Seized by the System

Chapter 989: drag

After listening to the other party's words, Xia Kejia remained silent.

Fang Ning secretly thought that these three metal-masked men, working for Guizun, were indeed terrible.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to make concessions because of the last resort.

Because it would be too stupid to do that. Although he was soft-hearted, he did n’t have the Virgin for that part!

At that time, the uncle had a headache and said: "Big wealthy, what do you think about this situation? If they have the strengths and the attitude of the bronze-faced man just now, it will be easier to deal with. If you start directly, I will be able to spend a lot of experience. This All three are brain-playing, and it ’s not easy to brush them up. But now I ’m getting soft, and it ’s not easy to hit them hard ... "

"Yeah, it must be comparable to your muscular system." Fang Ning sneered.

"You don't have any nonsense, please give me an idea quickly." Uncle said angrily.

"It's not easy," Fang Ning smiled slyly. "Since they are subject to Ghost Venerable, then we will tell them a way not to be subject to Ghost Venerable."

"Uh, can you explain the white point?" Uncle Dao understood. "I'm a simple and honest system, don't keep selling things."

"It's not easy. What did you build your system hotel?" Fang Ning said with dissatisfaction. "As long as they give up their flesh and enter it in the spirit mode, just like the two gods, naturally It is safe to be able to get rid of all restraints from the outside world. "

"Uh, rich man, you really gave me a simple system space to play with flowers ..." The uncle admired the five-body cast.

"Okay, this is the difference between people and systems." Fang Ning was proud.

At the moment, the knights said lightly to the three metal masks: "The three people's hardships have been understood by this seat. This seat has always hated the strong and the weak, since you are forced by the ghost, there is a real dragon in this seat. Hidden, just need three people to give up the flesh, they can be sheltered, not to mention the ghosts, even the saints can't help a few. With the cultivation of the three, the existence of the flesh should be no problem. "

The three gold, silver and copper looked at each other, they did not expect the other party to come up with such an idea.

The biggest inspiration that the golden-faced man got from the book "Boss Death" is that in the face of these protagonists, we must firmly stand on the moral high ground, otherwise, we will die completely.

He posed the threat of Guizun precisely to highlight that he was forced, not for selfish interests, so that even if there is a conflict, he will eventually be able to escape even if he loses.

On the contrary, the shadow ghost will make all the mistakes and pull the hatred away. In the end, he died to death, which is a matter of reason.

But now the other party has given a seemingly perfect solution, if they are really forced, they should be overjoyed to accept.

If you find other reasons to refuse, it is to be surreptitious, no need to argue anything, the other party is a real dragon, not a fool.

However, they were not forced, but benefited from Ghost Respect.

With hesitation, the Tongren were impatient again.

He suddenly said irritably: "I said earlier, don't talk nonsense with them, brother, you always hesitate like this, what about now? Do we really want to enter the realm of **** and shelter? Also abandon the flesh? The benefits to us, but the last three gods in the ghost world! "

The golden-faced man did not reprimand the brother at this time, because he knew that the other party was right, and he, the three of them, could not accept the proposal of Xia Kejia anyway.

"Well, that's true, no matter how clever you speak, ghosts are ghosts!" Xia Kejia said coldly, reaching for the black sword.

"Now let Uncle Longteng send you to Guizun!" Black Sword suddenly shouted, and surprised everyone.

"Uh, this broken sword has completely destroyed the atmosphere I just brewed. I also want to put some system sound effects on ..." The grandpa said badly.

"It's done, don't know with children," Fang Ning appeased. "It's important to fight."

The gold-faced man sighed a long time, then waved his hands, and the three metal masks disappeared at the same time.

Instead, the whole magic star began to tremendous tremors!

The entire surface seemed to be oscillating faintly.

"True God incarnate?" Fang Ning suddenly had a heartfelt fear.

He just wanted to indent the iron shop, and suddenly turned back to the system hotel.

Well, there are two gods playing chess in the entertainment room.

Fang Ning, a large greasy otaku, sometimes dislikes living alone. That is just after playing the horror decryption game, or after reading horror novels, or horror movies ...

At this time, he will miss the snoring classmates in the university era ...

Or a snoring can awaken the colleagues next door.

"It seems that something extraordinary happened outside?" Reaper looked up at a direction and said lightly.

Fang Ning looked up to the big screen hanging on the wall of the entertainment room, which was showing the outside scene.

Of course, not everything is shown to these two gods, but it involves some high-end battles. In order to get their dimensionality reduction instructions, they will naturally be played.

"Yeah, according to the three metal masks, they seem to have brought a ghost statue incarnate." Fang Ning said heavily.

"The handwriting is very large," the **** of death admires. "I didn't expect that the ghost world can still spend such a large force for the ghost avatar to pass through the space and come down here. If the speculation is good, the ghost world will be reduced by one. Years of life. "

"They paid such a big price. It seems that the ghost incarnation is definitely extraordinary. I wonder if the senior of death can have a way to deal with it?" Fang Ning asked with a hopeful tone.

I saw that at this time, the whole planet outside was turbulent, the ocean was tumbling, and the land was wrinkled, just like the mythical earth dragon turned over, spreading all over the world.

Such a big scene, one can imagine that this monster will be born, it must be very powerful.

"Uh, this is really a bit difficult to do. If the **** is full, a ghost incarnate is the cost of more divine power. But now, it is difficult." The tone of death is indistinct. Helpless.

At this time, the black pot saw this, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Master God of Death, you are the God who is in charge of the way of death in the upper realm, a ghost statue incarnate. Even if you can't do anything about it now, you should know its weakness?"

"Uh, its weaknesses are of course there, but that is also the weakness that God can use. For the practitioners below God, its only weakness is its inability to fight for a long time. After all, this planet has no vitality. But the so-called inability A long battle is also a pseudo-proposition, because it can persist in combat for at least one year. After all, it can converge and sleep to save power, and there are many means. "Reaper sighed.

"Uh, Grandpa, do you still have confidence? Should you just run away?" Fang Ning suggested.

The uncle counseled: "When I say this, I also think that it is better to run, but I am worried that it will catch up with the earth ... Here you can also let go of your hands and feet and hit the earth, then The earth is ruined. "

"The same is said, but there is a benefit to running on the earth, that is, you can use the power of heaven, unlike here ~ ~ isolated and helpless." Fang Ning said seriously.

At this time, suddenly the green-skinned frog jumped out and shook his head, saying: "Just now Dao Dad sent a message, asking us to meet this monster here, its arrangement will take some time. If you can defeat the opponent here, give the owner a 10,000 merits, otherwise 30,000 yuan will be deducted. "

"Shenma still have to back down? You tell it, just buckle up, and then the grandpa will leave." The grandpa said badly.

"Uh ..." The green-skinned frog seems to be communicating with Tiandao.

After a while, he said: "Heaven Dad gave in. He said that it must be delayed for at least half a month. As long as the delay is half a month, it will give 10,000 merits. For every additional day, it will give one thousand.

"It's almost the same." Uncle satisfied.

"Half a month, can you resist the uncle?" Fang Ning still said badly.

"Huh, although the other party is an incarnation of God, but I have a fighting skill that transcends God," Grandpa Zhen Zhen said, "I can't beat the other party, I can do it after a little delay."


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