Seized by the System

Chapter 865: Calculation

A remote island in the choppy South Pacific.

The island is covered with layers of mist, and the forest buildings below are all hidden. Even if the satellites in the sky pass by, they can't see it. This is very common in the present.

Many uninhabited islands are occupied by monsters in this way.

As long as they do not harm people, it is the Oriental Lighthouse that is being inspected every day.

This island is different. It is not demonized, but occupied by a **** ...

Luna dragged her long dress and appeared in a blue hall.

The hall is large in size, and in the center is the biological brain he has just ingested, surrounded by various instruments and display screens.

The circumference of the biological brain is hundreds of meters, and the radius is more than ten meters. The whole looks larger than an ordinary basketball court.

It wriggled slightly, and its gray texture was like a brain worm in a science fiction movie. It was daunting.

In front of the instrument, there are some young people sitting, but they are not afraid, but they are discussing enthusiastically, typing keyboards frantically, and it seems that they are analyzing this brain.

Seeing the appearance of the "True" goddess, these busy young people couldn't help but put down their work and stood up one after another, staring at each other with staring eyes.

They had long forgotten at this time that one person was beaten up because of this look. That video has also been circulating online.

Their performance is just to prove once again that people never learn from history.

One of them seems to be the person in charge here. He is handsome, well-proportioned, muscular, and completely free from the weakness of laboratory staff.

At the age of thirty-five, it is the best period for young scientists.

"Master Goddess, according to your instructions, we analyzed this biological brain overnight. It turned out to be a god-like creation. It was too delicate. Although the time is a little short, we still have preliminary analysis results. Please look over."

The handsome person in charge is like a male peacock with an open screen. He reaches for a large screen and ca n’t wait to show the results of his efforts to the goddess.

Fire broke out in the eyes of many people behind him, all teeth clenched.

"Lick the dog!" Many people scolded secretly.

Luna smiled slightly, nodded, and then looked at the screen.

This person who had no promise in the future, just like being overpowered at this time, just felt tired after staying up all night for a few days, and all seemed to disappear.

This is the "True Goddess"!

Those vulgar fans on the Internet who have rotten the street and even insulted the title of the goddess can't compare with the other party's skirt at this time!

He quickly explained: "The computational performance of this biological brain is 100 million times that of the most powerful supercomputer currently available, Tianhe 13, and it is unbelievable if it is not seen with his own eyes. And its potential is far more than that, because It does not have many limitations of traditional computers, and may expand to an unimaginable level. "

"It turns out that you have worked hard, continue to study, and strive to understand its principle and construction method. The original God has always been rewarded and punished, and in the future you will never regret the efforts you have made today." Moon God said lightly.

"Don't dare, it's our honor to be able to serve the goddess." The person in charge lowered his head and said very obediently, just like a little dog ...

Luna encouraged a few more words and left.

Everyone looked at the other person's back, and their hearts were swaying.

There is no reward for working for the goddess, they are also willing ...

Probably this is the whole laboratory, the reason for all men ...

"Don't look at it, watch your eyes fall, this is God! Be careful of God's punishment ..." The person in charge shouted a few words to make everyone think back.

Is n’t that the one you see the most?

Everyone was dissatisfied, but nobody said it.

In the laboratory, it is also necessary to discuss seniority. This person in charge is the most senior and genius among them. He has published some papers praised by prestigious scientists.

If the other party hopes to become a famous scientist in the future, most of them are just the level of scientific research migrant workers.

This cannot be smoothed out by hard work, because the other party is harder than you.

Everyone has only 24 hours a day. Unless someone can get the apocalypse, the gap between the two sides will always exist.


Food mystery.

A black shadow searches back and forth in the mysterious realm, and no one can find its existence in the past.

The secret area is not large, only a few thousand square kilometers, but it is just a larger island outside the sea.

This shows that the God of Mana is indeed not high.

Whether it is Fang Ning's righteous city or bloodshed, they are all in the area of ​​100,000 square kilometers, just like the territory of a medium country.

There are not many countries on the earth that can exceed 100,000 square kilometers of land.

But a few thousand square kilometers is enough to build a huge city with a population of tens of millions.

"Strange, after searching for three days, why haven't I found anything yet? The God of Food is just a deity, not even me. It is impossible to have any clever means of concealment. It is okay to conceal these indigenous people. To the deity, he should be Can't hide it. "The black shadow stopped outside Baiyu Square and secretly sat down.

It looks at Baiyu Square, which is the last place to search, but in its judgment, this is also the most unlikely place for the other party to hide. Although this square is where the so-called inheritance ceremony is held.

There are nine cauldrons on the white jade square, each of which glows with blue light, which is like a rare magic weapon.

The pots and pots are distributed in three rows and three columns. There is a distance of about 100 meters between each pair. Some people stand in front of each pot.

Those people are the ones who came to seize the lineage.

Before the nine-pot pot, there was a white jade platform with a treasure chest on it, which was simple but striking.

A worm was lying on the high platform, drooling all over the place, staring at the nine cauldrons closely.

The black figure looks at the whole square. Although it is the most unlikely place here, after excluding other places, this is the only possible place.

Where is it hiding?

High platform, box? Or the pot?

No, the wise man will lose a lot if he thinks a lot.

But I am God.

The black figure put his eyes on those contestants.

Parasitic, pretending to be grandpa, but these fallen gods are good at it.

The black figure thought of this and smiled secretly. God's instinct told him that this time, he did not find the wrong place.

The divine soul of the food **** is hidden in one of them.

And who this person is, can't help him.

He can test it out ~ ~ And at this time, the bug on the high platform has spoken: "Okay, now the first round of tests begins, you make an appetizing soup first, but I ca n’t pass my evaluation criteria It will be eliminated. By the way, you can use the pot here, or you can use your own kitchen utensils. There is no limit. But remind you that these pots are unusual. "

The people in front of the nine cauldrons under the stage heard this and started to do it one after another.

Some people who are active in cultivation are not in a hurry. Instead, they start to study the cauldron in front of them. They all know the truth when sharpening their knives, but there are not many people who can do it.

This year, I am not a cultivator. I don't want to be a good cook. Many high-end ingredients can only be recognized and processed by cultivators.

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