Seized by the System

Chapter 981: Endless

"Either surrender to Shadow King or die!"

Somewhere in the vitality node, the rich vitality haunts the entire mountain, making it a gathering place for many monsters.

A group of fierce ghosts with different shapes, long-tongue ghosts, headless ghosts ... Unreal and uncertain, shadowy enough, surrounded a group of little monsters and screamed at them.

Among the trapped monsters, there are foxes, wolves, wild boars, rabbits, cows, sheep, etc ... The same are all kinds.

After the humans withdrew, they robbed for the hill.

On this day, the shadows of ghosts also shrouded them.

Then they understood why the powerful human beings should give up such a treasure ...

Fighting ghosts who can't beat those who can't run, they can only run one way.

The little demon just hesitated for a short time, and soon the smartest ones immediately throw themselves into the ground and lie on the ground.

"We are willing to surrender Shadow King, long live Shadow King!"

"Shadow King, boundless mana, immortal blessings, eternal enjoyment, longevity and heaven!"

The monster behind yelled in a certain way.

For a time, the whole mountain seemed to be noisy.

"Very good, very good." A ghost covered in black mist, showing only one face, seems to be the leader of the ghosts, and a strange smile flashed on his face.

"Poo ..." At the next moment, the loudest screaming cow bleeds violently!

Then it looked at the ghosts on the opposite side, staring down on the ground in disbelief!

"Bull is dead?"

A group of little demon looked at each other and looked at this scene unbelievably.

"Do you know why you killed it?" The face smiled grimly.

"I understand, it must be the stupid cow crying too loudly, and noisy King Shadow." A red fox said first.

"You are clever, but guessed wrong." The face ghost smiled at it slightly.

Then the red fox spit out blood and fell to the ground.

"Ah ..." The monsters were all frightened, and somehow they felt good, and their hearts were covered with great fear.

"The answer is, there is no reason!" The face ghost suddenly laughed wildly.

"In fact, this method was not invented by us, but was absorbed from the excellent culture of the local human beings." The face-ghost seemed to like to talk very much, and it began to talk endlessly.

"There is a king in the ancient local race, and he is very troubled every day why his subjects are not afraid of him."

The little demon were trembling close together, listening to the other's speech in fear.

"So one of his ministers told him that his subjects were not afraid that he was killed because of the people he killed, and they all had reason to kill. If they killed people indiscriminately for no reason, everyone would fear him."

"The king thought the other party's suggestions were good, so one day, he killed the minister who had made the idea."

Speaking of face ghosts, suddenly said to the demon: "Do you think this minister's suggestion is very good?"

The monsters looked left and right, not sure what to answer.

"No one dares to answer?" Face ghost looked at the monsters.

Monsters hold their heads one by one, and dare not speak one by one.

At this time, they are very nostalgic for the previous era of human rule.

Although they couldn't find a good place for cultivation at that time, human beings were well-formed and they would not kill them indiscriminately. As long as they were willing to help in their work, they would still get a lot of benefits.

Compared with the previous era, it is simply "one on the ground and one on the sky."

"It seems that these monsters can't understand the humor of the original and killed them all."

The face ghost waved his hand, and countless ghosts rushed up behind him ...

At this time, countless white spirits came down from heaven!

Those ghosts who scoured in front of the monsters, like the snow in the spring, melted away!

The face ghost seems to be somewhat resistant, but it resists for a while.

He looked up at the sky and grinned: "It really is you, but, who can you save? How much can you save?"

"Hahahaha! The King of Shadows is not dead, ghosts are endless!" It extinguished in laughter.

"These **** from the ghost world, learn quickly ..." Fang Ning said quietly.

"Less sigh, work more, is the mana share purified today enough?" Uncle urged.

"Work as you work." Fang Ning said sorrowfully.

Sitting in front of the huge mana crystal, he began to absorb the stored mana, purify and transform it, and send it to his own Dantian for storage.

Then the uncle can hand them over to Grim Reaper.

At this time, a group of little demon outside, bowed to the dragon that was far away in the sky.

It's just that there are no more monsters yelling out loud.


As the dissipating face ghost said, ghosts are really killing people.

When Xia Kejia visited a mountain forest in the north and a large medicinal material base, he discovered a new situation.

A group of dexterous Shennian robots, which are only about one meter tall, have many hands and feet, are busy in the medicinal materials base, feeding medicinal materials, fruit trees, and preventing them from being destroyed by pests.

A group of ghosts crawled up and down on these robots, wearing them around, but they were all indifferent and still working steadily.

Fang Ning saw this and couldn't help but sigh: "Humans still have a way. Compared with those new demon, they still made a lot of preparations."

"Well, what's the use of passive defense? These ghosts have no IQ. As long as a leader appears and orders the ghosts to attack the medicinal plants, these robots can only be exhausted." The uncle disdained.

"Uh, it is also said that only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no reason for a thousand days to guard against thieves. The Mackino defense is no longer strong, or it will be discarded as soon as it is around." Fang Ning agreed.

Uncle was indeed a crow mouth, and at the next moment, a shadow appeared out of nowhere.

Then these invisible ghosts, which were just random insults, suddenly changed their targets.

They rushed toward the lush herbs one by one, and it didn't take long for those Xiyang herbs to be the first to suffer, and all of them were decaying.

"Hateful guy, it's a waste, let me die!" Uncle said angrily.

Then came the sky and cleaned up all these ghosts ~ ~ Fang Ning understands very well, after all, the herbs planted by the truth will eventually turn into resources that can be used by the knight armor.

Just like the 3 billion Danish extermination ghost mana budget, repaying the loan is the truth, Xia Kejia is to play a role in providing technology.

If you want to repay the loan, in the end, you must rely on these herbs to quickly cultivate cultivators, so that you can quickly increase the mana productivity of the entire human race and achieve a leap in overall power.

Fang Ning suddenly got a wit, and said to the uncle: "In fact, the yin properties of the black cat Tom planted will not be afraid of the destruction of these ghosts. On the contrary, they can also **** the yin gas on them, and the little gray ant, also They wo n’t be afraid of them at all. Since these ghosts harm ordinary herbs, it ’s better to let the black cat find them if they want to discuss them. Before we destroy the ghosts, we will plant a part of the Yin herbs. ”

"Uh, your suggestion is good, the right medicine is used," the uncle agreed, and then complained, "Why didn't you say it early?"

"Look at you, did you say that it was useful before? Other people's places need to keep the herbs needed by living people. Now that the situation changes, there is room for this kind of suggestion." Fang Ning was straightforward.

"Oh, that's what I said," said the uncle.

"Well, then I will discuss with Ren Ruofeng." Fang Ning hurried away from the mana crystal ...

"Damn, you want to take the opportunity to be lazy, and you don't need to discuss it. I told Tom to finish it." The uncle called Fang Ningsheng back.

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