Chapter 1. [Episode 11]
“The Entrance Examination ~ Magic ~ Begins Again! The Examiner Seems to Have Run Away”




[Hey, what’s your name?]

[I’m Theodore. And you are?]

[……, it’s Julian.]

[It’s a very human of a name, isn’t it?]

He doesn’t answer it but stares at me with sharp eyes.

[Theodore. You said you were going to beat me, didn’t you? So of course you have no problem with me attacking you, right?]

[Of course. You can cut me with your claws, burn me with your breath, freeze me, whatever you want. ]

[But it won’t come to that.]

[Hey, uh, Theo-kun,…… uh, I don’t know you anymore, okay? Don’t drag me into this, okay?]

Liz said awkwardly and then slunk away into the crowd. This was fine with me, as I had no intention of involving her in this.

[Then, Mr. Examiner, if I can beat him, will you let me pass?]

[Yes, yes, that’s up to me.]

The dragon’s forelegs swung down with a thud right in front of the examiner, who was at a loss for words. The earth cracked open with a resounding crash.

[Get out of my way or I’ll kill you too.]

[Hi, hiiiiii!]

The examiner fled in panic.

That’s a problem. There’s no one there to judge. Well, I can show Julian collapsed later.

[Are you sure you want to do this? Now is the time to turn back, human.]

[You don’t have to ask so come as soon as possible, or are you afraid of me?]

Flames lit up his silver eyes, unchanged since he became a dragon, and he released a tremendous breath of flame from a mass of fiery heat formed in his mouth.

In terms of magic, it’s the seventh rank. This is not a big deal.

I held my hand in front of my eyes to create an instant barrier. A magic circle glowing green appeared and stopped the flame with ease. No matter how strong the force is, there is no problem at this level.

The dragon’s gaze sharpens, interrupted by a barrier that does not even require chanting.

The next thing I knew, the flames were waning, and he said as if to throw up.

[I went easy on you. If the barrier you put up had been on the third level, you would have died, and if it had been lower than that, you would have burned through it.]

[A less-than-pleasant consideration? I told you. You wanted me to see how serious you were.]

[I don’t want you to die. If I kill you, I’m disqualified at that point. Next time, I’ll burn you to the ground.]

[The stronger the better. I’ll never die, so don’t go easy on me.]

[…… Don’t regret it!]

A white light gushes from the dragon’s jaws. It was far more powerful than the flames that had just burst forth. If converted into magic, it would be of the tenth rank.

It is common for dragon tribes to take on human form. It is difficult to gauge his age by appearance alone, but not as extreme as an elf, who said he was, I believe, 15 years old.

No matter how powerful the dragon tribe is in terms of magic, I can’t believe he has this much power at the age of 15. It’s amazing. It’s wonderful that it’s worth destroying.

A glowing breath is released. In this form, it is a little hard to prevent it without chanting, isn’t it? Besides, it’s not enough just to prevent it.

[-The power that is within me. Swallow the fury that is about to consume you.]

With a light chant, a black magic circle appears in front of me, and the breath is sucked into it. However, the aftermath of the breath, which had too much momentum, scorched the surroundings and reached the back of the room.

I thought I was going to put a barrier behind me as well, but a green magic circle appeared and blocked the momentum of the breath. The owner of the barrier was the elf girl, Liz. Her face, which had been somewhat elusive, now looked serious.

I absorbed most of the breath, but it still reached that place with a power comparable to 6th-rank magic. She seems to do quite well to prevent that.

What is it? Come to think of it, there are talented in swordsmanship, martial arts, and magic. How come there are no heroes? Is it just because this year is special?

I concentrated on the black magic circle in front of me, indulging in it. The momentum of the white light breath was weakening and all its power was already reduced to the point of being absorbed by the magic circle.

Julian, a young dragon tribe member, revealed his astonishment.

[Not only does it prevent ……, but it also absorbs ……!]

[I may look like this, but I’m good at magic.]

Even with this body, I could use the magic of about the 10th level with chanting. And there was more to that magic.

[–Convert the violence you have swallowed into power. It is the destruction of — *reverse bombardment*]

The black magic circle overflows with magic power higher than that of the previous breath and shoots with tremendous light. In the blink of an eye, it shot through the dragon’s body. The dragon’s body was covered by the black magic circle.

This technique is to strengthen the magic that is inhaled and reflects it to the opponent. I suppressed the power to about the 10th rank, which is the same level as the breath he released. I wouldn’t want him to die.


With a short scream, the silvery white dragon’s body is unbearably blown away.

The dragon tribe’s resistance to magic is extremely strong. If the current magic strikes directly, even a powerful demon tribe will get away with it, but I doubt he will.

He was blown up and smoking, but not dead. I noticed that his body had reverted to that of a boy. It seems that when he loses his power, he reverts to his human form.

I approach the fallen boy and call out to him.

[Are you okay?]

[…… damn …… you …… guh!]

I tried to help him up, but he bounced off my hand.

He then deploys a magic circle in front of him with a pained expression on his face.

He doesn’t want to admit defeat. It makes me smile, remembering yesterday’s beast girls.

I think the next magic is about the sixth rank. Then I’ll offset it accordingly.

I also deployed a magic circle at random, and at the moment sparks flew from each other’s magic circle – I was in the middle of the magic circle.

[That’s it!]

With that voice, mine and Julian’s magic circle shattered in an instant.

Judging quickly, I looked toward the owner of the voice and saw a male elf coming through the crowd.

He is tall with long purple hair and wears the black military uniform of the Elberian Imperial Army, with a robe over it.

He looked to be in his twenties or thereabouts. He had a very well-defined face, as is typical of elves.

[Both of you were brilliant. Well, this year has seen the emergence of some great talent.]

He clapped his hands as he said this, his dignified face breaking into a conciliatory smile.

Even though it was a 6th-rank technique, the skill with which it instantly destroyed two deployed techniques was not just ordinary.

And from the way he talks, I’m guessing that he’s -.

[Excuse me. I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Ludio Lambert, and I am the president of the Military Academy of the Elberian Empire of Mildiana.]

He has a polite and gentle expression on his face, but it is somehow obvious that he is not letting his guard down at all.

Even if the two of us deployed the greatest magic at the same time, it would still be strong enough to stop us with plenty of time to spare.

[The president …… shouldn’t interrupt the exam ….…]

Julian grunted in a pained tone. I can’t believe he hasn’t given up yet after getting this far. It seems he hates losing as much or more than Roca did yesterday.

[We have decided that it is pointless to fight anymore. And above all, the other students are becoming more and more restricted. It’s time for you to put an end to this.]

[Shut up. I can still fight. Defeat this guy.]

[Unfortunately, I don’t think you can. Julian, you say? You can’t beat him now. What do you think, Theodore?]

President Ludio looks calm at first glance as he says this with a hand on his chin and a smile on his face. But his expression is like that of a child who has found an interesting toy. Somehow I thought he was just like me.

[If the president hadn’t stopped me, I would have gone all the way. I was going to stay with him until he ran out of magic and fainted.]

[Oh, well, well. You seem to know that you will not be defeated by any chance, don’t you? I don’t know any other human being who shows such arrogance in front of the dragon tribe. I have no other choice but to say that you are far from being human.]

……Not good. Did I overdo it? No, I’m not talking about overdoing it by any stretch of the imagination.

I have been fighting to measure the strength of my opponents. That is nothing more than my way of thinking as a demon, even though my body is human.

Because, you know. As this elf says, no one would be happy to face a dragon tribe. The dragon tribe is usually a formidable opponent for even the most seasoned soldier.

I should have assumed that the president would have intervened. If you think about it, Mildiana is a town where many magicians gather, and the number of students taking the exam is overwhelmingly magicians. There was no way that the president of the university would not have been watching the examinations.

[So, let’s call it even. Let’s call it a win for Theodore.]

[Are you kidding me!!!!!!! Who the ……guh!]

Julian’s body is knocked to the ground as he tries to get up.
It must have been temporarily exposed to strong magic power to make him fall flat. Even though he’s tired, he’s still from the dragon tribe.

[It is essential not only for military personnel but also for the dragon tribe to know the difference between their abilities and those of others. If you intend to continue to engage in further acts of combat, we will not be able to admit you.]

He had a calm tone but did not say whether or not.

Julian could no longer even moan and just lay on the ground. Even the dragon tribe would have no choice but to do this in the face of such overwhelming power.

Amazing, this elf. Maybe even good enough to go toe-to-toe with the demons of Tenebrae?

[Of course, we will consider it a point of appreciation for destroying the test center first. We are prepared to accept you as a special student for that feat alone. Please, will you calm down with that?]

The dragon boy staggered up and looked at President Ludio with vacant eyes. It seemed that he still had something to say, but he must have finally understood. He finally understood that he was no match for the president.

[… Kuh… I got it.]

[Good. Of course, Theodore, you have also shown that you are a master of this Julian. That alone is enough to qualify you as a special student. Moreover, you were first in both the swordsmanship and martial arts examinations held yesterday. As far as I can remember, …… there has never been a student like you, a legendary hero who set a record 500 years ago. A woman named Rena was the first and last.]

Oh, Rena, you’re on the record. That’s great. I’ll compliment you later.

[You may be the one who will be able to match her heroic spirit. You are welcome to join our school. We welcome you, Theodore.]

[I’ll take your word for it, then. But isn’t it terrible to hear that you have to rank first in three different tests to get into the special student slots? It was pretty tough.]

The word “tough” means “fun.

[Huh. ……. No such regulation exists in our school or any other school, but ….…]


[No, but the elf at the reception desk told me so.]

[Hm? Let’s check it out later. Well then, Theodore. I will tell you about the entrance ceremony and other things later, so you can go home today. As for Julian, …… oh, he’s unconscious.]

When I looked, I saw Julian lying on the ground, not even twitching. He must have been at the limit of his fatigue.

[I am surprised that he could fall asleep after having done all these things. It’s a good thing. I’m still thinking about the cost of repairing the test center and the students who are still waiting to take the exam, and it’s giving me a headache.]

Although he said so, President Ludio kept a somewhat amused smile on his face.

[Lieutenant General Lambert! Come here! Several of our men have fainted from the shock of the battle just now!]

[Yes, yes, I understand.]

Well, now the test is over.

It was easy but quite interesting to see. I look forward to seeing more in the future.

With these thoughts in mind, I left the site where I was sure I would be busy.

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