Seized by the System

Chapter 896: Change around

? The black robe turned around and looked out the window. That man should come ...

The other party said yes, as long as the master successfully renovated the "Spirit and Spirit", he will come to save the master.

However, the next moment, he found his expectations somewhat redundant.

"Those that shouldn't exist, let it disappear."

With the sound of an unfamiliar sound, the other eight incarnations in the study disappeared!

what? !

Black robe sensed that all this happened, immediately turned his head back, immediately stunned!

How could this be?

If the master shows this kind of skill early, why bother to pay the price to seek knights?

Black robe just had this idea, and immediately yelled at his stupidity. If he had n’t begged the knight, he would n’t be able to change into a good mind. What happened now would n’t happen.

Just why is this?

Why can't the master show it before, but now it becomes a body of good intentions, but it can show it instead?

A hundred questions lingered in his mind, but he did not have time to think, but hurried forward.

"Congratulations to the master, he finally got rid of the stubborn disease, and since then he is free and can concentrate on the road."

The white-faced handsome monk smiled slightly: "Everyone is equal, and the donor should not call me the master, just follow the same theory."

"Uh ..." Three question marks appeared on the head of the black robe, and he finally couldn't help but ask, "Master, are you no longer the same as you?"

"Oh, everything in the past is cloud smoke. Poor monks are not mentally difficult, but intellectually difficult are monks."

"..." The black robe only felt that there were more question marks on his head.

He didn't dare to offend the other party, so he had to pay respect and pray a few words and turned to leave.

He's going to find the Chivalry A to settle accounts!

The other party only said that the master had repaired the "Spiritual Spirit Qi Qi Jue" and would come to the rescue, but did not say that the master had repaired this set of exercises, and he was no longer the master!

"Alas, cause and effect entanglement, retribution cycle, when will there be real peace in the world?" The young monk looked at the back of the black robe and shook his head and sighed.

Hearing the words behind him, the black robe was even more angry, and a decisive demon king who killed decisively suddenly turned into a Tang monk. What is the point of his loyalty?


Chivalry A Farm Villa.

On the farm, birds and flowers are scented and green everywhere.

Uncle is very proud.

"Unexpectedly, that subspace is really different from the mysterious realm of caves and heavens left by the upper realm. It is equivalent to an independent heaven and earth! There is the sun, the moon, the earth, and the stars. It is really amazing!"

"Yeah, like a mirrored little universe, or parallel space, but I always feel a little unreal." Fang Ning wondered.

"What's true and false? As long as it can grow land, produce food, and take out the food to eat, that's true. What do you think about doing so much? Is your brain broken after reading?" Uncle despised.

Fang Ning is too lazy to talk to these two goods, he is still thinking about the subspace before.

It's really a magical place. The sun, moon, and earth are all available, but there is always a feeling of not real.

What is the reason, he still needs to take time to study.

"Xia Kejia, you come out to me!"

Outside the villa, there was a roar.

"Oops, uncle, you must have a problem with the cheats you sold. This buyer comes home to return the goods! We can't keep the black ball ..." Fang Ning said nervously.

"Impossible, it is produced by the system, it must be a fine product. Besides, I still did the experiment. The stupid Nanfeng can learn under my guidance, and the mentally difficult can certainly learn." Uncle did not believe at all.

"Then you rush out to receive." Fang Ning shrinks into the system space, he does not want to face the angry buyers.

After all, it is unreasonable, if this black robe does not have a handle in hand, there is no courage to dare to shout at the knight ...

"Go out, go out." Uncle was not guilty.

Not long after, Xia Ke Jia appeared at the gate of the villa.

The black robe was standing outside the door, and was fierce.

"Why yell at this cave house, what kind of system?" He said lightly.

The black robe is at this moment of despair of the demon, losing his followers, and not being a demon servant, undoubtedly denying his entire devil.

So at this time, he didn't care about the prestige of Chivalrous A, and said angrily: "What kind of breaking skills do you have, even turned my original life into a compassionate monk! It's a Tang monk!"

"Oh, that's what it is. Then ..." Chivalrous A paused, and then said, "It's really great!"

"You ..." The black robe nearly vomited blood for three liters. He didn't expect the other party to be so brazen, and there was something wrong with what he sold.

Even if this matter is placed on the devil, the key opponent is a hero who is famous for his faith!

"" God and Devil Righteousness "is to transform the devil into a decent person. Although it becomes a bit too much to become a monk, it also shows that the sins of your family ’s former master are too deep, and the matter must be reversed. This is a matter of course. Why are you so angry? "

"But, my master doesn't even exist anymore. He doesn't even recognize me. This is clearly evil! What is the right way?" Black robe said angrily.

"Oh, that seat asks you, but your master's falling crisis has been lifted?"

"Relieved, the eight incarnations, said by the monk in one sentence ..." Black robe will naturally not tell lies.

"That's right. Although this seat doesn't understand what is happening on your side, the things to be done have been done. Although your master has changed his mind, he survived after all." Xia Kejia said calmly.

"..." The black robe had nothing to say. After the anger, he also felt a little strange.

The previous one hundred questions regained their mind.

Why can't the master use the favor of time and space to disperse those incarnations and become a monk before he can dispel it?

Is this where the wisdom of the master lies.

Even if the other party has long thought, he must turn to the body of good intentions with the help of Xia Kejia to disperse those incarnations?

Just what is the principle?

It seems that only after the master's intellect returns, can there be an answer.

"Then there is a way to change the master back?" Black robe said in a low voice.

"Yes ..." Xia Kejia shook his head ~ ~ I won't tell you, it's good to be a Tang monk. Tang monks are harmless, at least don't worry that he will become a big devil. "

"Damn, are you still a hero?" The black robe deeply felt a malicious presence, and he seemed to have fallen into this guy's trap.

This is equivalent to spending the money to sell the owner, which is a shame.

"For the sake of the world, even if you want to bear this infamy, this seat is as sweet as a horse." Xia Kejia said lightly.

The black robe has nothing to say, the other person's face is thick, he can see clearly today.

Thinking about it, there was no way to find the reason for blaming the other party. He sighed deeply and turned away.

Even if the master becomes a monk, he will change the monk back to the master!

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