Seized by the System

Chapter 969: Run and kill

"Otherwise, let's go back ..." After knowing this fact, Fang Ning was weak.

"It doesn't exist." Uncle refused directly, then immediately launched an attack.

I saw that outside the barracks, the knight turned into a black sword, and then aimed at the weakest evil spirit leader to initiate a teleportation puncture!

This evil spirit leader is immersed in concentration, he is the most powerful, but also has the most dead lines on his body.

According to the explanation of "Eyes of the Dead", the more dead lines, the weaker this life form reaches the realm of God, the dead lines are almost invisible, and they are indefinitely moving, looming.

It was only a moment, and the attack fell on the evil spirit leader.

However, the blood-red thread connecting the other evil spirits was suddenly lit.

The attacked evil spirit leader, a black armor suddenly changed into a set of green armor!

"Bang" a loud noise, Black Sword returned without success!

Black Sword immediately shifted its target to aim at the penultimate evil spirit leader!

"Touch of Death", which can disintegrate the defense of non-living bodies below the **** level, did not activate the effect at this time, which made Fang Ning very frightened.

The attack once again hit the penultimate evil leader, but this time, it was still a loud noise, and it had no effect.

Both attacks were completed in an instant.

For the first time, the evil spirit leaders did not respond, and for the second time, they were ready to fight back.

Saw fifteen evil spirits commanding, and at the same time, he shot in the direction of the black sword.

There were several screams in the barracks, and it was apparent that some evil spirits were sacrificed.

A cloud of poison spread out instantly, covering all the large areas nearby!

Even the **** of evil spirits is covered, there is no trace of omission!

Where the poison cloud went, except for the fifteen commanders, everything else was corroded and eroded, and a huge crater deep on the ground appeared!

It can be seen that within the poison cloud, there are extremely powerful means, specifically for metals, which can be said to be the right medicine.

It's just that the Black Sword has been ineffective twice, and has been invisible and far away, just wiped the edge of the poison cloud and flew away!

"Damn, that death lied to me, it was useless!" Uncle angrily said badly.

Fang Ning was shocked to see, this little exercise, that the uncle can do it, replaced by him, or any so-called master, will fall under this endless poison cloud.

Xia Kejia fled the military camp from afar and did not attack again.

"Uh, Grandpa, people seem to have been upgraded to holy clothes ..." Fang Ning said quietly.

"Not only that, the poison cloud is also very powerful, even if it is a mythical flying sword, it will be rebuilt for a while. If you do n’t see the broken sword, there is no roar in half a word, it is all scared." The uncle said sorrowfully.

"No, I'll go to Reaper for a refund." Fang Ning rarely said.

"It's almost the same." Uncle expressed emotional stability.

Came to the entertainment room of the system hotel, and did not wait for Fang Ning to speak, then Heishui spoke first.

"Sorry, it was the God who made the mistake. Unexpectedly, Ghost Venerable was willing to lend the God Armor he wore to these evil spirit leaders. The fifteen evil spirit leaders were connected by blood lines. Immediately put on the **** armor. The death package is invalid. "Blackwater explained.

"It's useless to say that the fact is that the goods you sell are not effective, and our mana is wasted in vain!" Fang Ning would not consider it for the other party.

"Well, I just sold a total of 4 packages. Except for the touch of death, the duration is too short, and the other duration is still there. I will barely give you another touch of death. You can do it within an hour. , That is, before the effect of the gift of liberation dissipates, go to find other targets to attack immediately. "Blackwater seemed to say hard.

"I knew it would be like this. A black bubble must be enough for him to perform several god-level skills, but only for us once!" Uncle gritted his teeth.

"Uh, profiteers are all virtues, you should know the best." Fang Ning quietly authentic.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that I am also a profiteer?" Uncle said angrily.

Fang Ning quickly changed the topic: "Don't waste time, quickly find other goals."

"But I don't know what other goals I have now?" Uncle said depressed.

"Wait, I asked the green-skin frog to ask others."


Half an hour later, Xia Ke Jia flew to a gorge.

In the canyon, the yin gas permeated, but the surrounding area was a thousand miles away from the ground, and the yin gas was half gone.

Within the canyon, there is a strange evil creature, it has hundreds of heads, thousands of feet, looming, sometimes virtual, sometimes real.

Every head and foot are stretched around, drawing a lot of yin.

Is placed in the lower realm, and will definitely be worshipped as an evil spirit.

This is a monster discovered by the ghost king Bodhisattva before, and is also a ghost general under Guizun's name, called "Multi-headed Monster".

Although the name is tacky, but it is very powerful, among the fifty ghost generals, can rank in the top five.

Outstanding strength, strange and unpredictable temperament, loneliness, he only listens to the orders of Guizun, and does not cooperate with other ghosts at all.

Choose this kind of solitary monster to start, obviously it is much easier.

"Touch of Death" blessing!

"Hide of Death" is activated!

"Eye of Straight Death" sees through!

"Gift relief" comes into effect!

Four Grim Reaper Package, this time it really took effect.

Black Sword lurked into the abdomen of the multi-headed monster, and came to a cool heart directly!

At the next moment, the bully roared, splitting in half from the middle, and half of his body fled in vain!

The other half is left to face the battle, and the benefits of the many heads and feet are undoubtedly displayed. Even if half of the body is escaped, the rest can be fully combated.

System prompt: (Sword sword dragon attacking ghost will "multi-headed monster"!


Ghost abandoned half-headed monster and escaped!

The system gained 120 billion points of experience.


"Foreign-level masters are really not ordinary, we have so many advantages, we can let it run away? It seems that we can not fight, it is too dangerous." Fang Ning could not set the channel.

He faintly felt that the current upper limit of the uncle is here, and the sea-level monsters can be slaughtered, but the foreign-level monsters, even with the god-level bonus, can easily overturn the ship.

After the ship turned over, he was the most unlucky.

Uncle didn't care: "Isn't this still left half? The foreign master is the bloodline, and it's nothing."

Fang Ning thought for a while, and persuaded: "Uncle, let me see if I'm good, let me know intuitively that there is a conspiracy."

"What is the conspiracy, I am not killing it well? It will be no problem to pick a ghost." The uncle said very self-confidently.

"Intuition tells me that someone has been peeping at me." Fang Ning only felt a little cold behind.

"Uh, this is normal, I'm peeping at you every day ..." Uncle didn't care.

"Your broken system does not listen to people's advice, sooner or later." Fang Ning said depressed.

"You are the only one who is finished, said before the death, and the sage can't break me." The uncle was proud.

"Damn, do you really want to fight against our family?" Fang Ning said in a hurry, incoherent.

"Oh, you just say there is danger, but you don't say the evidence, which makes this system very difficult? After all, you are always timid, anyway, you can't take the initiative to end the trust now, who cares about you?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning suddenly had no choice but to have such inconvenience when being managed by the system. Although it is usually very cool, he didn't listen to the command when it was the critical moment.

There is no such thing as perfection in the world.

Thought for a while, Fang Ning said coldly: "Your broken barrel is now swelled again, do you want to rebel? Do you really think I have no way to sanction you?"

"Look at you, can't you speak well? This opportunity is so good, why do you want to run suddenly?" Uncle said depressed.

"I tell you, this strange world can't tell evidence, only intuition. You see those horror movies, unbelief is the fastest death. After all, you only have a sea level, now you encounter a foreign level master, many No blessing can kill it, it is easy to be pitted. "Fang Ning said patiently.

"Oh, is that right? Then come back next time?" Said the uncle.

"That's right, don't be greedy for the system. This is not a game, but a terrifying world. You must be able to crush the other party and take risks. Don't think that you have a protagonist aura, you can burst at any time Counterattack, in case one day without luck, the protagonist will die. "Fang Ning was satisfied.

A few items, he asked the green-skinned frog to send a message to the other two, saying that he had already passed enough good ghosts ~ ~ This is about to leave.

The other two seemed to have other things, but I wish His Holiness a good journey.

Then a flash of light flashed from the body of the knight, and then disappeared from the ghost world.


That deep deep cave, where the three wise men of gold, silver and bronze are located.

"No, that Fang Ning actually ran away? According to his previous behavior pattern, in the case of so many monsters, it will only be more and more active, why did he leave suddenly?" The silver-faced man was shocked.

"Damn it, finally let those ghosts lay traps, waiting for him to hook, why is this guy so timid? Where is Long Nian possessed, it is clearly a loach!" The Tongren said irritably.

The golden-faced man shook his head: "Unfortunately, I also want to find out why he loses vitality in this world every time he kills a ghost or a ghost in the ghost world. It stands to reason that since he died in the ghost world, the vitality should not be lost Yes, after all, it ’s not a foreigner who died, and it ’s impossible to be separated by the main world. "

"If we understand this reason, we may have a simpler way to learn from the world." The silver-faced man shook his head.

"What are you afraid of? The passage to the lower boundary has long been opened. Since he is going to run, then we will catch up with the door!" The Tongren said fiercely.

"The same is true, we just need to draw strength from the lower realm to make up the sky. We will do two things together. We just need to find a ghost who will preside over this matter. Be prepared. This Fangning has many means and is not generally strong. "The Golden Face nodded."

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