Seized by the System

Chapter 873: Deal

The so-called multiple enemies and many walls, the Plague God naturally understands this truth.

At this time, he did not believe that the knight was simply to insist on the so-called Tao. The other party must have revenge, and simply did not want him to take it.

If it can be calculated in secret, it's a big move, but it's a great move to seize the secret realm.

To integrate this mysterious realm and master the rules of the mysterious realm, it takes a long time and a lot of movement.

He cannot succeed without first expelling the variable Xia Ke A.

The black figure looked coldly at Chivalrous A. At this time, he moved the idea of ​​threatening the opponent with humans.

But he still endured it. After all, it has been used once, and he also has to guard against the behavior of the other party getting angry and breaking the net.

After all, the other party, being a top-notch strongman, is always threatened with the life of a group of ants to not do this, not that one. Maybe it can be done once, and once the number is more, the other party is likely to stop scrupling.

This opportunity for deterrence still has to stay, until the future survival of the ontology is in danger.

This is the instrument of God, not a mortal. If a mortal finds that the opponent's handle is effective, it is often used in the dead, until the fish's dead net is broken, and he is also sent to a dead end.

There are many examples of similar cases in reality. Seizing the opponent's handle and extorting, the extortion was successful once, followed by extortion, and was finally extinguished.

The God of Plague can well estimate the anger threshold of the knight, and temporarily prevent him from bursting out.

The two of them did not speak, but confronted each other by the river. The flowing sound of the river gurgled, but made the atmosphere more dignified.

The field is calm, but the system space is not calm.

Uncle will not miss this opportunity.

"Something interesting happened just now. Let me show you."

The black pot in the alchemy room for refining the elixir, after seeing an image, stopped the alchemy step.

"Tell me about your conditions?"

Before the uncle used the presence of the **** of plague to increase rent, he naturally already knew that this unpleasant guy appeared in his secret hole.

The appearance of the white air just now showed him the hope of a direct resurrection.

As long as Dongtian can be maintained in the new world, as the original owner, He can naturally use this as a sustenance for resurrection.

In order to reduce the variables, He did not tell the truth about the mysterious existence of Bai Qi.

But now, obviously it is impossible to hide.

The bastard, the bastard, not only coveted his soul, but also coveted the forming sky.

It is now because of the intervention of the other party that his lies are directly exposed.

But he was not embarrassed at all, what was this? Between God and God, it is full of fraud and lies.

Whoever is honest is eliminated first.

It is the same even if he is a harmless human being and animal.

At this time, the uncle proudly said: "It is very simple, this seat can help you get back what you should get, but this requires compensation."

"Remuneration? What kind of remuneration do you want?" Black Pot said lightly.

"You have half the output after the hole." The uncle Lion said.

"Deal!" Black Pot agreed immediately.

"..." Uncle was speechless.

"Uncle, you seem to have lowered your bid ..." Fang Ning said, covering his head.

"Damn, I'm still a simple and honest system, I should let him bid first ... shouldn't say it myself." Uncle said very depressed.

"No way, this intention is not a crime of war. After all, the other party is a god, how can there be such a good pit? He is not a heavenly Dad just formed, and people have a **** with millions of years of experience, not so good." Fang Ning appeased.

"Millions of years? I don't think they are smart enough to go to heaven ..." The uncle said sorrowfully. "If I were a system of evil spirits, it would be good to regret it now."

"Uh, this is impossible. After all, I'm a good person. It's impossible to bind the evil spirit system, so you have a problem with this premise." Fang Ning shook his head.

"Good people can also fall ..." Uncle dissatisfied.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't be blind, don't see small profits and forget the meaning, do big things and take care of yourself. It's a blessing to lose money, but you get half of the output anyway, which is not bad, others want this Qualifications intervene. "Fang Ning learned.

The uncle calmed down: "The same is true. Forget it, adults don't care about villains. I don't care about him so much because he is a ghost."

So the uncle said to the black pot: "If that's the case, then it's done, now how do you master this secret realm?"

The black pot vibrated, and he knew the power of this mysterious existence very well. Although the opponent was a little bit different, the power was unquestionable.

With the help of the other party, the original chance of winning 30% can now be raised to 90%.

"It's very simple. Let's wait and see the changes. When Dongtian is completely stabilized, you protect my soul and go out, I will naturally be able to control this cave. But in the process of controlling, you must ensure that my soul is not let by outsiders Interference. "Black Pot slowly said.

"It's simple. But you lied a moment ago. How do you believe that you will be paid on schedule after you succeed?" Uncle said uncomfortably.

Apart from the host, it does not believe in anyone. Of course, the degree of confidence in the host is now often discounted, because the host always routines it ...

"Then I can make an oath?" Black Pot sighed, it was easy to lie, it was difficult to rebuild after this trust was broken.

This is cause and effect. Originally this mysterious existence can still be friends, but now it can only become a friendship.

"No, your gods have too many ways to circumvent the oath. There is a way here. You only have to wear this gold hoop willingly, and this seat promises you." The uncle said, leaving a circle of gold shaking Black pot front.

"..." Black Pot hesitated for a while.

When he wears it, he will be controlled by others. He knows this very well.

However, if you don't wear it, it is difficult to believe in this mysterious existence.

With his only remaining power, he wants to retrieve the secret realm independently, UU reading www. The probability of is too low.

There is also a disgusting tiger, who has clearly expressed his position to seize his own glory.

When he lied before, he had a purpose, it was to use this mysterious existence of ignorance, at a very small cost to let the other party get chestnuts for himself.

Now that this goal can no longer be achieved, it only has to pay a real price ...

I believe there is still a way to get rid of a golden hoop in the future.

Sure enough, stupid people have stupid blessings, and this sentence is sometimes true. It is possible to make a profit today if the stupid **** encounters this mysterious existence.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and put the gold hoop directly on the pot handle ...

"Well, that's fine, as soon as the time comes, this seat will get it for you." Uncle Zhen Zhen said with words.

Fang Ning was dumbfounded. No matter how deep the experience of this **** was, and no matter how high his wisdom, he didn't even know what happened to the uncle's golden hoop.

The other party probably thought it was just a kind of prohibition.

In fact, it is "system binding", as long as you are willing to put it on, then don't want to take it down ... unless it is the uncle himself.

There are already several victims.

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