Seized by the System

Chapter 902: Talent waste

Fang Ning observes the ecology of these ghost magnets from a system perspective.

It didn't take long for a real event to appear in front of his eyes, exactly the story shown in a picture before River God.

The magnetic community observed by Qinglong now is a community similar to humans. They seem to be dancing and singing. A group of people are crowded together. From time to time, they play some games of same-sex repellence and opposite-sex attraction.

A magnetic man, aimed his head at the **** of another companion, and then attracted it ...

The other is to point the head at a companion's head and hit it at once.

Anyway, these are gaseous planets, and they do n’t have the concept of injury.

However, it didn't take long for a panic and noisy to appear, and the magnetic people at the party fled.

They hid in some gray air masses.

However, this is obviously futile.

A moment later, a giant magnetic figure shaped like an image suddenly appeared at the meeting place.

It looked around, then turned its hands very long, and grabbed a trembling magnetic man from an air mass, and then shoveled it into his mouth.

The other magnets shrunk into a mass, shrinking as much as possible, from a person's size, suddenly turned into an ant.

The magnetic man did not rush to swallow it, but tore it into long strips and slowly ate it.

Every bite is a violent magnetic field fluctuation, it seems that the devoured magnetic man is crying.

Fang Ning couldn't see it anymore and urged the uncle to say: "Similar cannibalism can't be justified, especially among a group of intelligent creatures, you quickly go out and justify that guy."

"OK." The uncle agreed happily.

Then a divine thought fluctuated suddenly in this magnet community.

"Stop it! In the broad daylight, there are even brutal acts of cannibalism! This seat is ordered by heaven to never let this happen!"

The elephant-like magnetic man, with a sudden shock and loose hands, took the opportunity to escape and shrank into a cloud.

Then they saw that an inexplicable thing that had never been seen appeared in front of them, surrounded by air.

This is a creature with a substantial body, and the sound comes from it.

They are strange. This is obviously a different species. How can the other party communicate with them smoothly?

Magnetic people have a long history, and they have millions of years. They also have languages ​​and social communities.

It's just that the upper-level monopoly has been bullying, so that their civilization has been unable to transform, and it has been maintained in the era of human slavery.

The elephant-like person suddenly became angry and angry at the sound that appeared in his mind. He stared fiercely at the inexplicable object in front of him.

The hands of the two magnetic fields came to grab it directly and wanted to tear it in half.

"It's so easy to deal with you!"

Qinglong said coldly, and then put on a black antimagnetic armor ...

However, the giant elephant magnet didn't care, it just started rubbing the big fireball immediately.

A fierce fire suddenly appeared between his hands, and the surrounding air suddenly became extremely dry, as if all of them were burning.

"Uncle, you were beaten ..." Fang Ning said quietly.

"Less nonsense." The uncle was so desperate that he quickly let Qinglong flash away.

The high temperature of the fireball actually exceeded nearly one million degrees. Even if the blue dragon is extremely resistant, it will not be hard to resist and consume too much.

This is the so-called magnetically constrained high temperature ...

No wonder the river **** will mark them with red. It turns out that one of the best ways of attacking these magnetic people is the big fireball.

And it is hundreds of thousands of degrees, millions of degrees of high temperature.

Fortunately, their social system determines that they are not willing to forge ahead. Otherwise, they will really be allowed to explore the human world. With their current form of attack, humans really do n’t have many defenses to resist except running away.

Of course, there is another way, which is to attack against each other, these guys naturally have weaknesses.

Uncle soon found the weaknesses of these magnets.

A big iron ball descended from the sky, and the giant elephant magnet was attracted into it at once, then blocked up, and could not break out.

"Huh, just let you take a good look at yourself." The uncle said that he put it into the dragon mystery.

"Why don't you put it in the system space to see, this peculiar life may live." Fang Ning curious.

"No, it must be dead, and they haven't spawned their spirits, and they will die completely," the uncle refused. "Now it's still very useful and can't be killed directly."

Fang Ning nodded again and again and said quickly: "Then I will interrogate it."

"Do you understand their language?" Uncle despised.

"Isn't this you?" Fang Ning Zhenzhen said.

"Sorry, I don't understand." The uncle refused.

Fang Ning said helplessly: "Forget it, then I will take Anderson over and translate their language."

At this time, those ant magnets shrunk in the clouds, and returned to their full size.

They came out one after another and gathered around Xiaoqinglong, all very curious.

The long magnetic man who had almost been devoured seems to be unable to restore its original shape now. I saw that it ran back again and bowed down in front of Qinglong.

The other Magnets seem to be talking, they don't understand the language, and they don't understand what they are talking about.

Because he could not communicate, Qinglong did not stay too long, and left directly.

However, the long magnetic man, unlike other magnetic people, followed closely behind Qinglong.

Another characteristic of these magnets is that they move extremely fast.

It seems that they can move with the help of the planet's magnetic field, and they have almost no mass in themselves, and the speed is fast. I am afraid they can be described by the tenth of the speed of light.

Qinglong swims no matter how fast, it can keep up with it instantly, only maintaining a few steps away.

When Fang Ning saw this, he was a little puzzled. When the giant elephant magnet came to eat them, they could run to other parts of the planet in an instant. Why is it just hiding in the nearby clouds.

This seems not to hide ~ ~ but to see who is more unlucky and selected by this giant elephant.

But this doubt was quickly solved by Anderson.

Anderson used only half a day to translate the language of these magnets.

Their civilization stage is still in the era of human slavery, so the language is still very simple. The specific expression is that there are few logical words and noun words.

It turned out that it was not that they did not want to escape farther, but that the place where they escaped was no difference. This giant elephant magnet can also find them in an instant, and it has to endure more pain, even involving relatives and friends.

After reading the "Magnet Social Report" summarized by Anderson, Fang Ning sighed: "It is a pity that the powerful race that could have colonized the universe, because of the extremely powerful and conservative individuals, kept them in an infinite loop in a planet Just like the decay of Manchuria in China, it is a waste of incomparable talent. "

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