Seized by the System

Chapter 863: Resurrection

There was a problem-solver who personally solved the problem, and Fang Ning was too lazy to think about it, but watched the uncle search for the nine best food ingredients.

Chong Daqing looked more and more strange, and couldn't help saying: "Da Qinglong, are you cheating?"

"Why did this start?" Chivalrous said lightly, scraping away a scented vegetable bush, and even the roots were not left.

"Otherwise, how do you know these dishes are the best in this secret?" It wondered.

"How do you know that?" Knight Knight asked back.

Chong Daqing crossed his waist and straightened up: "Of course it was because I used to come in to steal food before!"

"..." Chivalrous A walked out for a while before answering, "I still saw such a straightforward thief for the first time."

"Uh, actually that's because I can help the old man identify the growth of the ingredients, and it's not in vain, so he will allow ..." Chong Daqing said in a panic.

"Oh, is that true?" Chivalrous Man leaned over and pulled out a red bush, and then said: "No, it seems that someone is interfering with your father's face, and I am embarrassed to care about you."

"... My old dad has such a big face, he is not a god." Chong Daqing didn't admit it.

"Hey, there seems to be a newcomer over there. I have to check it out and tell them the rules here. Go, go."

All the words were talked to death by the uncle, and Chong Daqing hurried away.

Xia Kejia looked up at the distance and saw the newcomers, one woman and two men, who were the three students Fang Ning had taught for a week.

"Look at you, it really teaches a group of opponents," the uncle said, "If you lose to them, will your teacher be ashamed?"

"So uncle, you still have to do it yourself," Fang Ning said in a guilty manner. "Besides, the unknowing is not guilty, I just taught a little bit of fur."

"I'll pinch my fingers, our opponents are among the three of them. But who has such a great ability, can actually know the opening of this secret area in advance?" Uncle was very surprised.

Fang Ning soothed: "The world is so big, there is nothing strange, we can't know everything. Perhaps there are some talented people who can calculate it in advance. After all, your uncle's guru-level intuition can only sense things that are related to you, things that are not related to you, Can't sense it. "

One person said in unison, and the three people in the distance seemed to say a few words to Chong Daqing, and they began to look down for ingredients.

"Your God of Food inheritance is not smart enough, and let Chong Daqing be the guide. Otherwise, the three newcomers don't know what to search for." Fang Ning saw this scene and added WeChat just now. Chat with the **** of food.

"The first hurdle is the savvy of the test. If they are not savvy enough and do not know how to search for ingredients in advance, then there is no need to participate in the subsequent test." Kuroku replied.

"So it turns out, are all of you powerful tests, one after another?" Fang Ning asked curiously.

"Oh, no, how can I pick the right person?" Black Pot replied.

After thinking for a while, Fang Ning finally couldn't help but ask: "The so-called inheritance is so important? Why do you have to spend so much time?"

It took a while for the black pot to return to the news: "For mortals, the death of human beings is extinguished, and the inheritance is cut off. It does have no effect on the ancestors. But for those of us who master the rules of Shinto, if there is still inheritance, there is still hope for the future. Resurrection. So if the divine personality falls, how to inherit the mastered Shinto laws is the key. "

"It turns out that it's no wonder that the myths in myth attach so much importance to the inheritance of Taoism, and the key is here." Fang Ning suddenly suddenly.

Then he said to the uncle with great admiration: "Uncle, your platform is really good. These news, outside, it is difficult to change. If the other party is not under the fence, it will definitely not be so easily leaked."

"Oh, is that right?" Said the uncle in surprise. "You are a real man, rich man. In this case, you can give me a lot of money. I don't want a lot of money."

"Get off!" Fang Ning said silently. "I'm just being polite. Are you serious?"

Fang Ning was too lazy to ignore the uncle's uncle, and continued to ask: "If a new person has inherited and occupied your god, how can you be reborn?"

"Oh, this question, forgive God can not answer Daoyou." Hei Guo issued a helpless expression on WeChat.

"I'm sorry, I asked a question that I shouldn't ask." Fang Ning suddenly realized that this should involve the secrets between the gods that cannot be communicated to outsiders.

Failure to do so is to seize the parasite, or become a guy like uncle.

"Uh, to put it this way, there is still a lot of risk in getting his inheritance! This guy gave us a strategy, but he didn't feel good about it." The uncle wondered.

Fang Ning was suddenly speechless: "What risk do you have? We only want the baby in it, and we will not be the gods of food in the future. Wouldn't it be nice to sell this position?"

"Hey, you are a rich man. You have more routines." The uncle suddenly became excited.

"What's my routine? That's the guy's original intention! Otherwise, why did he just answer my question, why did he deliberately not finish it, making us hesitate? He must know how powerful you are and don't want you to be this The God of Food is hoping that we send them out. In this case, he will have hope in his future resurrection. "Fang Ning despised.

"..." Uncle listened dizzy, "It's just a few simple words, the two of you actually played so many eyes? Are you fooling me again?"

"This is the fact," Fang Ning spread his hands. "Although you can come up with clever routines occasionally, the wisdom is the same."


Chivalrous A selects the ingredients by himself and does it step by step according to the strategy given by the God of Food. Although the real test has changed, it is probably good.

And at this moment, a quarrel came suddenly from afar.

"This white rabbit is what we first look at, leave the rabbit hurriedly and roll away!" Came a fierce voice.

"It's been a long time since I heard the standard lines of this badass." Fang Ning sighed.

"That's because the guys who dare to say such things in front of me are dead ..." Uncle proudly said.

"Uncle is mighty, do you want to see what happened?" Fang Ning asked.

"Don't go, the strategy has been said long ago. Fighting is prohibited here. After all, this is a test of the God of Food, not a test of the God of Fight."

"You're wrong, the chef who can't fight can't be the **** of food." Fang Ning said inexplicably.

"Unable to understand, I don't have time to manage it, or should you go?" Uncle despised.

"I, I don't want to go, who knows what pit is buried here?" Fang Ning suddenly calmed down.

At this time, the quarrel from ~ became more intense.

"You are too overbearing, obviously we caught it first, how can we leave it to you? Besides, the worm girl said just now, we can't fight here, we are not afraid of you," a delicate female voice explained.

"Humph, you can't fight here, but going out is not always necessary." The overbearing voice continued to threaten.

"Don't be afraid of him, if you can become a **** of food, you still have to be afraid of these two pond-level masters?" A voice encouraged.

"Hahahaha! Just like those of you who can't help the wind, even ordinary people who have no entry level in cultivation, if you can't use force here, I will kill you with one look!" The overbearing voice threatened fiercely.

"Oh, Grandpa, you really don't care? Will this be against your heroes?" Fang Ning reminded.

"Why care? There are so many quarrels in the world, how can I manage to come over one by one, unless someone really grabs it." The uncle cared.

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