Seized by the System

Chapter 907: Maka

Fang Ning had just sent away Tianhe Heshen, and Ren Ruofeng came one after another.

"Sister, how are you doing lately?" Ren Ruofeng said nothing.

"Uh, fortunately, without the two obnoxious guys, the world can finally stop for a while." Fang Ningruo said with a finger.

"Oh ..." Ren Ruofeng immediately awakened, thinking of the previous information, the two gods of the upper realm, somehow suddenly disappeared.

Now when I heard it, it turned out that the Venerable was secretly showing divinity and driving them away.

The other party didn't say this, and he didn't know what happened to them.

I did n’t expect His Holiness to be so low-key now ... It ’s a bit uncomfortable.

He quickly praised and said, "Thank you very much, Venerable, and without these two watching, we can finally let go and do something."

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter." Fang Ning wouldn't tell the other person, someone else who shot it, anyway, that guy wouldn't preach everywhere, after all, he was already a monk who did not fight for fame and fortune ...

Ren Ruofeng secretly wrote down, and then directly said: "Oh, I am coming this time, there is one more thing I want to plead with the Venerable."

"But it doesn't matter." Fang Ning has speculated.

"When Senior Tianhe returned, he mentioned that there is a family of Magnets. I think about it, perhaps with their talents, they can solve the energy problems on our planet and allow controlled nuclear fusion to enter the commercial application stage." Ren Ruofenghao Without concealing his thoughts.

"Uh ..." Fang Ning was shocked. Before seeing the inspiration generated by the giant elephant's hand rubbing the big fireball, he regained his mind. He said right now, "It's really the same as the heroes. This seat has been going to them for a week of research , The strongest of them can indeed create extremely high temperature artificially. This idea emerged when I saw them can rub the fireball. The strongest of them is a magnetic emperor who can cover the planet. It is likely that there is the power to create fusion heat. "

"Big rich, you are pretending again, you have never remembered it." Uncle mercilessly penetrated Fang Ning's face. .

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say, he could deny others' words, except that the two goods were constantly scanning his surface thoughts, which he could not hide.

"What do you know, what about the reader, can I pretend? I actually had this idea, but it was hidden in the subconscious, and did not emerge to the surface consciousness ... saying you don't understand, shut up to me quickly." He Brutally suppress the uncle who tells the truth.

"Understood, it seems that you will try to scan your subconscious in the future to see if it is true." Uncle Dao said.

"You come less, don't toss me into schizophrenia," Fang Ning quickly stopped the uncle's spirit of exploration. "I am different from you. You can be divided into 13 threads. I don't have that ability."

Ren Ruofeng heard the words with a happy face, and quickly said: "In this case, we should cooperate with this magnetic emperor. If we imitate one or two from it, we can help the current scientists solve many problems."

"Cooperation is probably impossible. This Magnet society is very dark ..." Fang Ning then said what he saw and heard to Ren Ruofeng.

After Ren Ruofeng listened, he pondered for a long time.

Uncle then took the opportunity to say: "Big rich, you really can't be flexible, can't cooperate, you can bully."

"..." Fang Ning was speechless. "Is this what the hero system can say? This is clearly the way of thinking of the landlord and old fortune."

"Uh, I mean, we will have a big battle with it sooner or later, and it will definitely use the big fireball to record the battle video, and then show it to the scientists, it should also have a copying effect." Uncle quickly explained.

"Eh, maybe this is okay, anyway, we can't beat it, it can't beat us, but we can force it to show all means." Fang Ning first nodded, then shook his head, "but just some pictures, those scientists can see What is coming out? "

"Anyway, there is no better way. Try it first. It's always better than that. Isn't it still a giant elephant magnet? Combining the pictures, let those scientists ask the guy, we don't understand." Uncle Zhenzhen has a word.

Fang Ning had no choice but to tell Ren Ruofeng this idea now.

"That's fine, but I also want to thank Venerable for being so troublesome. I don't know if Venerable can ask for something?" Ren Ruofeng nodded.

"It's okay. Several of the secret areas of this house have always been a problem of energy. If this controlled nuclear fusion is done, then install a few units in this secret area." Fang Ning thought of the year-end report. Several major issues, said smoothly.

"This is natural, as long as the technology is mature, we must first install the trial for His Holiness." Ren Ruofeng immediately patted the road.


Ten days later, the Truth Office headquarters.

A group of scientists of related majors, together with their students, are watching an extremely valuable battle video.

The battle takes place on a gaseous planet.

The opening chapter was the appearance of a giant dragon. Fortunately, this battle did not take place in space, and the sound effect was sufficient.

Among the BGM, Qinglong's loud voice echoed between the gray gaseous planet.

"Magnetic False Emperor, you, as the head of a family, do not want to advance with the people, but instead wantonly bully, feed on the same family, such sins, heaven is unacceptable! This seat will today punish you by name, just to listen ! "

It did n’t take long for the entire planet to have winds and waves, and waves of waves piled up.

"Well, you are the culprit who fooled the untouchables to escape. It is just right. Today I will see how great your loach can be and dare to come here to spread the wild!" There was a cold voice in the air.

Some people whispered secretly when they saw this.

"Does this alien actually speak Chinese?"

"This is not surprising, because Venerable Dragon Dragon should have been in contact with them for some time. It is surprising that their learning ability is indeed very strong. Venerable Dragon Dragon contacted them for at most one month, this so-called magnetic The emperor can master our Chinese language so skillfully. It is important to know that many countries think that Chinese is difficult to learn. The few small countries in history who abandoned our Chinese and switched to alphabetic characters also have considerations in this regard. The knowledgeable professor explained immediately.

Others nodded one after another, all convinced by mouth, the experts were still very powerful, and they said why.

Then the dragon fought a battle that no one could understand.

After a while, there will be huge waves, while there will be flames flying; for a while, the sword will be vertical and horizontal; for another, it will be covered with ice and snow.

"Strange, it seems that Lord Dragon is always on the move, but how did the emperor attack?" Someone couldn't help it.

"Be quiet, now you can't understand it, because the magnetic emperor used a magnetic field to attack, not visible to the naked eye. In fact, it is very dangerous. The powerful weapons of human beings will become scrap iron in front of it in minutes. "A staff member of the Truth Office maintained order.

Soon, I went to a place where these experts and students could understand.

I saw that the green dragon rushed straight down, as if it wanted to rush into the core of the planet to attack the body of the magnetic emperor.

However, at this time, the wind was used, and a completely different flame burst out suddenly!

The entire video was flooded with white light for a while!

"That's the sun's rays!" Someone recognized it immediately.

"I'm afraid that the temperature will be tens of millions of degrees ... No matter how strong the blue dragon is, can the power on the mysterious side resist this high temperature?" Someone worried.

Although they also know that since the video is all here, it must be okay, but at this time, they are completely immersed in the battle, and the subconsciously regards the battle as a real-time scene.

The whole white light has been continuous, and it seems that it has not disappeared.

Three minutes passed, and then everyone saw Qinglong flying out of the planet intact.

"His, really powerful, such a high temperature, can't help Shenlong ..." Many people

Only then did I relax, looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing.

"You, through these valuable video materials, can you see something? Can you understand how the magnetic man condensed the high temperature?" The staff member who asked the truth asked without any loss of time.

Everyone looked at each other.

A very prestigious old scientist shook his head and said: "Hey, with only these pictures, the only thing we can know is that the other party really has the ability to artificially manufacture and control the high temperature for fusion, but the principle is not obvious at all, Unless let the emperor speak for himself. To be honest, these pictures are useless. "

Everyone nodded their heads, and all were sullen.

Are the people above all fools, they can't think of this?

Which is the fool's idea ~ ~ thought that scientists can infer relevant principles by looking at the video. Do they think that scientific research is a Holmes solution?

At this moment, the staff of the Truth Office said: "Since that is the case, then we will carry out the second activity. Although there is no way for the magnetic emperor to speak, his courtiers can still speak to us, Venerable. I have captured the strongest of a magnetic man long ago, and it can tell us the relevant principles. "

The crowd suddenly felt ashamed.

The people above are really not fools, they have taken these things into consideration, and they have been prepared for a long time. In this way, these video materials are very valuable and have irreplaceable value. At least it proves that the magnetic man is indeed capable of manufacturing. The controllable high temperature that humans need.

Really fragrant.

With this mood, everyone went to a secret place under the leadership of this staff member.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: .. m.

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