Seized by the System

Chapter 955: Really give head

Xia Ke Jia walked into Tianmen, crossed three steps, and then on the fourth step, just like last time, entered a different world.

Fang Ning waited for a while before looking through the system perspective, and at first glance, he was scared to indent the iron shop.

It's a pity that he used to have a bold golden sword, and he was given to the magician Nanfeng.

"Don't be afraid, I have the Tianbei bodyguard and the earth stele as a backup, so I won't be afraid of any monsters." Fang Ning shivered.

"If you say this, can you believe it?" Uncle despised.

Fang Ning didn't look back for the first time.

At this time, outside.

Chivalrous A strolled easily in the Tomb of the Head, a terrifying and strange place. For him, it was like walking around the back garden.

This is a wide cemetery, but the tombs in the cemetery are not piled up in loess, but are made up of white skulls. The tombstones in front of the tombs are also not made of stone wood, but a piece of human skin, nailed to a pair On the white skeleton, it flutters with the wind.

On the human skin, black and white portraits are outlined, and simplified Chinese is used to describe the name resume.

Zhang Zhangren's skin has different textures and colors, including those that are dark like black iron, bronze, white and silver, and gold, even transparent like diamonds!

On one of the golden human skins, Fang Ning's body portrait is being drawn.

Under the portrait, there is also written: "Fang's famous Ning, died at the age of 33. The idea of ​​the dragon in the upper realm came, with an open-hanging experience, swept through the realm in just four years, the attacker broke, so The striker was extinguished, self-proclaimed as a chivalrous man, and ascended to the supreme position in the world, and he became a male in the pond. The earth **** died on June 30, four years, and died in the dragon cave of the spirit ghost.

Uncle is like discovering the new continent and quickly facing Fang Ning, said: "Big rich man, look and see, here is your epitaph!"

"Go to your uncle's epitaph, we Fang Ning will live another 10,000 years, 100 million years, and will not die in such a place!" Fang Ning said indignantly.

"You don't believe it, you can see for yourself, why am I lying to you?" Uncle encouraged.

Fang Ning carefully looked through the system perspective and looked at the golden human skin in his eyes.

"Asshole, how can I die? It's impossible!" He said indignantly, and the feeling of terror dissipated for a while.

"No way, although people don't know about my existence, they are just like Zhi Ji, you can see your true face clearly. In the future, you can't pretend to wear this leather." The uncle gloated.

"What if I can't pretend?" Fang Ning didn't care. "Anyway, I've learned that people don't have to be shameful to make money. They can't make money. They want to make money and want faces. They just don't touch both. This is all you taught me. "

"His," the uncle said in surprise, "you have even learned my skills at the bottom of the box, how can this be good?"

Fang Ning was speechless and was ridiculed by the uncle's inattentiveness. His fears receded, so he had the intention to analyze the current situation.

"You continue to move forward, I look for Anderson analysis."

As he said, he twisted his head and drilled into the Dragon Prison office.

It is good to have system space. When encountering such horror scenes, not only can you hide, but you can also pull your brother to watch horror movies together.

If two people watch this horror movie together, the sense of horror will be much lower. If a human cat is watching in the house, not many people will dare to watch it, even in the year before the AD.

At least Fang Ning dare not look at it. However, Fang Ning was born afraid of ghosts. When he was in high school, the whole class watched "Midnight Bell" together and scared him for a month before recovering.

Anderson looked at the live broadcast on the big screen. Of course, he was not afraid at all. Compared with his previous experience, this scene in front of him was no different from a children's play.

"Elder Warden, in the view of his subordinates, this head mound should be a demonstration. It is just the beginning ..."

"Intentionally point out your origin, to show that they have mastered everything of the people who entered, making people fearless, even suspicious, and suspecting that someone has betrayed their intelligence."

Fang Ning heard this, and his heart moved: "In your opinion, has anyone betrayed our information?"

"This is not certain. They want to know the information of the coming person, through the earth people themselves, or those who come from the upper realm. Many of the upper comers have the ability to communicate with the upper realm. Both It is possible. "Anderson thought.

"The same is said, then the Bodhisattva can communicate with the upper body." Fang Ning nodded.

"You said the ghost king Bodhisattva, there is also his epitaph here." Uncle pointed to a transparent diamond skin.

I saw a black-and-white portrait of a young man on the skin of the man. His facial features were upright and his face was merciful.

"Ghost King Bodhisattva, whose surname is unknown, died at 3,997,887 years old. It was originally a pillar of the upper realm that descended from the demon Bodhisattva. When descending from the demon, there are often no corpses for the good deeds, the golden belt of the arsonist, and a heart of true compassion sprouts, determined to rebuild the world He was convicted by the Buddha, and he was divided into the lower realm in advance. He once created the ghost king society, the insect spirit family, and shaped the way of the rebirth of the good. "

"The territorial spirit yuan died on June 30, four years, in the burial cave of the spirit and ghost world."

"Uh, why is he a diamond-grade human skin, I am a gold-grade?" Fang Ning wondered.

"You dish." The uncle quickly intervened, suppressing Fang Ning.

"Go, you guys who can't even get the epitaph." Fang Ning countered.

"..." Uncle has nothing to say, and later he was suddenly excited, "You just reminded me that this diamond-level skin should be very valuable ..."

Fang Ning immediately sympathized with the initiators. I am afraid that they wouldn't even think about it. Some people wouldn't be afraid of these things at all.

As a result, Chivalrous A walked all the way and waved all the way. Those human skins that exuded the brilliance above the bronze color all entered the system space.

Fang Ning quickly suggested, "You'd better store it in another place, and don't put anything in the fresh-keeping area. One day I want to eat a honey pill, I feel uncomfortable when I think of it."

"Who cares about you? Uncomfortable, it just prevents you from stealing my medicine again." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Very well, since you are like this, there will be no way to trouble you next time, so don't look for me. When I'm in a bad mood, I can't think of a solution." Fang Ning threatened.

"Look at you, I just made a joke with you, how can you hide things like human skin? I use them as raw materials in the iron shop, and they will never be mixed with the elixir, you can eat them with confidence. Just like. "Uncle quickly served soft.

There is no way. Now Tiandao learns the founding emperor, and the former close and united relationship with his subordinates disappears, and he wants to cross the river and demolish the bridge. In this case, only the host has various routines to deal with, after all, they are locals.

At this moment, perhaps it was the behavior of Chivalrous A that made the people behind the scene unbearable, and finally a voice sounded.

"Huh, your courage is really not small. How dare you plunder in the ghost king! It seems that you don't have to die in the burial dragon's cave, this is your death place ..."

The voice was cold, ringing in the head mound, sad and cold and miserable, giving an indescribable sense of terror.

Immediately after countless skulls of human heads, they suddenly floated from the grave head to the air, revolving around a void, and soon formed a huge storm of heads. The countless eyes on the heads looked at the knight armor at the same time.

Where did Fang Ning dare to watch this scene, but because there was Anderson on the side, he could only support watching the live broadcast, and he could not lose the adult ’s frame.

After the formation of the head storm, the air was haunting, and inside the head mound, it was gray and bleak, not long afterwards, all the heads were sent out, and it crashed into the knight himself.

"Yes, just make a new home for those evil spirits ~ ~ Those celadon jars are still not conducive to their rapid development ..." Xia Kejia said lightly.

With that, he stretched out his hand, and when the scary heads ran over, they disappeared.

Fang Ning was dazzled, this is the benefit of being trusted, you can pretend to force yourself without having to do it yourself ...

It's like people think chickens and pigs are delicious, but when you really want to kill chickens and slaughter pigs, you will understand how **** it is.

"Can you pursue something a little bit?" The uncle said as he gathered the skeletons, "You don't know to do it yourself, get plenty of food?"

"This is the meaning of your existence," Fang Ningli said, "the saint has a cloud, the laborers rule the people, the laborers rule the people. I am the laborer, you are the laborer."

"I'm a coolie ..." The uncle shattered.

"Everyone who is as hard-working as you are, everyone will rush to do it, you can be content." Fang Ning appeased.

"This, too." Uncle was fooled smoothly ...

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