Seized by the System

Chapter 941: Not as good as sparse

Fang Ning asked the uncle to pass his body, walked back and forth inside the cave, occasionally staring at the white marble arch, thinking of countermeasures.

The arch shuddered from time to time, and it was obvious that the monsters were under great pressure.

And this space level has not been completed yet, one can imagine that it is impossible to block these monsters all the time.

On the side of the arch, there is a large pool, the pool is microwaved, and the dragon carp lies on the inside.

After thinking for a while, Fang Ning stepped forward and asked: "Dragon carp, in your opinion, how to deal with it?"

The other party is the upper-level ground snake, and must understand the details of the monster. I believe it can provide some effective suggestions.

The other party did not disappoint Fang Ning. The dragon carp jumped out of the water and hung in the air. The other party said: "Master, these monsters should come from the demon world. You should know that the upper realm is different from the cosmic space like the earth. It is not a whole. Space, but a main world with many gods and devil worlds, the devil world is the top of the many gods and demon worlds.

"In the Demon Realm, the monsters are endless, with all kinds of mysterious changes. The combination of abilities is infinite. Even the gods ca n’t conquer, and they are only suppressed by the Ten Demon Sovereigns. They begin to invade at this time. Extinction cannot be sustained, and some monsters must be released to alleviate the pressure on the world. With our power, I am afraid that we cannot resist hard, and it is better to block than to sparse. "

Fang Ning nodded and said: "The monster is like a tide, it is indeed better to block than to sparse, but how to unblock it is a problem. Directly opening and closing the gate will certainly not work, it is equivalent to no choice of flood discharge, and do not know how many people to drown, must Find a suitable place to spill. "

"It's not easy, you vent them to the blood-killing place, or the dragon mystery, or the city of righteousness. I clean them all there, and the flood will naturally drain away." Uncle proudly said.

"Hey, this is really a fool's thought, and there must be something to gain," Fang Ning heard, and the wit was moving. "The last two places will definitely not work. They are already important resource production bases. Great location, as long as we open a light door leading there and tightly fit it over this marble arch, a protective layer is added outside to prevent monsters from escaping, so that no matter how many come in , Will be sent to the place of blood killing. "

"Although you are secretly scolding me again," the uncle disdained, "but looking at the face that you have a good brain hole in, I won't worry about you more and go to open the door now."

"Wait, what are you in a hurry? You call the Bodhisattva first. After all, this space level was established under his technical guidance. The two portals overlap. I do n’t know if it will cause any high-level problems such as space fluctuations. ; And then hide the important building protection in the blood-killing place to prevent problems when spawning monsters. The better the so-called brain hole, the more attention must be paid to the details, otherwise it is a waste of brain holes ... "Fang Ning said with emotion.

"It's troublesome, you get it yourself, I'll prepare for the battle." The uncle said quickly.

"Shameless, see the benefits, and hide when you are in trouble. Can this be called a hero system?" Fang Ning despised.

"It's called black near the ink." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning had nothing to say, so he had to send a message to the ghost king Bodhisattva, and after thinking about it, he notified the news to Ren Ruofeng and other related personnel, such as Tianjing Dharma King and others.

These people all have property in the blood-slaughtered place. At that time, they were competing for this site, that is, the property rights belonged to Xia Ke A, ​​and the use rights were divided into several parts.

Moreover, such an invasion is related to the global destiny, and they must also be known, but it is not appropriate to preach it so as not to cause turmoil.

"Uh, there is a mechanical spider factory in the black robe where the black robe has to be relocated. It's really strenuous." Fang Ning thought of another one, and suddenly had a headache.

At this time, the marble arch was suddenly shaken, shaking more and more, and the roar of monsters inside was getting heavier and heavier.

When the dragon carp saw it, its tail flicked, and suddenly the entire karst cave was rippled, and finally gathered on the arch.

I saw the flashing light on the arch suddenly brighten, and the arch that had been swaying more than once slowed down.

"Master, a powerful monster is forcibly hitting the void channel. My mana is limited, and this space level has not been finalized. I'm afraid it can't be maintained for too long." Dragon Carp said slightly anxiously.

Upon hearing this, Fang Ning quickly threw a few bottles of Dragon's Carp to add mana to replenish the mana.

Soon, the ghost king Bodhisattva first appeared in the cave.

He didn't make a courtesy with Fang Ning, he just glanced at the arch in the middle of the cave, and said right now: "It's finally here, but I don't know why, it's a little early."

Then he closed his eyes slightly, folded his hands together, and radiated tens of thousands of golden lights all over his body. He kept reading in his mouth, and the golden "卍" characters appeared continuously, hitting the arch.

I saw the arch made of white marble, which started from the bottom stone and turned into gold one by one.

At the same time, the slightly trembling arch began to stabilize, no longer shaking.

Fang Ning quickly invited the uncle to say: "Look, fortunately, I am far-thinking, intelligent, and not indiscriminately moving, otherwise, it will definitely come out of the basket and affect the Bodhisattva to upgrade this white costume to gold!"

"Yes, you are good at you," the uncle said lightly.

While the ghost king Bodhisattva was upgrading his equipment, other people, the Tianjing Dharma King, Ren Ruofeng, and others arrived one by one, but they all came down through the tunnel at the top of the cave, and could not directly move into the cave like Fang Ning and the ghost king Bodhisattva. .

Ren Ruofeng was followed by some people, male and female, young and old.

This little detail fully shows the gap between the strong.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked worried.

"Since then, things are more complicated," Tian Jing Pharaoh's face was depressed, he was naturally an informed person, and now he said to other people, "In this door, there should be monsters in the demon world. The number is infinite, and the earth is absolutely unable to accommodate ... One The killing is on sight. "

Seeing this, Ren Ruofeng looked at him slightly, and immediately said: "If there is a way to transfer them to other planets, wouldn't this greatly relieve our pressure?"

"The heroes see the same things," Fang Ning said lightly. "This is the same idea just now, but the monsters are ever-changing. If you release them rashly, there will be some unexpected disasters. This seat wants to send them to the place of blood killing first. Observe. "

King Tianjing nodded his head first, then shook his head and said, "The place of blood killing is only a few hundred miles in radius, and the area is only hundreds of thousands. I am afraid that it is only the pioneer of the monster, and it can be packed full, and it can't hold much."

"It's okay to choose the good ones and survive, and the bad ones will be removed, I believe it can be accommodated." Fang Ning said lightly.

Suddenly a gentle female voice sounded: "It is said that the Venerable Dragon Dragon is obedient and pursues the way of chivalry. Seeing today, it turned out that it had fallen into the killing, which is really chilling. The monster is also a kind of life. Even if nature is divided between good and evil, it also has the right to survival, how can it be killed? "

I depend, where is this Virgin? Fang Ning froze for a moment, then turned to look.

I saw that this was a dignified woman, standing behind Ren Ruofeng, thirty years old, with a bright face and a motherly face. She frowned slightly, and looked at Chivalrous Armor.

The other party's leaking power breath, but a pond level, somehow will be brought by Ren Ruofeng.

Fang Ning is too lazy to talk to the other party ~ ~ Just looking at Ren Ruofeng, his eyes reveal, "Your person, you come to control."

Ren Ruofeng said helplessly: "How can Xu Qing be so rude to His Holiness? At this time, it is not the time to discuss those things, and then deal with the crisis in front of you first."

The woman did not speak.

Fang Ning was really speechless, as the forest grew up, everyone had it. It is not uncommon on the Internet, and now in such emergency scenes, it is still possible to say such unknown things. It seems that it is really well protected.

"Alas, uncle, this is what you think of being a good man. No one is afraid of you. They are arrogant to a pond-level shrimp. If they are replaced with evil gods, which of them would dare to say more?" Fang Ning said in disbelief.

"Yeah, let's add up together. Starting today as a **** of evil, I also feel that I am always at a loss, and I can't give full play to my talents." The uncle seized the opportunity.

"You leave me, the system crashes immediately, believe it or not ..." Fang Ning pushed the uncle into the corner to draw a circle.

... m.

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