Chapter 1. [Episode 26]
“Mira – Part 1”




The great library, located in the central district of Mildiana, was incomparably larger than the library at the military school.

In principle, common people are not allowed to take books out of the library. If they are nobles or military personnel, they can borrow books for a certain period if they follow the prescribed procedures.

I heard some books looked interesting from that Julian, and I’d like to take the time to look at them next time I have time.

I looked around the reception counter and immediately spotted an elf woman. She was probably Nia.

I suddenly met her gaze with a very elf-like appearance.

The moment I showed her the crest, her nearly expressionless face turned a little startled.

[Warehouse Two.]

[Alright ……. This way please.]

Without a hint of doubt, Nia invited me to the counter and led me straight to the back.

She was silent the entire time as we walked down the dimly lit hallway.

When we eventually reach a room marked “Warehouse 2,” Nia says,

[This door has a keyhole, but it can never be opened without actually holding up the coat of arms.]

[I’m sure it’s an interesting trick. I wonder if it’s to keep anyone from accidentally entering?]

[That’s about it.]

I held up President Ludio’s coat of arms to the doorknob.

Then, the door opens with a creak.

A slight musty smell wafted through the air.

[I cannot accompany you from here.]

[Copy that.]

[The books are strictly forbidden to be taken out of the warehouse, but before that, please be careful when touching them. This is a warehouse where so-called forbidden books are stored, the contents of which would drive a person with no tolerance for magic power insane the moment he or she sees them.]

[I would read it if I had the time, but I just don’t have time for that right now.]

[……There is no doubt that you are a man approved by Lieutenant General Lambert. You have a lot of guts.]

[Well, then, let me come in.]

[I will return to my normal duties, so please let me know when you leave.]

I watch Nia walk away and I walk into the room.

The books held here were so special that one could tell just by looking at them that the “second warehouse” was just a public appearance.

The room is crammed with things that are far more dangerous than those in that room, which only special students are allowed in.

It is this feeling of being strangely taken away by a book that suddenly catches one’s eye. It can be said to be the main characteristic of dangerous grimoires.

Naturally, for me, it’s nothing, but this is not something that a regular person would be allowed to see, and this is not a place for regular people to be in the first place.

It was obvious that most of the books had some kind of significance. Perhaps the books emitting black miasma in those places could be “swallowed” just by reading them, even by a magician of Julian’s level.

Aha, that’s interesting. I wish I had time to read them all. So much so that I don’t want to leave my room until I’ve read them all.

Driven by such curiosity, my eyes naturally fell on a book on the far shelf.

On the spine of the book is written only “Mira”. There is nothing else like that, so that must be what the president was talking about.

I picked it up immediately.

The book itself does not seem to be particularly dangerous, unlike the other grimoires and other books stored here.

I open the contents. There it said.

“A Brief Investigative Record of the Mira’s Bloodbath Incident.”

Mira’s bloodbath incident. It’s the first time I’ve seen the term.

All texts are written in an ancient script.

I immediately decided to read what it contained.

[The event is said to have begun around the year 521 of the Imperial’s history.

At that time, there was a territory owned by the Dukes of Balzac in the eastern part of the Elberian Empire.

The name of the lord is Mira. She was about 46 years old at the time. She lost her husband at a young age and inherited his vast wealth. There are countless stories praising her beauty in her youth, and she does not even know how many men she had relations with.

On the other hand, the taxes imposed on the people were too high, and the collections were severe. Some were even executed for nonpayment of taxes.

With her high position as a duchess and her name on the Senate, few people could offer their opinions, and the people of Balzac were in dire straits.

It is said that Mira was a very greedy person, especially when it came to beautiful things. Not only jewelry and paintings, but she also kept beautiful-looking women as slaves.

There is a testimony that she was particularly obsessed with female elven slaves and would buy them at any price if she liked them and keep them at her house.

Slaves were often treated for sexual purposes, but details are unknown.

However, several former servants have stated that after a certain point in her life, Mira began to grieve over her aging appearance. This frustration was directed at her elven slaves, who remained beautiful despite their age.

At the time, a rumor circulated in some parts of the empire that drinking elven blood would rejuvenate one, and Mira is said to have put this into practice. Not content with simply drinking elven blood, she also devoured the flesh, bathed in blood, and used their eyeballs, which shined like jewels, as catalysts for her magic, among other out-of-the-ordinary activities.

No matter how many times she repeated such acts, Mira never became young again. She finally killed all of her elven slaves, and even though she sucked the living blood of all of them, nothing changed.]

Is this the same rumor that Rena mentioned about drinking elven blood to become young again?

But, as I should say, it didn’t have any effect. Normally, this would have been the end of the story. There is no way that a mere ordinary person can overcome aging.

[One day, Mira invited a guest. The guest was covered with a hood and a robe, and his voice had a horrifying tone as if it were the voice of a man and a woman combined.

Mira spent a whole day talking with the dubious guest. After the guest left, Mira murmured, “If only I had a ‘last drop,’ I would be young again.”

None of the servants could understand what it meant. According to Mira, the guest was a great magician from his magical kingdom who knew how to produce the last drops. If you drink it, you will be young again.

Everyone could not believe their ears. But after a short pause, the guest was invited back to the mansion and brought the actual drop of the last drop. It was a red liquid in a small bottle. Mira took a sip of it, half in disbelief. Then, something unbelievable happened.

The wrinkles disappeared from the face of the woman who had passed her forty years of age, and her skin regained its luster, becoming like the beautiful Madame Mira Balzac herself in her former life.]

…… stupid. Did you get young again after just one sip? Even if it’s a bedtime story, it’s bad.

However, this is something that the president of the university went out of his way to show me. I don’t think it is written with a lie.

Is a last drop such an amazingly powerful thing?

[Mila shivered with delight when she saw the phenomenon. It was only natural since her long-held wish had finally come true. However, according to the guest, the effect is not long-lasting. If she did not get the last drops regularly, her body would grow old again.

Mira wanted to buy the last drops right away. But the guest shook his head. They did not have any more of it because it is extremely difficult to produce the last drops.

When the lady pressed him as to what the method of generation was, the guest said, “An elf. Prepare the elves.”

She expressed disappointment at the words. She had long ago consumed the flesh and blood of the elves. She shouted at him to stop trying to fool her.

But the guest said, “That is not good enough. Prepare the elf again. With my technique, I can make the elf a last drop.”]

The story continues further.

[It just so happened that elves merchants were staying in the Eastern Territories at that time. The goods they handled were of very good quality and sold at high prices.

Although relations between the empire and the elves were not good, there were certainly elves who went to the empire for these commercial purposes.

Then, these elves, who had been touring the eastern territories in groups of two to 30, suddenly disappeared. It happened near a small village in Balzac territory.

The merchant corps vanished as if they had gone into a godforsaken city, leaving behind their tools of trade, wagons, etc.

(Note: The residents were to be interviewed, but the village was littered with numerous rotting corpses believed to belong to the residents, but not a single living person was found. (See attached appendix.)

The details are not known, as this matter was not made public until after everything had come to an end. At this point, there was still no sign of a fuss.]

Have the elves disappeared and have the humans died?

It is not impossible that they were killed to keep their mouth shut. With the power of the duke’s family, it would be easy enough to destroy a small village.

[Over the next several years, rumors of the elves’ disappearance gradually began to spread. The situation in the empire was worsening, and perhaps because of the large number of bandits, the rumors did not go beyond the point of suggesting that the elves might have fallen victim to such people’s deadly blades.

(Note: At this point, the number of missing elves was probably already over 200.)

But here is where the decisive moment occurs. It was the year 525 in the history of the empire. The 121 elves dispatched from the then Kingdom of Tsefte Aria to the imperial capital were on their way home after an audience with the emperor when all of them disappeared.

In addition to diplomacy, they were also assigned to investigate the disappearance of elves which had been taking place mainly in the eastern territories. When the Queen of Tsefte Aria heard of this incident, she was outraged and sent a letter to the Emperor demanding an explanation and an immediate resolution of the case.

An investigation was conducted shortly thereafter, but the results were, it must be said, unclear.

When the Tsefte Aria Kingdom was informed of this, a brigade-sized army of over 3,000 men was dispatched from Tsefte Aria without notice, and the two countries fell into an extremely dangerous situation, with the Elberian Empire and the Tsefte Aria Kingdom coming to blows.]

Could this be the army of elves in the fairy tale that Roca describes?

This is probably where the really big problems start.

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