Seized by the System

Chapter 924: After the dark fog

After listening to the words of Chivalrous A, everyone silently watched the golden gate hanging from the top of the mountain.

Under the dark mist, the so-called ladder was hidden.

But why not show it this time?

This in itself is a signal of danger.

People who can come to Yuelu and participate in the Tianmenmen ceremony are naturally leaders among cultivators. Even if they are not pond-level strongmen, at least they must be bucket bucket bath masters ...

Intuition tells them that it is dangerous behind the door.

Soon, someone whispered.

"It seems that this time is very different from the last time ..."

"Yeah, I always feel like I'm going to hang down when I get into the dark mist."

"It's still a while to wait for a while, anyway, there is a month to climb the ladder."

Obviously, there are no idiots in this position. Under the unknown circumstances, they naturally chose not to make a bird.

Hearing this, the uncle suddenly said to Ning Ning: "Why didn't you just tell us all the information? In this way, it saves them from guessing and wasting time."

"Huh, just to let them waste time, otherwise, our allies and us, how to grow? I tell you, don't hold what the great world, universal value, it is all fooling ghosts!" Fang Ning Seriously taught, "People are all kind of vengeful and indifferent, both ancient and modern. If you treat them well, you will betray you when things are about to happen. Only those friendly soldiers who have passed the approval of our system rules Only with a follower can we truly treat each other. "

"It turns out that it is no wonder that you are always fierce to me. It seems that you only remember my enmity against you, and I don't remember my gratitude to you." The uncle said quietly.

"... You really can associate. We are a symbiotic relationship. We are both glorious and harmless, and I am damaging you. That's because I love you and support you," Fang Ning said forcefully.

"You are fooling me." Uncle did not believe at all.

"Damn, this old system is not as cute as the small one." Fang Ning said angrily.

At this time, they had already received complete information from the Divine State, and immediately began to discuss it in secret.

"The Venerable made it clear that the difficulty of going through the three steps decreased, and it seems that the number of people who can pass this time will greatly increase," Ren Ruofeng first analyzed, "And the fourth step leads to a world of terror, since in the mouth of the Venerable It is described by the word "terror". It is conceivable that the world is definitely a crisis everywhere. I am afraid it is ten times more dangerous than the place where the blood was killed last time. Even if it is next to the Venerable, it is not necessarily Will be safe and sound. "

Everyone was awe-inspiring, but soon calmed down.

Originally joining the Truth Office, it was to be with the dangers. The first time to quell the special events again and again, the death and injury rate was not low. It was only that the Venerable Dragon was born out of the sky, so that these dangers disappeared, and only some strange events caused by weak chickens remained. , But no more casualties.

However, this time, it is clear that the situation is no longer under the control of Shenlong.

Is it just that they have the option to flinch?

Impossible. The Truth Office is a military organization, a formal institution with state endorsement. If you run away, you can be executed on the spot!

If they have far more power than the organization in the future, this constraint will be difficult to maintain. Only now, no one has this ability.

Ren Ruofeng looked around for a week, and then secretly said: "We passed the transaction in three days, and we have a total of 18 places in Tianmen. We originally planned to divide the places according to potential points, contribution points, and strength points. Now it seems Temporary adjustments are required. "

Some people's faces suddenly showed a look of trepidation.

These people are those who work hard, but whether in terms of qualification potential or strength, they can only be ranked in the middle reaches. Now it seems that the chance of going to the sky this time will be lost.

Some people couldn't help saying: "Can't we just climb the ladder and not enter that horror world?"

Although everyone understands the speaker's mood, he still involuntarily casts a scornful look.

"Well, what you said is not equivalent to saying to the organization, can I only enjoy the rights and not assume the obligations?" Xu Rui, this young and highly qualified man, directly sneered.

The man had nothing to say, his face flushed red.

"Okay, I understand your feelings, but your idea is definitely impossible," Ren Ruofeng waved his hand. "The white mist appeared in the last door, and the climb to the ladder failed, and there was no punishment. And this Once it was dark mist, obviously there would be no such good things. And, in my opinion, if you entered the Tianmen and climbed the ladder, but did not successfully enter that horror world, and then get some things back, the lightest and lightest The punishment was also disgusted by Heavenly Dao.

Everyone nodded silently, this is the most reasonable inference.

You must know that Heavenly Path has never been a kind generation. Originally, it had no self-consciousness. When it existed as nature, it never pityed anyone, any creatures, and the fittest to survive, otherwise it would be extinct.

This change obviously decided that the people to be selected must be those with both strengths and qualifications, and not the hard work.

Although some people are very unwilling, they also understand their own weight, and even their colleagues can't win, how can they qualify to climb the ladder of the attention of these peoples?

Climbing to the Tianmen Gate is not about welfare.

"It seems that the 18 places cannot be exhausted. It just happened to change hands temporarily. I believe some people are willing to pay a large price to buy."

Ren Ruofeng was very helpless when it came to this. The original quota was insufficient. Everyone scrambled. Now that the standard has changed, the quota is immediately overwhelmed. The previous price paid is really wasteful.


Demon camp far away.

There are only some monsters left on earth, such as horn horn devil, sheep horn devil, stone devil and so on.

Because of the aura of the Oriental Lighthouse, those who could come to this gate did not have blood on their hands, but they did not think that this was a shame. This is precisely the performance of the demon's adaptability.

Claudia and Yamanashi Sashimi already wanted to give up this opportunity. Yamanashi Shahi is Fang Ning ’s friendly army, and naturally learned the inside story, knowing that the real test is to enter a world of terror and profit from it.

It's just these inside stories, she only told the white woman, the other devil did not know.

The demon heads were staring at them both, eager to try.

A dark monster said: "The two leaders, the demon is not here, you can't back down. We demons have the feeling that these black mists are our home field! It is terrifying to humans, to us. It's like a fish. "

Yamanashi suddenly lost his mind and looked at Claudia, the white woman beside him.

Claudia suddenly hesitated. She used to play the brother's think tank before. She had never made up her mind. Now it is a very important test to ask her to decide whether to advance or retreat.

She also knows that it is not false to get into the water like a fish, but the real enemy of the Mozu is not anyone else, it is precisely the Mozu itself.

If a devil falls in the hands of a fairy Buddha, it may be subdued and subdued, and fall on another devil. The most likely outcome is to be devoured!

She knew very well the nature of these demon heads, and if they got a chance to go in, it would be inevitable to bite herself.

Now the demon is not here, and the black robe is not there. She has no power to suppress these tempting demons.

The two bosses are away ~ ~ They are helpless.

"If my brother is still there, you can try it out. It's just too dangerous for us two," Claudia said secretly to Yamanashi.

"Yes, Sister Claudia, master and uncle black robe became monks, and no one cares about us. Let's watch first. If they insist, then we will ask Master Qinglong to take charge." Yamanashi subconsciously echoed.

After the two discussed, Claudia said lightly: "We will not stand by and wait for others to explore a glance. After all, the demon is not here, and our strength is too weak."

These demon heads have heard that although they are dissatisfied in their hearts, they can only be patient for a while, but they have made good ideas one by one. As soon as they seize the opportunity, they will secretly enter the Tianmen. Others borrowed, but the two leaders did not want to enter, but they wanted to enter.

For these demons, death is never the most terrifying, the most terrifying is the weak ...

... m.

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