Seized by the System

Chapter 986: madman

After the encounter between Fang Ning and his family of three was completed, he continued to rise along the elevator. This short experience still opened his eyes.

The emergence of the management chip made him deeply understand that in the previous era, Shangfeng's power tentacles were shrinking from the grassroots and had to rely on Xiangxian.

However, in the new era, Shangfeng's power has been directly managed to everyone.

The advantage of this kind of management is that it is easy to mobilize every force. The disadvantage is that the individual completely loses privacy. The so-called privacy protection is completely based on the conscience of the peak.

Only in this dangerous era, it is clear that the former can only be taken care of first, and the latter can only wait for the future.

"No wonder such a high-density social ecology can still maintain good law and order. Apart from practitioners, the average person has no ability to fight against the management chip in the body. Just electrotherapy can cause huge pain, not to mention that they can also trust the human body , This is too scary ... "Fang Ning sighed.

"Uh, this broken chip can also be managed? I don't believe it, it must be a fake hosting." Uncle said now depressed.

When one person was talking in unison, when the elevator came to the 22nd floor, it suddenly stopped and the elevator door opened again.

A middle-aged man yelled into the elevator.

"Let me go, I'm about to suffocate!"

He wanted to press the button that reached the first floor.

However, his hand didn't listen, and he couldn't hold it down.

"Warning, you have exhausted the number of downstairs today, please return to your room, you can choose to use vr life to relax yourself." The familiar electronic synthesis sound moved.

"Go to your vr, I'm going to the real world outside!" The middle-aged man shouted frantically with his head in his hands.

"Your behavior has already disturbed those with high-level authority. Now you will be banned. Your body will be forced to be entrusted for 24 hours for re-education." The electronic synthesizer said coldly.

"You are independent! Cut! This is nacui! I want to be free!" The middle-aged man opened his mouth wide and shouted the last sentence.

Then he stopped and pressed the elevator door, walking slowly out like a puppet.

"Uh, is this their way of hosting?" The uncle immediately disdained, "It's just like a puppet, what can it do? It's almost heaven and earth compared to my gap."

"At least it can prevent mortal crimes and violations of discipline," Fang Ning said quietly. "Your future chivalrous heroes have many fewer objects."

"Cut, who still cares about the shrimp experience? It's not enough for me to eat at once." The uncle immediately disdained.

"You didn't say that before, you always said that the more money you have, the more you can't relax, the more you don't relax, the more money you have ..." Fang Ning despised.

"Uh, I seem to have said that," said the uncle, "but wasn't there no efficient planting industry at that time? Now that you have it, of course you don't need to care about the inefficient hunting activities."

"Less nonsense, follow this man to see." Fang Ning ordered.

"What do you want to do? Don't you have to send out your kindness again?" Uncle said depressed.

"I'm not so busy. I want to see the lives of people on the floor. Such a small space is not something that everyone can tolerate. Besides, it can easily lead to various mental diseases." Fang Ning thought thoughtfully.

"What's the use of **** so much? Do your business well," the uncle said disdainfully.

"What do you know? Without mastering every detail, you can't control the overall situation. The general trend of each era is revealed from individual elements." Fang Ning despised.

"I don't understand. Anyway, if there is power, there is a general trend. Without power, you can only follow the waves and be threatened by the general trend." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning ignored the uncle and went straight to the body to follow the stumbling man.

When we got out of the elevator, we faced a large hall.

The hall is large, with hundreds of squares.

Various exotic flowers and plants are planted in the hall, as well as small fountains and various sports equipment that do not disturb the people, forming a small resting garden.

Around the garden, there is a green wall, there is a door on the wall, hanging the door number, it seems that it is the real home.

The luxurious decoration in the garden, placed in the era before Fangning, is something that can only be purchased in the top mansion.

Now, it is standard on every floor of the building.

In terms of material productivity alone, this seemingly turbulent era is actually several times higher than in the past.

In the garden, there are some people sitting, some of them are reading books, and more are sitting and practicing.

Someone still whispered something, and from time to time they could hear the mysterious nouns "acupuncture points" and "meridians".

In the previous era, these things were unverifiable. They were only used as the basis for acupuncture and moxibustion, and were not recognized in formal scientific research.

Now it can be actually used by people to carry vitality for cultivation.

The mad middle-aged man, with a blank expression, stumbled across the garden and walked towards a flower bed, where there was a door, which appeared to be his home.

"Look, isn't that Uncle Long?"

"Yeah, it seems that he is going crazy again. Fortunately, he has a management chip, so he can be managed, otherwise what can we do?" Some people muttered in a low voice.

"Yeah, after the injection of the management chip, these previously unimaginable mental patients can also be managed, no longer worrying that they will suddenly hurt people, and no longer need to worry about their families. Anyway, the management chip will not be tired, not tired , Can also ensure his safety. "Some people are very thankful.

That man named Uncle Long, people have been avoiding wherever they have been, just like looking at the plague.

Finally, Uncle Long walked into his house, and people were relieved.

"Really, it would be nice to have a place to live in."

"Yeah, there are people who are not content. It really makes him run outside for three days in a place where there are ghosts every day. He has to blame the air again!" Some people laughed.

"That's the way it is now. I have food, drink, work, practice, and leisure. I can play games and watch movies. You know, it's the end now! The ghost dances outside, we can't give Shangfeng trouble. "

"Yes, yes."

"It seems that rational people still account for the majority." Fang Ning said to the uncle with relief.

"You want to be beautiful," the uncle despised, "do you want to listen to their truth?"

Fang Ning suddenly said in a horror: "You don't even have to peep at me, but now you can peep at others' thoughts?"

"Humph, of course I can't peep into everyone's thoughts, but many people here have cultivated spiritual thoughts, and their mental activities will show a form of spiritual thoughts spreading out, and they have not yet practiced entry, and they don't know how to converge Divine thoughts, we are by their side, I can easily catch them. Thanks to peeping your thoughts for many years, I have concluded a set of effective methods to distinguish the mind thoughts. "Uncle proudly said.

"Then show me immediately," Fang Ning did not care to despise this shameless guy, just about to urge it, and then asked again, "Will you do something against chivalry?"

Anyone has a hobby of spying on the privacy of others, otherwise, all kinds of gossip gossip will not spread so fast.

It's just that Fang Ning knows the importance and won't let the temper get into trouble.

"Look what you said, how can it be so serious? I did this ~ ~ also to prevent danger, and not to reveal their privacy to others." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Well, find someone to show me his mental activity." Fang Ning immediately lost his morality.

"Who do you want to see?" Uncle asked.

Fang Ning chose the man who spoke most actively just now and pointed at him: "Just that, what he said just now makes the most sense."

"Okay, this will give you a sense." Uncle is very happy.

Soon Fang Ning saw lines of text on the man's head.

"Uh, manager, I did well just now, how much can I give this time?"

"Citizen xxxxxx, you have successfully appeased the emotions of 32 people, you can issue 5 points, I hope you will work harder ..."

"It's stingy. I have to accumulate 10,000 points to get to the next level. I have to work hard!"


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