes lit up and said quickly: "I will tell you after I come back, it seems that someone has sacrificed the old man again."

Then the bug disappeared from the plate.

"It won't forget you if it doesn't eat?" Grandpa said gloating.

Fang Ning immediately disdain: "How is it possible? It is not just to eat our meal this time."

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, Chong Daqing sent a graphic message to WeChat of Xia Kejia, which was the way to enter the God of Eating God Cave.

With this method, Fang Ning seriously suspected that it was Daqing's fake public welfare.

The picture drawn above is a large worm eating a pot of rice, and then opening a door ... The text at the back also specifically states: it is not tasty, and the door is not opened.

"Heaven, only a few years of effort, even the simple Daqing has been polluted by the evil business society of the earth, and he has learned to sell a set of things for two prices!" Fang Ning sighed painfully.

The uncle said with a lingering fear: "Yeah, it seems that I really can't underestimate it in the future. Sure enough, when I have been a boss for a few years, my heart will turn black."

"Ah, what can I do? I didn't expect me to make a fortune, it really wants to eat us twice. Uncle, you have to support it." Fang Ning pleaded.

The uncle immediately refused: "I am self-reliant so that I can fully satisfy myself. I cannot satisfy you without limits. If I do that, I am not helping you, but harming you, just like those bear children have a parent who satisfies them infinitely. same."

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say. He was too lazy to bother with the uncle, entered the alchemy room, began to use entry-level cooking, and began to cook.

Half an hour later, a pot full of sweet potato and corn rice was released hot ...

After putting the rice on the roof, Fang Ning sent text messages to Chong Daqing.

The opponent arrives in seconds and then swallows.

"No, Dalong, how did your meal level suddenly drop so much?" Chong Daqing was very depressed. "Do you think I was pitting you before, so I deliberately pit me now?"

Fang Ning didn't have a good air: "You also know that you were pitting people before, then you should do it once, you should not sell the same thing twice."

"Uh, this is actually not my idea, it's all theirs." Chong Daqing said, "Again, isn't it all anthropological with you?"

"Forget it, hurry to open the door for me, this time I really can't say anything about you, the wisher is hooked." Fang Ning urged.

"Well, although your meal is not up to standard this time, it is better than others'." In the end, Chong Daqing is honest, with a paw and a light door.

Fang Ning looked at it and stepped in.

"Big wealthy, you can still, casually fooling around, so that Chong Daqing does not care about anything." Uncle said quite satisfied.

"That's not fooling, it's all about facts? I don't know who are those who give Chung Daqing a bad idea? Wouldn't it be the ghost guys?" Fang Ning curious.

Uncle carelessly said: "Why don't worry about it, you should get this lineage in your hands first."

One person unified the conversation room, the scenery changed.

The roof of the original villa has become a verdant grassland.

On the grassland, a group of wild boars are running, big and small, with a few dozen heads.

The adult wild boars are all fat and strong. At first glance, the meat is the best.

This should be one of the top ingredients Dongtian provides.

However, Fang Ning subconsciously chose to let them go. After all, people are living well. It is a bit unbearable to kill them and eat them up.

"When you eat, you can't bear it." The uncle despised Fang Ning's hypocrisy.

"Less nonsense, I like that, can you control it?"

Fang Ning continued to look, and saw that there were other food ingredients, mushrooms and wild vegetables on the grassland, a wide variety, and some rare plants that could be used as seasonings, all of which were top quality.

"It's a little troublesome now, it's still you, Grandpa. You can get a vegetarian feast yourself. Anyway, it's a hero, don't make it too **** and affect our identity." Fang Ning ordered.

"It's really trouble ~ ~ what do I want you to do?" Uncle shouted, and then Fang Ning took care of him.

While walking, Chivalrica scraped the ingredients along the road three feet, not even letting the seedlings pass.

"Hi ... You are a bit too much, don't you consider growing in the coming year? This is against the bottom line of recycling," Fang Ning reminded.

"What do you know, from this secret realm, after entering the people, it is in decline. These plants are not plucked now, don't explain the year, you won't see it next month." The uncle straightened.

"Uh, I can't feel this. Is the gap between me and you really so large? Can it never be smoothed out in the future?" Fang Ning was very frustrated.

"You still have a little self-knowledge." The uncle proudly complacent.

Xia Ke Jia walked past the group of wild boars, with a wave of his hand, all boars disappeared ...

Since Fang Ning knew that the secret realm would soon disappear, it would naturally not stop the uncle's practice, after all, it was a pig's life.

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