Chapter 1. [Episode 28]
“VIP Guard”




Returning to President Ludio’s room, I saw a surprising sight.

[Oh, isn’t that Theo? You were also summoned by Lieutenant General Lambert?]

[Roca? And everyone else, …… what the hell is going on?]

All the special students, except Liz, were there.

[I was called out suddenly after class. Unlike you, I didn’t do anything.]

[Me, too.]

[You didn’t do anything either, did you?]

[I didn’t do anything either. …… Huh, it’s a sweltering space. At least if Liz were here, the air would be a little more pleasant.]

And President Ludio was sitting at his desk, staring at me with his hands on his cheeks.

Oh, man, this is a disaster. I don’t know what to do.

At any rate, I tossed back the president’s emblem, which I had kept in my pocket. The president received it and muttered, [Thank you for your hard work.]

[How was it, Theodore? I think you find what you wanted to know.]

[I enjoyed it up to the halfway point. I wonder if it was the president who made it unreadable just at the critical point were about to start.]

[No, it is genuine and was written before I was born. And by the time I first viewed it, it was already unreadable.]

While everyone else was looking at me with puzzled looks on their faces, I continued.

[How much do you know about the case?]

[I know at least more than those simplified records. Including, of course, the information on the part that has been breached.]

[What are your sources?]

[…… But first, let me say one thing. I have gathered you here for one reason only: to provide security for an important person at a secret meeting that will be held soon.]

[VIP protection?]

[I hear the Queen of Elves is coming.]

Julian answers my question.

Will the current queen of Tsefte Aria come?

[Yes, Her Majesty Eynlana Kirfiniska, the current queen of the Kingdom of Tsefte Aria, is coming to visit the Mildianan military headquarters. I opposed the visit because I felt that it would not go anywhere.]

[President, are you serious? Queen or not, it wouldn’t be strange if you were turned into a ‘last drop’ when you come to this country.]

[We have had numerous correspondences about the visit for almost six months now. Her Majesty the Queen had only one idea. She wanted us to investigate, no matter how dangerous.]

[There is a possibility that a monster of some sort is involved in this case. If the records are to be believed, it’s probably something that no amount of elf fighting ability can compete with.]

[Yes, of course. And Her Majesty herself knows that because she was also involved in the incident. Now you know who my source is, don’t you?]

[I believe that Her Majesty the Queen left the capital of Tsefte Aria a long time ago and is currently in an inn town near the border. I would like her to get sick as soon as possible and fly back to the capital.]

[Wouldn’t a dragon be a nice surprise for them to see? Why don’t you go over there and coax the little guy out?]

[I’ll swallow you wholly from the head!]

[You should try it. I’ll rip your belly open and out. You’ll expose your filthy guts and die.]

[Yo, guys.]

[President Lambert, even if the Queen of the Elves had come to our land, would she be so easily abducted?]

[…… do you know about the High School of Magic?]

I let out a sigh at Pres. Ludio’s cowering attitude and he says, [I’m sorry, but I’m not sure I can do that.]

Is it the current queen of the elves who is about 500 years old?

If she’s one of the few living witnesses, it is worth listening to her story.

However, since she is coming to solve a missing person case, it seems unlikely that she will have that kind of time.

Keith admonished Shaula and Julian for their exchange.

Normally, I would have thought Roca would have stopped her, but she put her hand to her chin in thought as if she had not heard such a conversation.

Eventually, she opens her mouth.

At the president’s words, Roca and Shaula looked at each other.

[I can’t believe you got back to me with a question. I remember the last time we went to ……, they gave us a tour, but that’s it. I don’t know what kind of place it is.]

[Me, too. It was just a boring place with all the tools involved in magic on display.]

[Well, I guess so. Keith, Julian, how about you?]

Keith and Julian nodded.

[Ha! The High School of Magic is a research institute for magical technology located in various parts of the Empire! In particular, the High School of Magic, located in the central district of the city of Mildiana, is one of the largest institutions in the Empire.]

[I know it too. The actual visit before entering the school, there are a lot of excellent staff members, because it is called an academic city or a magic city. I also heard that the High School of Magic is not only a research institute but also a magic management institute.]

[Exactly. The High School of Magic can detect magic equivalent to the forbidden arts used in a certain area. For example, if forbidden magic is used here, the High School of Magic can detect it immediately.]

I decided to supplement.

[The forbidden art described in the documents is probably a forced transfer technique, and it is a very extensive and powerful one at that. If such a thing were to be used in this city, the High School of Magic would be able to immediately locate the place of use and know the destination of the transfer.]

The principal nodded.

[There’s no way to use something like that on the street. …… normally.]

[…… Hmmm? That certainly seems to make a point. So what’s the connection between the High School of Magic and the story of the Elven Queen?]

[Yes, normally I wouldn’t do it. But I am convinced. The enemy will surely move when they know the Queen of Elves is coming. Then what should we do? Let me tell you the answer. I intend to use her as bait.]

Everyone except me looked astonished at the president’s outrageous statement.

[You’re using the queen as bait? Are you seriously saying that?]

[Are you insane? I think you’re joking a little too much.]

[I don’t agree with that strategy either! Even if it is to get a clue to solve the case, it is too far out of the ordinary!]

[…… you’re crazy, dude.]

[Ha ha ha! I get that a lot. But what do you think, Theodore?]

All the special students look at me.

I said thoughtfully.

[I guess I agree with Julian. I think President Ludio is nuts.]

[Oh? So you don’t agree with me?]

[No, no, no, I’m all for anything as long as it’s fun. But I wonder if President Ludio is okay. I mean, you want to use the queen as the bait.]

[Since she insisted on coming even after we’ve stalled them for a long time, I think, they have to be useful.]

[I like that idea. I’m in. I don’t know about the rest of you. But does this culprit even know that the Queen of Elves is coming?]

[We have given the information in advance to the anti-Elf officers in the military. It is only in the form of unintentional leaks of secrets.]

[You’ve done a bold thing. But you can’t touch the Queen of Elves, can you? You know that her security is very strong.]

[I will get on board. They will be forced to. Her Majesty the Queen has strong suspicions about the inner workings of the Imperial Army, so she will beat around the bush.]

It was Keith who posed the question in the words of a convinced president.

[Lieutenant General Lambert, does the culprit include anyone from the Imperial Guard?]

[Oh. You may not know this, but there are more anti-elven soldiers than you can imagine. And they seem to be unable to stand the fact that a half-elf like me has taken over for the General who fought so valiantly in the recent battle against the Zenan Dragon Kingdom and then fell in battle.]

[What a ……!]

Keith exclaims.

I guess this is the reason why President Ludio can’t do a major survey.

[Now, what do you think? Can you help me? It could be because you feel sorry for the kidnapped elves, or because you can’t stand to see the queen of the elves fall into the hands of thugs.]

[President. If we teach them more about ‘Mira,’ maybe they will be more cooperative?]

[Well, ……. It’s a story I don’t like people to know, but since I’m asking for your help, I can’t keep it to myself. Now, I would like to ask you all to please bear with me for a while as I tell you a story from the past. Please keep what I am going to tell you a secret.]

After so prefacing his remarks, President Ludio goes on to talk about Mira’s Bloodbath incident.

The same things I had read in the brief record were being said, and all of the special students were listening to them with serious faces.

[Now, as to why Mira was slaughtered, I don’t know either. Was it a military outburst, or did the elves, who had escaped harm, act preemptively to take revenge? No matter how much I look into it, I don’t know who the slaughterer was or why. Any questions so far?]

No one raised their hands, as if everyone was too busy swallowing information.

[Let’s talk about the rest of the story. Although the information at that time is organized, many things are unclear, but around the time of the slaughter of Mira, or about the same time, a monster with white wings appears, flying in the sky. This is the true identity of the aforementioned heavenly demon, and the root cause of the white-wing phobia that is said to affect only humans and elves.]

[Who exactly is the Heavenly Demon?]

[It is unknown. But it is said that it was a deformed creature, very much like an angel, but possessed only by a destructive impulse. A large army of these demons arose in the vicinity of the eastern territories of the empire and ravaged the place to no avail. …… Some of them did not pay attention to humans, but flew to the elven kingdom of Tsefte Aria.]

[Did it target only the empire and the elven villages? There is no report of the appearance of such a monster in the Kingdom of Rugal. If you are talking about a monster that eats only elves, I believe I told Theo about it.]

[Huh? Eating only elves? That is new to me. At least, the heavenly demons that appeared attacked humans as well.]

Geographically speaking, if the heavenly demons originated in the eastern territory of the empire, the kingdom of Rugal, where the beasts live, is closer than Tsefte Aria, which is located further south in the southern territory.

If they were just caught up in the destructive impulse and lost their reason, the damage would rather be concentrated on the empire and nearby Rugal. But in fact, many celestial demons went out of their way to target the distant Tsefte Aria.

What is the meaning of this action?

Did they happen to have a habit of preferring only humans and elves? Then why not attack those beasts who have half-human blood in them?

Or was it a habit of strongly favoring and attacking elves? That would make sense. But the problem with this case is much bigger. That is.

[…… President Ludio. Am I correct in my understanding that the distinction between angels and demons is blurred?]

[There is only ‘testimony’ that it looks very much like an angel. However, I have heard that many people insisted that it was a completely different thing, just like an angel.]

[May I go to the extreme? I think that the heavenly demon was an “angel itself” summoned by someone, and the summoner intended to target the elves. In other words, the angel was being manipulated by someone.]

[Theodore. Theodore, please keep your comments to yourself. If you make such a statement outside, at worst you will be executed.]

[I wonder if that’s still the case. Angels are the messengers of the great goddess who is said to have created the empire, and as such, they are sacred and absolute and cannot be manipulated by the secular world. Are you saying that I should not be so insulting?]

[You guessed it. If a hard-headed person heard it, they’d freeze with their mouth open. Like Keith at …… right now.]

I looked over at Keith and saw that he was frozen with his mouth open. His usually tight, fearless face is ruined.

[Theodore, what a pun you are! As you say, angels are the messengers of the Great Goddess of Creation! They are divine beings that judge the wicked and never bow down to the wicked. I cannot condone such a statement!]

[Sorry, sorry.]

Yeah …… I have an angel close to me who has succumbed to the evil one. My first wife. Her name is Lumiel. I wonder what Keith would look like in front of her.

However, although Lumiel has fallen, I did not manipulate her, and she is not crazy. It’s not very interesting for me to compare her with the heavenly demons and such.

Every single angel who entered Tenebrae was destroyed except for Lumiel.

Of course, there can’t be only those who have invaded. During my long stay with Lumiel, I heard stories about these women, and it seems that many of them did not participate in the Tenebrae extermination battle.

After all, that was the first and last time an angel came aboard the Tenebrae. Lumiel has been with me ever since, so I don’t know how my former companions have spent their time.

When you think about it, I still think that celestial demons are angels. They boast such strong resistance to magic that they cannot be manipulated by ordinary techniques, but if, for example, they were summoned using the last drops that started it all, they would be …….

[The kingdom of Tsefte Aria, which was attacked, had fortunately or unfortunately been preparing for war. Although the attack came as a complete surprise, everyone who was able to fight stood up to the demons and succeeded in destroying them, even though they inflicted numerous casualties.]

[So things didn’t work out the way the culprit behind all this wanted them to?]

[Perhaps. Because the identity of the culprit, or even his purpose, remains unknown.]

[What? It’s still unsolved after all?]

[Yes, it is. In this case, we do not know who did what and for what purpose. The most important person, a guest of magical power, was thoroughly investigated, but in the end, we were unable to solve the mystery.]

Roca sniffed in a boring way.

[Hmmm. No wonder the barbarians of Chiaro are so unpredictable.]

[Yes, they are. They are barbaric. They are the kind of people who would take and kill not only beasts but also their people just because they lack the gift of magic.]

I continue to ask.

[How do you explain the torn pages of the book I saw?]

[…… The rest of that book seems to have described how the drops were manufactured in the last few days. And the truth about the great storms that supposedly occurred in the eastern territories.]

[If what the lieutenant general said is true, then the place where the last drops were built is abandoned for all intents and purposes. If you’re talking about the way it was built,…… I can only say that they must have done something with magic.]

[I can’t tell you any more than I can tell you about the last drops, because we don’t know how they are completely manufactured. It’s all due to the great storm.]

[What do you mean by because of the great storm? I thought it was a metaphor for the outbreak of demons.]

[The Great Storm did indeed happen. Locally, with tremendous destructive force, it destroyed everything. Artificially.]

[No way.]

Then it occurred to me. Why was there a great storm?

[The destruction of evidence to conceal the existence of the last drops, the method of their manufacture, and the attack of the heavenly demons, right? Moreover, it was done by the Imperial Army.]

[You are right. And it happened around the ruins in question – the Balzac area. In that area, the reconstruction has progressed as if the ruins had never existed in the first place, and now there is even a small town there.]

[Wait a moment, Lieutenant General Lambert. You mean to say that the great storm that occurred destroyed a room that was deep underground?]

[Think about it the other way around. To destroy the evidence of what was underground, they caused something called the ‘Great Storm’ to uproot and destroy the entire surrounding area. By doing so, they decided to force the “Mira’s Bloodbath Incident,” which began with the disappearance of the elves, to fade away. And in later years, very few people knew about it.]

[And am I correct in assuming that it was Lieutenant General Gustav Ritter who caused that great storm or whatever it was?]

[Yes, he must have arrived at it. To the truth about the manufacturing method of the last drops and the attack of the heavenly demons. As a result, he prevented the truth from becoming public knowledge, even by destroying his territory. I don’t know to what extent the entire imperial army at the time was involved, though.]

When President Ludio finished, no one said anything for a while.

[The above is the rough and tumble of Mira’s bloodbath. And that tragedy is about to happen again. Let me say it again. I ask for your help.]

[President Lambert also has a bad personality. After hearing all this, there is no way we could have refused even if we wanted to.]

[I like elf girls with bad personalities, but I still don’t like men, no matter how bad they are.]

[I’m sorry. Aside from the other special students, you are outsiders. …… for now.]

Roca laughs at the president, who strangely intensifies the last word.

[If I refuse, not only will my life be in danger, but my assistance to my country may also be in jeopardy. Very well, I will cooperate with you to the best of my ability. But I cannot die here, so if I feel my life is in danger, I will run away, okay?]

[Likewise to Roca. I’m her guard and her slave. I can’t trade my life for hers, can I?]

[I understand that. I’m not going to make you take that risk.]

After the beast girls gave their approval, Julian said.

[That sounds to me like you’re saying that those of us from the empire want to be overworked and then get disposed of when we die?]

[You know exactly what you’re talking about, Julian. Of course, it does. Throw yourself into the front line and give up everything to lead the way to a solution. If you die there, you are a vessel for nothing more.]

[Ha. Cool. All right, I’ll take the ride.]

The president seems to know exactly how to handle Julian.

[Well, Keith. What about you? You are the only person here who comes from an Imperial noble family. Can you consider it?]

[……I have something I have to protect. I cannot die here.]

[You’ll get off then?]

[I accept. I am a legitimate son of the Lermit family who inherited the Holy Flame. I have no intention of dying a dog’s death. I don’t know what that last drop is, but some people have created such a thing and want to use it for evil. I cannot allow that to happen! I will do my utmost to carry out this mission with all my might!]

[I knew you would say that.]

Keith, with his strong sense of justice, would not be able to remain silent if he were told such a story.

[Now everyone here is in on it, right? But, Lieutenant General Lambert, what are you going to do about Liz? Why didn’t you call her in the first place?]

[I have my ideas about this. By the way, I have not informed her about the queen’s visit. I ask that you also keep it to yourselves.]

[We’re going to do this without Liz? Huh,…… that’s boring.]

We were then indoctrinated on the location of the elf queen and security arrangements.

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