Seized by the System

Chapter 937: Innocent

At this time, a young staff member immediately asked excitedly: "Sovereign, this justice value can not be seen and can not be touched, how to evaluate it?"

If you change to another strong man, this young man might not dare to ask questions like this. However, the behavior pattern of Venerable Dragon Lord determines that ordinary people do not have to fear him.

The premise is that you are conscientious and have never done anything bad. In fact, this requirement is very low.

Many strong men may have certain hobbies, and one may accidentally provoke the other, such as the son of Ma Guanzhu who was killed because of a glance at the goddess.

Fang Ning heard this and nodded: "Good question, this seat has its own method, I will tell you later."

Everyone heard it and nodded suddenly. Obviously this is highly confidential and not suitable for such a welcome occasion.

Officer Zhang glared at the young staff member, so that the other party suddenly felt uneasy.

Where do they know that Fang Ning came too hastily and forgot to ask about this matter? From this point of view, it can be seen that Fang Ning is still the programmer character who has lost his way ...

At this time, Fang Ning quickly said to the uncle: "Don't pretend to be closed, what is your justice?"

The system prompts: (The system has stopped the retreat.)

"Don't you say you have your own way? Come and ask me?" Uncle stunned.

"Less nonsense, this is for you, do you still want to embarrass me?" Fang Ning despised.

"It's not easy, of course, it's calculated by the system's friendliness," the uncle said straightforwardly. "It just needs to be divided into two parts, the existing friendliness and the already consumed friendliness. I thought you understood, I didn't expect you to actually I ca n’t think of it. It ’s too bad, obviously there is this system. Red stands for the enemy, green stands for the friendly forces, and blue is the follower. The level of green is high and low, but I can judge it accurately. I have told you this long ago. I can tell who it is by the color of the map points. "

When Fang Ning heard this, he suddenly stared at the dog, and it took a long time to say three words: "Shameless ..."

"Thank you for the compliment." The uncle was very frank.

Fang Ning is very speechless, but if you think about it carefully, this is very consistent with the setting of the game system. Isn't this equal to the system of camp reputation for equipment ...

Players are exhausted and brushed for a few days, and finally they can only get two small green outfits from NPCs. I do n’t know what NPCs changed.

System friendliness, that is equivalent to the reputation of other camps that others have swiped here.

No wonder these two goods think they should think of it, they should really think of it, but they are too overestimating the upper limit of the uncle.

After all, he is not as shameless as his uncle, and he has openly used system friendliness to pay for others ...

This is no longer an empty glove white wolf, it is definitely a snatch.

You know that this is different from the game. In reality, there will definitely be a lot of people who do not use the system friendliness ...

This is equivalent to doing white labor for the uncle, and many people are fighting.

He thought about it again and said: "You said it simply, you can't always have to identify it yourself every time?"

"Look at what you said, why would I be so busy with you?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said, "That broken book inherits many of my functions, and it can also accomplish this task. It is working with Huang Gouzi to study the array computer of the Soul Soul, etc. If you succeed, you can connect directly to the Internet here. "

"Uh, you really won't let go of any useful labor force." Fang Ning had to admire, and he didn't even think about it at all.

"Nonsense, that broken book eats me so many system resources and lets it do some work, that is recognition of it." Uncle proudly said.

After Fang Ning asked, he felt confident and said to everyone at the moment: "You just wait for the notice with peace of mind. This system is already in the layout and will be put into use soon."

"Yes, yes, Venerable is really troublesome." Where did everyone dare to urge half a point, after all, this is equivalent to Bai Lao's new resources.

For a time, both parties felt that they were making a lot of money, probably this is the legendary "win-win" ...


Two days later, the earth over the rice, the uncle is patrolling as usual.

I do n’t know if Heavenly Dao has integrated the law of death. Recently, all kinds of strange events caused by death have been reduced a lot.

Those who died will rarely become corpses or skeletons. However, this does not mean that the total number of strange events has declined, it can only be said that they have weakened the upward momentum of these events.

Fang Ning, who had just returned from the Union Island, suddenly received a message from Ren Ruofeng.

"The universal bacteria test is completed. As long as the operation process is followed, the safety redundancy is extremely high. Under many extreme conditions, there is no collapse of the ecosystem. It can now be put into official use."

Fang Ning was overjoyed and said to the uncle busyly: "Well, I can finally get those two guys away. With them on the earth, I always worry about coming out of the basket one day."

"Then you hurry up." Uncle certainly knew who Fang Ning was talking about, that is, the two monks under his feet.

Fang Ning had to pass through his body and flew directly down, not long before coming to the villa of intellectual difficulty.

At this time, the villa and the surrounding lawn were already covered with tents, and many people lived in the tents.

This was unthinkable in the past, the villa has a security team, it is impossible to allow ordinary people to occupy the place here.

But now, it has become a charity relief point.

Seeing this, Fang Ning quietly turned into a mini green dragon and slipped in from the rear window.

He knew that he was going to drive away the hidden danger of intellectual difficulty, but these ordinary people would not look at it that way. They would only see themselves agitating their savior away. Even if he was the Oriental Lighthouse, he would not be forgiven by these people.

In order to avoid trouble, it is better to enter the village quietly.

"Sovereign is coming from afar, I don't know what's going on?" In the study room, Qinglong said ugly.

Fang Ning came back and folded his hands together: "The master is so sincere, I really admire this seat. There is something that must be the master."

Now he talked about the universal bacteria and the development on the new planet.

"So it turns out, my Buddha said, I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell. A blank world can be portrayed, let this matter be given to the poor monk." The monk with difficulty nodded.

"Uh ~ ~ Fang Ning was a little surprised that moral kidnapping was so effective? This made him very surprised.

In the past, it was a clever master, and it was basically impossible to calculate him.

Now the monk is at the mercy of the man, which makes Fang Ning suddenly feel a little embarrassed, and bullying honest people is always guilty.

"I didn't expect that I was a kind person, but there was no way. After all, he might change back to the devil at any time." Fang Ning sighed suddenly.

"You are a hypocritical guy, not at all, drudgery." Uncle despised.

"Go away, I am the middle way, don't go to extremes in everything." Fang Ningqiang argued.

Things went smoothly unexpectedly, and Fang Ning wanted to do more.

He looked out the window now, and then said: "The master is here, I don't know how to arrange these believers? If I feel that I can't put it down, this seat can be arranged for me."

"Then there will be respected laborers, respected by the respected priests, and the poor monks still believe in it. The sentient beings are complex, endless, and difficult. If the Venerable arranges, they will be able to clear their hearts. Zhi Nan suddenly said something that made Fang Ning a little bit unconscious.

"Uh, I will try to make them arrange clearly, and also ask the master to rest assured." Fang Ning said solemnly.

"It's so good, the poor monk went here." Zhi Nan finished, calling on the black robe, and the two immediately left.

Fang Ning looked at the other person's back, but only felt a shadow in his heart. What did the other person say?

"It's not easy. He just told us that when making arrangements, try not to let these people eat too well and live too well, so as not to cause their greed. This guy really thinks for others and is a good monk." Uncle Exclaimed.

"I believe you only have ghosts ..." Fang Ning thought, and then sent a message to Zheng Dao, throwing the rest to him.

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