Seized by the System

Chapter 976: Dodge edge

The old man who watched the fish pond left on the electric three-wheel, but the knight did not leave.

He frowned and looked at the pond, but the pond at this time was calm, and the worm-like monster didn't seem to have been there.

"It's troublesome, the **** horse" King of Shadows "must be hiding under the ground, can't you let me go down to see it?" Uncle said depressed.

"Uh, there is indeed a hero." Fang Ning agreed.

"What kind of heroic style? How can I care about that thing," Grandpa immediately disdained, "I mean that drilling underground is easy to be ambushed by others, which is not conducive to my fighting power."

"Sorry, the little one really doesn't know much about you as a fighting god," Fang Ning quickly apologized, and then said, "Today you are late again, without the sudden and kind-hearted crow, this old man must be killed on the spot." , It's really pitiful. "

"No way, I'm not their systemic dad, and there is no movie halo, every time I can save them before a thousand shots," the uncle said helplessly, "Do you believe it or not, because of the time you talk to me, there are many If you are killed, do you have to count on me? Not to mention the system, even the father ca n’t save everyone. "

"I didn't complain to you," Fang Ning shook his head. "I mean the situation is getting worse now. We can no longer decide the general trend from the strategic level as before, and it seems that we have to follow the trend slowly."

"Those ordinary people shouldn't live outside, or go to the secret realm quickly, and save me from fighting and handicapping." The uncle complained instead.

"The same is true, anyway, death is not the end. At most, it will be transformed into a robot and continue to live." Fang Ning calmly analyzed.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, you first send a message to the group of mice and ask them how they are underground." The uncle ordered.

Fang Ning soon sent a message to Bai Shixin.

It didn't take long for this underground king to reply.

After watching Fang Ning, he shook his head suddenly.

"The origin of this king of shadows is being explored. At present, it is only known that within a short period of time, it has conquered the giant innocent people who were previously harmless to humans and animals, and transformed it into a shadow earth dragon. It is expanding underground and has just been with them. There was also a fierce conflict, with casualties between the two sides. "

"It turns out that the long worm that just came out of the ground was about to be killed, and it was worth a hundred points of experience, at most equivalent to a fierce beast. It seems that their main force is used to deal with the group of mice. Uncle suddenly realized.

"Don't worry about the mice first, intuition tells me that this king of shadows is the guy who secretly murdered me, grab it out first," Fang Ning said seriously.

"Well, do you have any evidence?" Uncle did not say.

"Nonsense, this still needs proof of God's horse? This is the realm of heaven, and it can be determined by asking for merit, and I will call out the green-skin frog." Fang Ning was very sure.

"It's not good to waste heavenly virtues for such a trivial matter? Although it's not fake, but it's also a very precious white stripe, and most people still can't get it." The uncle suddenly felt depressed.

"Small things? Are you stupid?" Fang Ning immediately asked the uncle with a tone of caring for the mentally retarded, "It is murdering me, my life is safe, can there be small things? Quickly take out a hundred merits for me to use."

"If you really want to be safe, you should cultivate to my realm as soon as possible. No evil will invade and no poison will enter. Unless you are tough on the front, don't try to harm me with crooked evils," the uncle said, "well, you Ask the green-skin frog, I will pay the bill. "

Without waiting for Fang Ning to summon, the green-skinned frog jumped out and said: "Heaven's Dad said, no merit is needed this time. The King of Shadows, from the ghost world, is the No. 1 ghost general under Master Tianji's ghost. Ghost will be best at covert actions, spread fear, etc. More information, where it is, the next action plan, are all covered in a shadow, unable to explore in detail, after checking it will let me take the initiative to tell the owner . "

"Damn, these two goods really meet the wind and the rudder. As soon as we use it, we will distribute free gift packages. This face is really thicker than you." Uncle said sorrowfully.

Fang Ning was very speechless: "It ’s not as good as you. In short, this is the advantage of being at home, and there are locals who can provide news at any time. Now it ’s certain that it ’s the shadow ghost who is behind the scenes. Its plan at this time is very obvious. It is to destroy our strongest indigenous people first. As for the purpose of the plan, I already know very well. "

"What purpose?" Uncle curious.

"Huh, I didn't say that they would continue their lives for the ghost world. Spreading fear on the earth, forcing the earth people to believe in this king of shadows, the next step is to ask believers to contribute their belongings. Doomsday theory can't do without squeezing the believer's last copper plate, even including the believer's life. "Fang Ning said bitterly.

"Well, the hero sees the same," the uncle affirmed, "then what should we do next? It's dark, we're in the light, it's not easy ..."

"Huh, the more it spreads fear like this, the more we can't let it please, so the family of knights can't move into the secret realm, otherwise everyone will lose confidence," Fang Ning said while shrinking into the iron shop , "Ordinary people, let them hurry into the secret realm, have home advantage, don't believe that these ghosts can't be destroyed. There are also the old Zheng who also let them enter the dragon mystery realm office, where is safer.

"Uh, when you say this, if you can come out of the iron shop and take over your body, it will be more convincing." The uncle disdain.

"No, I have slept in this iron shop recently, and my body is entrusted to you. When the ghost will hang up, with the confirmation of Heavenly Dao, you give me some time to let it go." Fang Ningli said with pride .

"Uh, your face is more than me ..." Uncle said very depressed.

Fang Ning did not care: "Thank you for the praise."


Giant Rat Underground City, Royal Palace Chamber.

"As long as I know today, I should have decisively wiped out this group of earthworms!" A military minister said angrily.

"Huh, our Kong Liang military division, did not foresee this day ..." Some people were gloating.

Holding the lupin hole is bright, but said nothing, and seemed to disdain to talk to these horses.

"Okay, let's be quiet for a while, and everything will listen to the king." A minister persuaded.

Bai Shixin sat on the throne without expression.

It was just a challenge that had been expected for a long time. He was not surprised, nor was he nervous.

After everyone calmed down, he asked Bai Shifu, the first on his right hand, "How is Shifu, how is the construction of the food mystery?"

"Return to the King, the construction completion has exceeded 70%, completely imitating the inheritance secret layout of the human race, the effective land area is 43,000 square kilometers, enough to load the survival of tens of billions of giant rats." Bai Shifu replied seriously.

Everyone was suddenly, some of the fear disappeared suddenly.

"The king is far-sighted, wise and wise, it is really a blessing of my family!" Suddenly someone kneeled on the ground to compliment.

Others kept up with each other, and for a time they moved up and down the hall, full of flattering voices.

Bai Shixin pressed his hands down slightly, and everyone calmed down immediately.

"Okay ~ ~ Zhongqing is flat."

The ministers immediately got up, and there was a lot of excitement in their eyes.

Since Wang Shang has already arranged the back path, what are they afraid of? No matter how others do, they believe that they must be qualified to enter the secret realm.

"From today, begin to relocate key personnel into the secret realm, and then stay behind at home. You list a retreat plan." Bai Shixin ended the discussion in this way.

After the dynasty, he returned to the harem study and summoned Bai Shifu and others.

"What's the news about Venerable Dragon Dragon?" He asked with concern.

"Big Brother, Venerable Dragon, after asking the Shadow King's information, no more action, just dismissed the staff in the villa, probably went to the secret areas everywhere." Bai Shifu replied seriously.

"Oh, it seems that this King of Shadows is really not to be underestimated. With the power on hand, we can only temporarily avoid the edge." Bai Shixin thought thoughtfully.

"Would you like to ask the old man?" Bai Shifu suggested cautiously.

"The current strength of the old man is nothing more than a sea-level strong man. Even if Venerable Dragon has to dismiss his family, he cannot be directly hostile to the shadow king. But he should know more news, ask him to ask Good. "Bai Shixin said lightly.

"Okay, brother, I will contact the old man." Bai Shifu agreed to come down.

"Well, go busy and pay attention to safety." Bai Shixin ordered.

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