Seized by the System

Chapter 961: Make up

The ghost leader then spoke respectfully.

"According to the internal records of our Celestial Clan, there are five ghost ghosts in the ghost realm, and there are ten ghost ghosts under each ghost master. Of these ten ghost ghosts, three are the evil ghost leaders, and they each lead a evil ghost near Guardian. All of them are the seeds of evil spirits searching from the whole ghost world. They are bloodthirsty and brutal, and their fighting power is amazing. They have always been pioneers in fighting everywhere. "

It is different to lead the way D. In a few words, the situation of the ghost world is made clear.

Of course, these messages, Fang Ning can also ask the ghost king Bodhisattva, the other party must know more clearly.

It's just that the uncle's purpose is not pure, and he went to the ghost world to catch evil spirits and raise evil spirits. This is not like what the heroes set up to do, of course, it is not convenient to ask.

"It turns out that it seems that the wicked ghosts of the diaspora are gone." Xia Ke Jia thought thoughtfully.

"The great respect is wise. The ghost world has been ruled by the ghost ghosts for 5 million years. The powerful evil spirits have been conquered for a long time and will not be lost in the folk. They also have a sophisticated training system every ten years. It is necessary to search everywhere, especially in this state, even if there are some fish that are missing from the net, it is difficult to maintain survival. "The ghost leader seems to think of the current situation of the clan, and his tone is a little low.

"It also makes sense," Chivalrica pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked, "There is a Celestial Clan in the upper realm, what is your relationship with them?"

"His ..." There was a flash of joy on the ghost leader's face, and then he said, "It's true that we, the people of the Tianling tribe, do have a lot of connections with the Tianren tribe. The Tianren tribe has great talent, extraordinary strength, and long lifespan. After the Celestial Clan dies, the body will be put into the Celestial Tomb. We are the spirits awakened in the tomb of the tomb, and they are finally led by the ghost world. After all, the main world environment is not suitable for our survival. From this origin, the Celestial Clan is us. Ancestors, but we ca n’t afford to climb high. "

"Uh, the rich, they really have something to do with Daqing ..." The uncle admired very much. "Your instincts are almost catching up with me, but what should we do with these ghosts?"

"Actually, I just said it casually," Fang Ning said modestly. "This group of ghosts has good behavior, so take them back and send them to raise medicinal herbs."

"Same thing, just do it." Uncle resolutely said.

Later, the knight and the ghost leader spoke a few words, the other party was overjoyed, and repeatedly thanked.

Then the uncle collected thousands of ghosts into the system hotel, and then chose a direction to fly.


In a deep deep cave, there is a gray-white breath slowly rotating.

On that gray breath, a picture was flashing.

In the picture, the scene that appears appears to be exactly what happened after Xia Kejia and others entered the ghost world.

Around the group breath, there were three people wearing gold, silver and copper masks, separated in three directions, looking at these pictures intently.

After a long time, the person with the golden mask exhaled for a long time: "Unfortunately, according to information, this Fang Ning was possessed by the spirit of the dragon. Isn't the dragon the most greedy? The nine turn to the soul bead is a million years in the ghost world. One treasure, he did n’t even want it? Changed to the real dragons in the main world, and it was already collected in the treasure house. If he collected it by the side, after a year and a half, we can know the strangeness of this guy. Where. Just relying on the true dragon **** to read, it is far from being so perverted ... "

"Probably he has to take care of the hero's face, it's not easy to own it, but the demon Bodhisattva is most familiar with our means. The hands and feet we have moved may not be able to hide him." The person with the silver mask opposite shook his head. Said.

"Forget it, these are all small tricks. Brother Tong, what are the results of the experiment?" The gold-faced man asked the man wearing the bronze mask.

"The effect is very unsatisfactory, the conversion rate is too low! There are 43 people coming from the land boundary, 24 people died in battle, and the remaining 19 people. The person with the highest deceased strength is equivalent to a ghost cultivated for five thousand years, and the worst is equivalent to five hundred years. After they died, only 10% of their cultivation practices were absorbed by the ghost world and turned into yin qi. Most of the others escaped, and even a ghost shadow could not be found. "The Tongren people were very angry Said.

The other two heard the words and suddenly fell silent.

After a while, the gold-faced talent slowly said: "According to the law of conservation of vitality summarized recently, the vitality will neither be created nor disappeared, it will only transform from one form to another, or Transfer from one object to another, and the total amount of vitality remains the same. This is the theoretical basis for the saints to take the lives of the gods to make up the sky. The question is, these aliens who died in the ghost world , Where can their energy go away without being absorbed by the ghost world? "

"Well, I think it must have been sucked away by the main world!" The Tongren said without thinking. "The ghost world is attached to the main world. The main world is controlled by the saints. We can't observe, so we can't find those vitality. Where they are, these saints are a group of robbers, and the little energy we have worked hard to cut the leek! "

"Brother Tong, please be cautious, even though the number of people is in chaos, and don't talk about saints arrogantly," the golden-faced man appeased. "But your conjecture is very reasonable. The direction of the vitality of the Lord's world, we already know, partly God and saints are drawing, and part of them are missing the lower realm, infiltrating and transforming the law of the lower realm. Now the main world can only be sustained by drawing the power of the attached world. "

"If this is the case, then our current method is difficult to promote and apply. Ghost Vendors will definitely not agree. It takes a lot of effort and pays a lot of price, but in the end it can only get 10% of the income." Yin Nianren shook his head. Road.

"This must be the reason for the destruction of the Necromancer. The **** of death once arranged an agent in the lower realm and wanted to draw strength from the lower realm for a long time. As a result, he still couldn't make ends meet and could not support it. I heard that he had left the world a few days ago I am afraid that it has become a lonely soul and a ghost, and the situation is not as good as ours. "

"If you don't use this method of collecting heads, but use some containers for storing mana, as a channel for energy transfer, will the efficiency be higher? If it is a container, those mana can be directly absorbed by Guizun. Ghost Venerables who master the laws of the world will feed the ghost world, which is much better than this kind of extensive harvesting, and the conversion rate can be at least 90%. "The golden-faced people are still relatively stable and seriously advised.

The silver-faced man nodded his head first, then shook his head after thinking for a while, "No, I know the ghosts very much. They don't have much time to do this kind of thing themselves, unless they are on the verge of extinction, but now the ghost world can support a thousand years. , And they still have a retreat, and will definitely not do such a coolie. "

"According to me, simply killing the ghost venom, killing a ghost venom, can not only make up for the loss of the ghost world, but also reduce the yin gas expenditure. The entire ghost world can last another 10,000 years, we have Enough time to study the way to bring this world back to life! "The Tongren suddenly became irritable.

"His ..." The silver-faced man was startled by the words and looked around. Then he was afraid, "Brother Tong, don't say that, since we took advantage of ghost respect ~ ~ You have to solve the problem for others. Which employer would agree to solve the problem by killing your employer? "

"Don't they have five ghost statues? Kill one and there are four left." The Tongren said without giving up.

"Uh, we can't talk about this matter, we can only deal with it by ourselves. We just have to infer that more time is needed for research." The golden face shook his head.

"With that, the boss said just now that there is some truth. It is not as good as this. They are unwilling to do the coolie. We can design a magic weapon for them. As long as they contribute some world rules, they can cast a make-up **** and infuse the mana into it. You can feed back to the world. With reference to the automated assembly line in the lower realm, we have also created a similar system for the ghost world. In this way, you can achieve the best of both worlds. Ghost Vendors can not only do the hard work, but also increase the absorption rate of vitality. "Bronze-faced man's wits moved.

The golden-faced man thought carefully and nodded.

This bronze-faced man is grumpy, but has a lot of inspiration. This is also the main reason why he and the silver-faced people can tolerate each other.

In the entire Tiantian project, he is the leader, the silver-faced person is responsible for coordinating with Guizun, and the bronze-faced person is the main force for all kinds of difficult problems.

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