Seized by the System

Chapter 882: Difficult to learn

? In the dark cosmic sky, the three people who determine the future of the earth meet again, and the gear of fate begins to turn ...

Fang Ning looked at the current picture with exclamation, but unfortunately one of the guys didn't have the consciousness to make history.

"Rejection must be refused, but before that, I want to see if he is bragging." After listening to Fang Ning's answer, the uncle decidedly said heartily.

Fang Ning agreed with the moment: "Fortunately, to see how he expelled those two gods, we can also learn one or two, and we can develop more time, anyway, don't want us to pay ..."

"Well, you already know me well, rich man."

"No, no, I don't know you at all. We are different, you have something wrong here ..." Fang Ning pointed to his head.

"..." Uncle had nothing to say.

So the knightly knight said lightly: "This seat is impossible to get into the devil, you still die of this heart completely. But the two gods did engage in wind and rain on the earth, hindering the life of all people, this seat has never shot, you If you can really expel them, you can certainly accumulate more virtue for yourself ... "

Gu is not speechless, the hero is still very good at speaking, this sounds no problem, but that is for mortals; for this high demon, let the other party accumulate virtue, it is equal to Say the other party will die ...

And these people in cultivation are most taboo on death. After all, the fundamental purpose of their cultivation is to avoid the arrival of death.

Fortunately, Mo Sheng didn't seem to care, he just smiled slightly: "Then go, you will see it soon."

At this time, Gu Bu did not take the opportunity to say: "The two great respected juniors, if they have something to do with their juniors, they are out of company."

The knight nodded, but Mo Sheng showed him a meaningful smile.

Gu Bu didn't stun his face, and said in his heart, did the master let him do what he did?

This is not necessarily impossible. After all, the other party is called the Wisdom Demon Lord, and the gods are already super-smart men, and he is also a wise man among the gods and demons.

This kind of wisdom does not mean how good the conspiracy is and how powerful the intrigue is, but it is far-sighted. Others can see one step, and the other can see one hundred steps. The so-called chess is high and the hands are tied, not to mention that the opponent is a thousand high?

Gu Buwei would have truly admired if he knew what the demon had just done. This is true wisdom. In contrast, those battle calculations on the earth are really weak.

Fortunately, at this time, the other party only smiled, and did not expose him, let alone stop him, which made him feel a little lucky, and after leaving his hand, he left.

Chivalrous A seemed to be unaware, and after seeing the other person leave safely, he followed a seemingly profound mental difficulty.


The two came back to earth very quickly.

Seeing the blue sky and white clouds coming, Zhi Nan seemed very touched.

"Yuyou Baiyun is here, it seems to welcome the old friend ..."

This guy actually sang two poems.

"Uh, rich man, do people still write poetry?" Uncle exclaimed.

Fang Ning said silently: "What's the matter? Although I don't know it, I know that his poems are just plain, they don't match, they don't work in battle, they just respond to their moods, and the earth is not his hometown. This guy looks The wandering universe has been wandering for a long time, and I know that there is no vitality in other places, but I have some feelings for the earth. "

"Uh, is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Uncle said depressed.

"There are good and bad. The advantage is that he probably won't be a destroyer of the earth; the disadvantage is that he probably wants to dominate the earth." Fang Ning shook his head and sighed.

"Uh, I don't even have this thought, how dare he?" The uncle was indignant.

"People are better than us now, don't you feel it? There seems to be a silver light on him ..." Fang Ning said inexplicably.

"What silver light, isn't it all right? My kryptonian dog can't see it, can you see it?" Uncle didn't believe it at all.

"Look at you, do you not see something that doesn't exist? You can only say that you don't know, but you can't deny its existence. The silver light I said is a feeling that there seems to be something covering him, Just like when I merged with the two monuments of Heaven and Earth, I could feel a beam of Heavenly Dao, protecting me ... "Fang Ning deeply touched.

"Uh, aren't you fooling me?" Uncle said depressed.

"Really, you haven't merged with the two monuments of heaven and earth, don't know that this feeling is normal. I tell you, you can understand this silver light as mythical luck. Now the demon sage, luck is very strong, Even stronger than the earth's heavenly path, this is how I feel. "Fang Ning said very mysteriously.

The uncle heard it even more ignorantly. Although it was a martial arts system, he still could not understand these mysterious things.

After all, it's very simple ...

"That is to say, we can't offend him in the future? If the devil does evil things, what should he do, can't he retreat?" Uncle said dissatisfiedly.

Fang Ning suddenly felt tricky. This is the fact. How can there be so much justice in reality?

Many extremely evil guys, who have received certain strong shelters due to certain values, still live a long life. The kind-hearted people, even those who hate their teeth, do nothing to prevent them from having children and longevity.

This is the most valuable part of the existence of the uncle. It is the first existence in human history that can ignore various shallow or clear rules. It is the simplest and most difficult thing to punish evil.

Of course, it does not basically do rewards. After all, it costs money, and it does not cost a small amount of money. Just see how much the charity fund spends each year ...

Fang Ning had no choice but to appease: "So we have to understand his reliance this time, the so-called long-term skills to control foreigners."

"Understood, I urge him." Uncle said suddenly.

Chivalrous A said lightly: "It's difficult, you have written a poem, it's time to expel the evil god."

"Oh, this is easy." Zhi Nan is at high altitude, his eyes looking at a place, which is the west side of the Pacific Ocean.

In a few moments, he said lightly: "Well, in two days, they will have to leave without going."

The knight looked at him expressionlessly, as if to say, are you fooling me?

"Uh, tycoon, have you learned any tricks?" The uncle said, brokenly.

"How about you?" Fang Ning said silently.

"I don't see it, it's hard to learn skills!" Uncle said depressed.

"I'm the same ~ ~ Fang Ning said with a headache.

"You waste, what do I want you to do? Just kill it!" Uncle said angrily.

"... Are you arrogant? The foreign enemies are not annihilated, do you think of internal strife?" Fang Ning confronted each other.

"Ah, is this guy's ability beyond our cognitive scope? No, I clearly see that he has neither used any magic weapon, nor used any magic skills, so that the two Did the dog skin plaster be removed? "Said the uncle.

"You ask me, who do I ask? Ask him to go ..." Fang Ning said silently.

"You ask, it was the silver light you felt, but I can't feel it." The uncle straightened.

"Ask, ask ..." Fang Ning couldn't help but quit.

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