Chapter 1. [Episode 17]
“The Last Drop”




I had come to the library of the military school directly under the Mildiana territory to kill some time.

As one would expect from an academic city, the amount of books in the library is tremendous. However, although I picked a few books at random and flipped through the pages, I soon lost interest and put them back on the bookshelf.

There are only the usual magical theories, instruction manuals on swordsmanship and martial art, and so on. Other than that, there are various other things such as how to identify medicinal herbs and recipes for cooking, but unfortunately, I couldn’t get my finger on them.

[ I’m a special student, can I go in the back?]

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice from the direction of the librarian and turned to see a black-haired boy there.

[Certainly, you are a special student, aren’t you? Then please go to the back. You may browse freely, but you are not allowed to take anything out.]

[Hey hey.]

Julian responded animatedly, as if he didn’t care, and held up his coat of arms, the sign of a special student, to the door behind the counter.

Then the door opens to the left and right and closes its entrance as soon as he enters.

To follow him, I talk to a woman who is a librarian.

[Hey, I’m a special student too, can you let me in the back?]

[Oh my, …… it’s so rare to see a special student in a row. And that blue hair. Could it be that you’re the rumored Theodore?]

[How well do you know me?]

[No one in the school doesn’t know you. I hear that you did very well on the entrance exam. …… Excuse me, the private conversation was strictly forbidden. Please come in. You can enter the back room by holding up the emblem that proves you are a special student.]

[Thank you.]

Following the actions of the dragon boy, I open the door too. It seems that it is reacting to the trace amount of magic power contained in the special student’s crest.

Once inside, the room was about the size of two schoolrooms. Immediately, I locked eyes with the first guest.

[…… tsk, it’s you.]

[I saw you walk in. What is this place?]

[Only special students can enter this library. Unlike the front, some grimoires in here can be dangerous if handled incorrectly.]

[Wow, that sounds interesting.]

The room is not very big, but it would take some time to look through all of the bookshelves that are lined up in the room.

Julian takes a book at hand and flips through the pages.

You can feel the magic power overflowing from it alone. When magic power resides in a book, it is something quite special. Moreover, the book he held in his hand was one of the rarest of the rare.

[That’s…a human skin-bound book, right?]

[I’m surprised you recognized it. Well, if you’re that good, you’ve at least seen it before.]

He was holding in his hand something made of tanned human skin.

These books are prone to magical powers and grudges. If the contents are full of malice, it is possible to drive a person insane just by reading the text.

But the quintessential book didn’t seem to have that much power.

Julian’s face is serious as he looks through the contents. He must be a studious person.

It is probably best not to talk too much. This type of person gets very unhappy if they are approached when they are absorbed in something. I am well aware of this because I have a family member who is like this.

I got myself together and looked at the other bookshelves and read from one end to the other the ones that caught my attention.

The grimoires are certainly of good quality, maybe.

It also contains information that may seem like common sense to me as a demon god, but that other races would want to have at their throats.

The only sound in the room was the sound of Julian turning the pages for a while.

I’m a little disappointed by all the books that are of better quality than the ones on the front, but I don’t bother to read them.

I wonder if there is anything more forbidding. No matter how good it is, after all, it can’t be shown to a student.

If you become a soldier and become great, you may have the opportunity to be exposed to such things, though.

I opened the book that I had casually picked up as I was being sucked into it, and found that it seemed to be a book of folklore.

“The wise man of the forest has disappeared. It is the plague of disaster
The arrogant fool dyes his body red and laughs high.
His folly has incurred the wrath of God. And more frenzied flocks of wings shall descend upon him.
Wings that have become white meteors, wreaking havoc and wreaking destruction.”

The wise man of the forest is an elf.

But what is an arrogant fool?

And what is a flock of frenzied wings? …….

“The wise man of the forest will become a last drop at the hour of death
It should not be in the hands of a foolish man.
Fools and wise men are incompatible.
Harmony, in other words, is a dream come true.
But fools do not admit their mistakes. He does not learn from the end of bridging the gap between man and the wild that never crosses.
When fools again infest the land, the bells of destruction will ring.”

…… fools. A fool. I guess this refers to people.

So the arrogant fool from earlier is also referring to human beings?

And the man and the wild do not mingle. …… This probably represents the ongoing conflict between man and beasts.

I don’t know the details, but what the author is trying to convey is a human error.

Humans and beasts did not intermingle. Therefore, they seem to argue that humans and elves should not mingle either.

And that when man becomes proud again, destruction will come.

This book is certainly stimulating. It could be troublesome to keep it out front.

Especially in this city, people and elves live together as a matter of course, and beasts are seen here and there.

[Hey, Theodore.]

[Yeah? What is it?]

[Can you read that?]

[I can read.]

Julian, peering into my face, asked me quizzically.

It may not be unreasonable. The sentences in this book are in ancient characters.

I’ve been going through various texts in the empire for the past few days and found that the characters used are quite different from those of the past.

Me, I am more familiar with the ancient characters in this book. I was quite uncomfortable with the term “ancient characters” because it is something I can read normally.

The binding of the book was tattered and deteriorated to the point that it would tear at the slightest rough handling. It was evident that the book was quite old.

The only parts I could read were the parts I looked through, and the rest was not very readable because the letters were crushed and the paper was torn.

[What does it say ……?]

[Is it possible to be as gifted as you are and not be able to read?]

[I don’t have any talent. The dragon tribe can do magic. If you don’t want to teach me, just say so.]

[No, it’s not like that. I just thought it was a little surprising to see you being so modest. …… Then, let’s get started.]

I will pass on what I have read.

He listened to it seriously, then shook his head.

[I don’t get it. I’m curious.]

[The ‘last drop’?]

[Oh, I’ve never heard that word before in all the books I’ve read. I know the wise man of the forest is a metaphor for elves.]

That certainly bothered me too.

Having spent time as a demon god, I thought I knew about the characteristics of the races, magic, and many other areas, but this is the first time I’ve heard such a word.

Moreover, the author declares that the wise man of the forest is the last drop.

[There’s something else that bothers me. The part about the wise man in the forest disappearing. That’s not literal, is it?]

[Hmmm …… if he’s disappeared, I guess he’s missing.]

[Do you know? I heard that quite a few elves have gone missing in the empire in the last couple of years.]

I had never heard of it before.

When I asked what he meant, Julian closed his silver eyes.

[I don’t know. I don’t know the cause. But I know that most of them disappeared because they were having trouble making ends meet, or they eloped, or they didn’t have any specific reason.]

[Do they just suddenly disappear without cause?]

[I’ve been in Mildiana for about three months now, and I hear rumors all over the place. I hear about people I know disappearing, and also some of the people they know have disappeared.]

The mysterious disappearance of the elves?

Moreover, it is quite intriguing, not to mention similar to the contents of this book written in ancient characters.

[…… No, I’m getting off-topic. I’m going to continue. There’s no doubt that elves are the last drops, right? And it shouldn’t be in human hands, should it?]

[That’s what it says.]

Julian muttered as he looked at the binding of the book.

[This book is quite old; it’s probably a hundred or two hundred years old.]

[I don’t know much about the history of empires, but do you know how long the current writing system has been in use?]

[From what I’ve read, the empire was around 700 years old, or about 300 years ago. I’ve read that books from that time have already started to use the current script.]

[So there’s a good chance that this book is at least an earlier version.]

[In short, I think it happened as written over 300 years ago. If I only summarize the parts I understand, ‘Elves disappeared, probably at the hands of man. Probably by human hands. It became a source of some kind of disaster. We must not make that mistake again.]

[…… Roughly speaking, it might be better to think of a catastrophe that occurred over 300 years ago that could have destroyed the empire. I wonder if there’s anything in the history books about that.]

The last time we demons fought a war with the empire was 500 years ago.

Until then, I had to know what was going on in the empire. But I don’t have any information that such a disaster had occurred.

If so, is it much later than 500 years ago or ……?

Of course, what is written in this book may not necessarily be true, and even if it is true, it may just be exaggerated.

[Julian, why don’t we just take everything in these stacks?]

[Are you serious ……?]

[I’m kind of curious. And I only need to look for history books. If there is anything written in ancient script, tell me, and leave everything else alone.]

[What a pain in the ass. I’d say if you’re going to do it, do it alone. ……]

He let out a sigh and said.

[I’ve been fed up with the low-level classes at the academy since day one. It’s not a bad idea to look for a place to kill some time.]

[There is still time before this closes. Let’s get as much done today as possible.]

[Okay, let’s get started. You go through these shelves. I’ll start at the back and work my way up.]

[Copy that.]

Thus, I was left to scour the bookshelves with a boy from the dragon tribe.

[In the end, I think these are the only five books we gathered.]

[…… Yeah, what they all say is very similar. I feel like you shouldn’t bother putting them in the special student-only stacks.]

[I think these five books are probably censored in terms of the author’s philosophy. The one I just read was full of racist terms against elves. It’s as if the elves killed their parents.]

[Yeah, it’s like that, too. The one I’m reading now has a lot of critical language about beasts. The discussion of the important history is pretty average.]

[They should not put this stuff in the library and burn it instead. Do they think we’re going to read it?]

Julian then tossed the book aside.

Well, I do see why he would want to.

We spent several hours searching through all the books and ended up with only five serious history books. And that was the first book that had anything written in an ancient script.

[I was disappointed because I expected it to be a library that only special students can enter. The only thing that looks interesting is the ancient characters.]

[But don’t you think it’s odd? There is no mention in any of these five books of any calamity or historical event of the kind described in this book.]

After all this research, there is one thing I have found out. That is only that nothing like what is described in the book of ancient characters is happening in the empire.

If it was a small incident or something, that would be one thing, but based on the contents of the book of ancient characters, it seems to me that something of disaster proportions would have occurred.

Although there are a few articles on natural disasters such as landslides and wind storms that are on a larger scale.

[I think that the ancient characters’ books might be fake or something. These five books are ridiculous in their authors’ ideas, but they don’t say anything wrong about the important historical part.]

[Indeed. There are differences in chronology and interpretation, but they all have the same content. However, I have this impression.]

Once again, I picked up the book written in ancient characters so as not to destroy it and said.

[There’s nothing in these stacks that people will mind being seen.]

[In other words, some things can’t be shown even to special students.]

[Do you have any idea where they might be stored?]

[You know what they say: …… If you want to hide a tree, you have to hide it in the woods. The ‘Great Library of the Mildiana Territory’ right here in the middle of Mildiana sounds like there’s more to it.]

[Have you ever been to that library?]

[Of course, when I got here, I went straight to it and spent a month there. Well, there was some interesting stuff, but that’s about it. At least, ostensibly.]

[Are there places like this where only certain people are allowed in?]

[I don’t know the details, but that place is frequented by military personnel. Most of them are there for grimoires, but I once saw Lieutenant General Lambert go in there.]

President Ludio, huh?

[That seems a little strange to me.]

[You think so too? I’ve been thinking that since the first time I saw him.]

[You know, I don’t have to come down there to look at a book that’s housed in other libraries]

[Oh. And he was holed up in the library for a whole day. I wouldn’t be surprised if something happened to him.]

President Ludio is the president of this military school and an officer who is also the commander-in-chief of the Mildiana military.

With such a busy schedule, there is no way he could spend a whole day just stopping by the library. Unless there was something very important in it.

Then I remembered what Julian had said earlier.

[I was just thinking about it, Julian. You mentioned earlier that the elves keep disappearing.]

[Yeah, it’s not the first time.]

[…… I wonder if it’s a little bit of a concern.? Let’s check it out.]

[What? How do you mean, “Check it out?”]

I shouldn’t have done that. I slipped up.

[What? Oh, yeah, well, I just thought it might be a good idea to ask the president directly.]

[I already asked him about it on the day of the entrance ceremony. I know about the disappearance of the elves, but I don’t know the whole story.]

[I’m not sure if Liz would be interested in this.]

[If the lieutenant-general doesn’t know anything, do you think she does?]

I don’t think that girl is just a maybe. I think she’s a pretty strange person to deal with.

Not only did she take me up on my insidious and coquettish advances, she even seduced me in the opposite direction. In addition, she seems to be interested in me in a different way.

To be honest, I’m not very good at it. But it’s a problem because she looks outstandingly cute.

[Even if you go to ……, “Wings of Madness. The White Meteor’ ……?]

[What’s wrong?]

[No, it’s no big deal. I was just curious.]

Rather than sparking something, he seemed to be asking himself a question in his mind.

But Julian quickly muttered, [Well, hey,] and shook his head.

[Well, I think I’d better be on my way. There doesn’t seem to be anything here anymore.]

[Yes, thank you, Julian. I’m sorry I forced you into this.]

[It’s not for you. It was just a fun way to kill time. See you.]

[Oh, wait a minute.]

I called out to Julian as he is about to leave.

[Speaking of the Dragon Tribe, I know it’s the Zenan Dragon Kingdom.]

[Well. So what?]

[I heard that you and that country were at war just a few years ago, and I’m surprised you made it here.]

[I thought you were an odd one, ……, but you’re seriously weird, ain’t you?]

[What, what?]

[You know how big the war between the empire and Zenan was? Even now, the northern territories are busy with postwar reconstruction, and despite the events in the north, troops were sent from Mildiana as well. Why are you acting like it’s someone else’s problem?]

I didn’t know, yeah. I think that was probably around the time I was spending all that time with Lumiel.

Oh no, this is not good. If I don’t do something, the lie that I’m from the Empire will be exposed.

[Ah~…… well, I grew up deep in the mountains, so I’m not really up to date on what’s going on in the world these days.]

[Really? A commoner who grew up deep in the mountains seems to be very enthusiastic about a story about a hero that people these days don’t even care about.]

[Uh-huh. My grandpa is an expert on that kind of thing. I was listening to him, you know. Yeah.]

[And you can read ancient characters.]

[That’s from my grandma ……]

[Oh, yeah. Well, whatever.]

Good. I’m glad he’s not the kind of person to pry too deeply. If it had been Liz, I wouldn’t have known where to hit the nail on the head.

If she is the opponent, the next one could be a fatal wound, not just a kryptonite.

[I’m a citizen of the empire from the start, so there’s no particular blame to be placed on me.]

Julian said so and quickly walked out of the room with a wave of his hand without looking at me.

Anyway, I’ll go back to the dormitory too.

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