Seized by the System

Chapter 932: Death from death

In the dialogue between one person and one man, the sludge monster is enduring countless attacks.

It is not a fool, and there are countless tentacles in the mud, grabbing the strange things near him as a shield to block these attacks.

Everyone had expected that when they were just trapped, they had not tried to attack the most obvious target, but they were all blocked by the other party with endless tricks.

Ren Ruofeng's booby-trapping plan is precisely for this point. It is necessary to have bait to lead away those shield monsters before they can kill the other party.

And now, the vast majority of monsters have been led away by the two **** cows. It lacks enough shields, and no matter how many hands it touches, it is useless.

The attack became more and more violent, and it didn't take long for the shield to be really not enough. The real attack instantly fell on its head and hit those mysterious bricks.

This trick really worked. The monster that was hundreds of meters high suddenly came into a shocking explosion!

I saw countless dirt on my body and sprayed it out. The bricks on the top of the head also flew out with it. Its entire body of sludge dissipated, and only some broken bricks remained on the ground.

"This, this turned out to be a silver wax gun head, so unbearable?" Everyone was very surprised.

They were prepared for dozens of rounds of the war, but they didn't expect to punch in the empty place!

When the sludge monster was scattered and cleaned, everyone sensed its remaining breath a little, only to find out that this fierce and very monster before, even though the real power is not yet at the lake level, here is a strong man, fighting alone Grab it!

Ren Ruofeng's face changed, and suddenly he turned to look at the direction of the two **** cows running and muttered to himself: "Is this the wisdom of God?"

"What do you mean? The wise man of China?" Sina asked quickly.

Ren Ruofeng did not continue to speak, but quickly recovered his calm, and then said: "Pick up those bricks and break through immediately!"

Everyone heard it and had no time to think about why. They just subconsciously obeyed each other's orders. Someone immediately picked up some broken bricks and followed Ren Ruofeng to escape the pond.

Behind them, followed by the remaining strange things.


"Sure enough, the black cat is really insidious ..." Fang Ning finished his observation, and then told the uncle, "Go chase the two stupid cows now."

"Well, understand." Uncle agreed.

Then the mini-green dragon galloped along the road where the smoke was rolling just now.

After more than ten minutes, Fang Ning saw the two **** cows killed on the ground and saw that they were full of monsters.

The monsters also fought fiercely, and did not give in to each other. They all wanted to devour the anger remaining on the two **** cows.

"Little Grey, feel it. Where did the flying power released before the two **** cows died?" Fang Ning ordered.

The little gray ant's tentacles fluttered for a while, and soon pointed to a distance.

Mini green dragon, follow the direction and fly away again.

After flying for more than five hours, Fang Ning was surprised to find that they had returned to the original desert.

Only this time, he saw a humanoid creature lying on the sand dune at a glance.

The tentacles of the little gray ant point to the humanoid.

This is a humanoid creature dressed in sand yellow linen. It lies on the sand dunes, with many broken parts of the body, eyes blind, and a weak breath.

"Could it be said that the whole world is left with only a local native?" Fang Ning immediately guessed.

"Looking at it, it seems that it is not far from where we were fighting before. I didn't feel it. It seems that it is because death is staying on it." Uncle suddenly said.

"You are finally here ..." The dying humanoid suddenly spoke.

"Are you the behindhand of all this?" Fang Ning asked the uncle about Qinglong's body and asked lightly.

"Yes, I am the true **** who rules this world ... death. With the final death, I finally have the power and qualification to break away from this world. Now let's make a deal." It said to Qinglong.

"What is the name of your body?" Fang Ning asked again.

"It's a pointless question. It's called Sha Da. He just killed his last tribe. Unfortunately, it will die soon. This is the ultimate fate of everything. Death accompanies every life." "Sha Da", no , Is "death", said lightly.

"What kind of transaction do you want?" Fang Ning continued.

"I know that you are a knight, the most powerful player in the world outside. I will give you the core rules of this world; and you take me out and guarantee my safety within ten years of that world. Believe I, this transaction is fair enough, no more bargaining. "Bleach said straight.

"All that was just your conspiracy? What's the point? Can you tell me something?" Fang Ning did not directly agree to the deal, but asked instead.

"It's nothing, but I took advantage of their greed. I let a priest from your world attach the material of the altar contaminated with my divinity to a monster, lure them into traps, and then successfully lay off them, so that they can get out of the place. The power of death. I let the last two indigenous people kill each other, so that they are cut off from this world, everything is as simple as that. "Reaper said lightly.

"It's really ingenious calculation, is this the wisdom of God? Simple and impeccable." Fang Ning lamented.

Bleach didn't answer this.

Fang Ning then said: "Have you counted, if I do not agree to this transaction ..."

"It's impossible. If you don't agree, you will be rejected by the heavens of your world. Don't you know that the purpose it sends you is to perfect your own rules, and the law of death is an important fulcrum of the mysterious world. "Death shook his head."

"Okay, I promised this transaction." Fang Ning was helpless. The other party really calculated everything. Fortunately, this transaction did not hurt him.

This is the advantage of having a strategic advantage. Xia Kejia has the strongest strength, which is the overall situation, and will not be sacrificed. The two **** cows will become the victims of the other party's entire plan.

From this point of view, Ren Ruofeng's plan is still successful, and he will also receive the merits of Heavenly Dao. After all, it is his mouth and gun that saves him from daily dreams.

"Very well, you really are a wise man." Death said, and then he was shocked.

Sha Da's eyes lit up for the last time, and then quickly dimmed.

At the same time, a very intense drop of ink emerged from it.

The little gray ant lay prone on the Qinglong body, and suddenly he was salivating, and he was so anxious that he wanted to crawl over and try a bite.

Unfortunately, it can't fly ...

Fang Ning saw it and stretched his claws a little. A tiny trace of the ink droplet separated into the mouth of the little gray ant.

"Take my things generously again ..." said the uncle.

"Less nonsense, rewards for merit, or who will give you help next time?"

Fang Ning then collected the remaining ink drops into the system space.

Just after doing this, I saw the whole world and suddenly violently shaken.

Starting from the endless distance, the sky is darkened piece by piece, as if it has turned into nothingness; the land in the distance has also fallen piece by piece, like falling into an abyss.

"I rely, is this a sign that the server is about to crash?" Fang Ning exclaimed.

"I don't know if I don't crash, I just know that if I don't go, I can't go away ..." Uncle said quietly.

"I also want to go ~ ~ But I don't know how to go?" Fang Ning said helplessly.

"Are you pretending to be stupid, do you need more trouble if you call a green-skinned frog?" Just come in this terrible world that is about to be destroyed? "

"Uh, I didn't expect it." Fang Ning quickly used Shennian to contact the green-skin frog at the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, a black tiger ran in the distance.

"Master, don't leave me alone, I have done meritorious service for the master, and bleed ..." Black Cat Tom shouted loudly.

Fang Ning didn't look at it. As the uncle said, it was already in contact with the green-skin frog.

The next second, a flash of light flashed across the mini green dragon, and then it disappeared.

At the same time, the same symptoms appeared on the black tiger, the little gray ant, and Ren Ruofeng's work ...

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