Chapter 1. [Episode 23]
“Crazy White Wings”




Afternoon. I was in the infirmary, staring at Liz, who was finally settling down and falling asleep.

When there was a knock on the door and I answered, it was Keith, Roca, and the rest of the special students who showed up.

Keith is the first to ask.

[I heard Liz was brought in, is she ok?]

[Yes, it’s not life-threatening.]

When I explained the situation, Keith kept his hand on his chin.

[I’ve never seen it before either, but …… it seems like a white wings phobia?]

[What’s that?]

[I know about that. I’ve heard that some humans and elves sometimes have a strong fear of ‘things with white wings.]

Julian said, and Roca and Shaula looked at each other.

[How could that Liz be so distraught at the mere sight of a little bird? …… Shaula, do you know?]

[No. At least, I don’t think any of the beasts have such a strange fear.]

Is there such a thing only for humans and elves and not for beasts?

[I have only read in the literature that at some point in time, there began to be cases of humans and elves falling into such a state of panic. In severe cases, there have even been deaths.]

[I knew someone who had the same problem.]

Julian said something unexpected.

[He was usually a calm guy, but when he saw a white bird with pure white wings, he would go berserk like a maniac. It bothered me so much that I dug around in my books and found out there was such a thing.]

[I wonder if he’s okay with me? I’m pure white. I didn’t get this color because I wanted to.]

[I told you it was only the wings, you color-crazed wolf.]

[What’s the matter with you, you little lizard? Do you want to be dismembered?]

[I’ll turn you into dust right now.]

[Wait a minute, you idiots.]

Roca lightly smacked Shaula and Julian on the head with her tail. Shaula just fell with a happy look on her face, but Julian reacted as if he had been hit by a blunt instrument and fell on the spot.

[Ouch!!! Damn …… you, hey fox!]

[What, this much? You have not been trained well enough, dragon.]

[I’ll burn you with them. I’m going to burn you and the wolf to the ground.]

[Hey, this is a hospital room! Quiet!]

Keith yelled and everyone fell silent.

I thought Liz would wake up, but she remained deep asleep.

The sedative medication seems to be working well.

I suddenly became interested in Julian’s knowledge of this symptom.

Come to think of it, didn’t he once mutter this in the library?

“…… Wings of Madness. White Meteor ……”

This is a quote from a book written in that ancient script.

What was he thinking at that moment?

[Hey, Julian. Last time I checked, you were remembering the name of Liz’s disease, weren’t you?]

[How well you remember, my boy. Yes, though I didn’t know this stupid elf had it.]

[Hmm? Hey, hey, what are you talking about? I’ll join you.]

[I already told you, Roca. I’m talking about those ancient letters.]

[…… I have no idea what you’re talking about.]

Come to think of it, I hadn’t told Keith yet.

When I tell him a summary of the contents, he looks thoughtful.

Julian, with that in the back of his mind, says.

[There are words ‘wings of madness’ and ‘white meteor’ in that script. I just thought of this woman’s symptoms. I didn’t know much about it when I looked it up, and I quickly erased it from my mind because I didn’t think it had anything to do with it.]

[…… Theodore, Julian, have you ever heard of the story of the ‘Great Storm’ that once took place in the eastern territories of the empire?]

[I don’t know,] Julian replied, [I don’t know much about it.]

There was a section on disasters in the history book I saw in the library the other day, but I didn’t think it was that important, so I skipped it at random.

But surprisingly, it was Roca who raised her hand.

[I’ve only heard the story. This is a widely known story among the beasts. Shaula, you know it too, don’t you?]

[Yes. I think it was around the year 530 in the history of the empire. There was an unprecedented storm in the eastern part of the empire that blew away everything, people, buildings, and nature.]

[The reason why this story was passed down to the beasts is that a series of beast slaves were taken to the empire for reconstruction after the disaster. ]

[I heard that not only slaves but also those who were good at manual labor were happy to go there, saying it was a great place to earn money. What’s wrong with ……?]

The wise man of the forest disappeared.

It was the work of humans or monsters living in the empire.

The heavens were angry, and the wings of madness swooped down as white meteors to destroy everything.

[There are no traces of the storm in the densely populated areas, but I have heard that in some areas of the Eastern Territories, there are many places where debris and other remnants are scattered as remnants of the storm.]

The wise man of the forest is a last drop and should not be in human hands.

Moreover, people and elves are never compatible.

But people do not learn. They do not learn from the end of a country that once achieved harmony between man and beast.

The reconciliation of humans and elves is an impossible dream and illusion.

If a man does wrong again, the bells of destruction will ring.

…… I see.

It’s a wonder I didn’t notice it before.

I know who wrote this ancient script. It’s totally bad.

[What’s the matter, Theo? Is there something interesting about this story?]

And white wings. The first thing I associate with that word is my beloved wife, Lumiel.

She is an angel, and she has come to destroy the demon tribe. The symbol of these angels is the white wing. And they are strong. Even I, a demon, thought so.

-I wonder what they would think of us if the brunt of it were to be directed at human beings.

[I have an idea of what the story is about. The wings of madness are probably ‘angels’ or something similar.]

My words made everyone a bit nervous.

Well, that’s not too much to ask. They’ve probably never seen a real angel.

[Angel? Are you talking about the one with the white wings?]

[Yes, it is. The only thing that is a little strange is the ‘frenzy’ part. Angels are really intelligent and rational, so it’s not normal for them to go crazy.]

[How the hell do you know that?]

[I’ve seen it written in a book called ….…]

Angels who were once sent to destroy the demon kingdom.

My beloved wife, of course, and the others were terrifyingly strong. Any normal human being would have been in tremendous fear of being attacked by something like that.

However, it is certainly true that there are a few questions that remain.

[The angels descended and destroyed everything around them because they couldn’t stand the sight of the human beings who had made the elves dead?]

Keith is probably right. If you only consider the phenomena that occurred.

[Yes. It makes sense that the white-wing phobia, which affects only humans and elves, came from there. The white-winged phobia is probably the result of the ancestors of those who developed the symptoms being driven by fear of being nearly killed by a deranged angel or something.]

[So, strong traumas are sometimes passed on to offspring. It’s not impossible.]

Then Julian interjected his objection.

[Well, I don’t know. I can understand if they came from the “well,” but I was a little skeptical about that, too. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to go to a local library or not. But is it really that sinful to kidnap or kill an elf?]

[I agree with you. Kidnappings and killings are taking place right now. But still, no benevolent angel has landed in my country. Or are you saying that the value of a beast is different from that of an elf?]

Given the current situation in Roca’s homeland, it is not surprising that such an opinion would be expressed.

But there was a contradiction in her words. That is.

[Roca, that’s a little different. If angels were sent to punish the elves for their misdeeds, why do you think Liz, the elf in question, has a phobia of white wings?]

[I’m sure that’s true. But isn’t that a strange story? Isn’t it because the elves have been dealt with, the angels have descended to bring judgment?]

[It’s the way the ancient script is written. It is written in such a way that it could be misinterpreted as ‘angels descended as judgment for the harm done to the elves by men.]

Roca crossed her arms and wagged her long tail.

[Mm! I’m too stupid to understand. Shaula, you don’t know either, do you?]

[You’re so rude! Don’t make fun of me! I have no idea what you’re talking about!]

[I and Shaula are both good at solving problems by force, so I don’t have a clue what to do with my head. Theo and the others can think about it on their own.]

Roca yawned loudly and went to check on Liz, who was still sleeping. Shaula followed suit.

[I haven’t had a chance to look at the book directly, but what you’re saying is this: the disappearance of the elves and the descent of the angels were not a series of events, but two separate events.]

[I don’t know that much about……. But since Liz is suffering from white-wing phobia, we should think of it this way: ‘Angels attacked elves too.]

[That’s the reason for the Wings of Frenzy? A crazy angel came and attacked humans and elves alike, destroying everything and everyone in its path. That is the true nature of the ‘great storm’ that remains in the stories of the Eastern Domain?]

[I’d like to do a little more research on …… and all that.]

[What are we supposed to do, look it up. If you’re talking about the big storm, there’s a little bit about it in the history books. I skipped over it because I didn’t think it was relevant, but you know, the big disasters and famines were all in those books.]

[I need to check in with Liz. So maybe we’ll talk later.]

I looked at Liz, who was in a deep sleep, then turned my attention to the window.

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