Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 1010: Conquer the delicacy of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang and Concubine Yang

When Concubine Yang's words fell, Tang Xuanzong was also taken aback.

"Noble concubine, what is this ice cream?"

Ye Chen clasped a fist and said, "My lord, this ice cream is made with milkshake, ice water and other things mixed with lychees. It tastes sweet, especially in the mouth, it is cool and refreshing."

Tang Xuanzong was stunned for a moment: "There is such a delicious thing in this world?"

"Hurry up and present it to me." Tang Xuanzong said excitedly.

At this time, an **** came to Ye Chen and took the ice cream in his hand.

As soon as I started, I felt a chill in my hands.

"It's so cold, it feels like ice." The **** couldn't help but said.

At this moment, Concubine Yang was also secretly looking at Ye Chen.

This young man is really handsome.

Even in the Tang Dynasty, they were all beautiful men. .

But her eyes fell on the ice cream.

The white milkshake, like a snow-capped mountain, is also dotted with red lychees.

More like a red cloud on the mountain.

Concubine Yang likes to eat lychees, and every year Emperor Xuanzong of Tang asks the following to give her a whip.

But it was the first time she saw ice cream.

Just by smelling the chilly smell, Concubine Yang's saliva almost came out.

Unexpectedly, I was just praying to heaven to eat something cold and refreshing, and God actually sent it.

This young man is so handsome, is he really a fairy?

Concubine Yang also had some interest in Ye Chen.

The **** had just taken the ice cream, and Yang Guifei was about to take it to eat, but was stopped by Tang Taizong.

"Ai concubine, be careful, is there any poison in this ice cream?"

This ice cream Tang Xuanzong hadn't seen it before, it was too weird, so he was a little worried as the emperor.

"The emperor, how can this be a reward from the heavens is poisonous?"

With that, Concubine Yang turned out ice cream.

She took out a small spoon and held a spoonful.

Suddenly, I felt a chill coming.

Wow, this taste is so delicious.

The ice cream is in your mouth, it's cool, and most importantly, it still has a touch of lychee flavor.

This is simply the best in the world.

As the most beloved concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, Concubine Yang has eaten countless delicacies.

But these delicacies cannot be compared with this ice cream.

Tang Xuanzong on the side looked a little greedy.

After all, it was the scorching heat. Tang Xuanzong was wearing a dragon robe, and he felt very hot at first. This bowl of ice cream looked cool and delicious.

It must taste good.

"Ai concubine, give me a bite."

Hearing Concubine Yang's words, Ye Chen also nodded: "No problem."

Concubine Yang held a spoonful and handed it to Tang Xuanzong's mouth.

A chill came.

Tang Xuanzong couldn't help taking a bite.

"This taste is really delicious."

Tang Xuanzong has eaten countless delicacies of mountains and seas, but eating this ice cream in summer is too refreshing.

Seeing that these two Tang Dynasty names were turned over by a bowl of ice cream fans, Ye Chen also smiled faintly.

Although this kind of ice cream is common in my own world, there is no technology that can be made in this world. .

So ordinary ice cream naturally became a super delicacy in the Tang Dynasty.

A bowl of ice cream, the two of them will be exhausted in a short while.

Originally, Tang Xuanzong was upset because of the court affairs, but after eating the ice cream, he felt that all the anger in his heart was gone.

This is simply a fetish!

"I have never eaten something so amazing."

"This smells so good."

Tang Xuanzong Longyan Dayue.

At this time, all the civil and military officials in the palace were stunned.

"The emperor has never boasted such food so much in court."

"Looking at how the emperor and noble concubine eat, it looks like this thing called ice cream is very delicious."

"The emperor has been very angry recently. It seems that we can be less scolded."

"It smells really good, I'm so greedy."

"By the way, what is the sacred courier brother who popped up suddenly?"

"Is it really a fairy, as the imperial concubine said?"

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

His eyes were full of shock.

Concubine Yang was also satisfied.

"My lord, this ice cream is better than my favorite lychee."

Tang Xuanzong said excitedly: "Ai Qing, this food is so delicious, it can make my concubine be so happy and must be rewarded again."

"This takeaway boy, reward you with a thousand acres of fertile land and ten thousand gold."

Hearing this reward, many ministers were envious.

This is a reward for the earl. .

With this reward, it can be said that he can instantly become a local tyrant.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Thank you, the emperor."

Looking at the time, he is about to return to the real world.

At this time, Concubine Yang suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked: "I don't know how this takeaway boy is called?"

Ye Chen said, "My name is Ye Chen, and I am a small brother from Ten Thousand Realms."

"By the way, if you want to eat something delicious in the future, you can always call me Yo, and remember to give me five-star praise."

Concubine Yang looked at Ye Chen with peach blossoms in her eyes. If Tang Xuanzong was not there, she would definitely keep Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye Chen, I look forward to seeing each other next time."

At this time, a message came from the system.

"The takeaway has been delivered, please return to the original world as soon as possible."

"The wormhole will open in thirty seconds."

Ye Chen waved his hand without hesitation, and then rode the electric bike to rush outside.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Ye Chen rode the electric bike to the corner of an unmanned palace.

In the next moment, Ye Chen and the electric car disappeared in the wormhole.

At this time, a few golden armored warriors had just chased over.

Seeing this scene, they all knelt on the ground.

"Oh my God, it really is a fairy in the legend."

"how can that be."

"Suddenly disappeared out of thin air, what is it if it is not a fairy?"

"It turns out that there are real immortals in this world."

The audience was shocked.

"Ye Chen."

Looking at the direction in which Ye Chen disappeared, he bit his lip, and a touch of determination flashed in his eyes.

Almost at the same time, in the real world, Ye Chen appeared at the entrance of the alley with a white light.

The scene just now seemed to be a dream.

But I have to say that Concubine Yang is really beautiful.

And Li Longji, really has the majesty of the emperor.

Ye Chen disappeared in the Tang Dynasty, but he has become a secret legend of the Tang Dynasty court.

It also made many people believe that there really is a **** in this world.

At this moment, Ye Chen received the system prompt: "Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving the five-star praise from Concubine Yang, and the system rewards for 10,000 mu of fertile land."

Reward for Ten Thousand Mu of Good Land?

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

The original reward location should be Anxi, but that was all a thousand years ago.

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly received a call.

It turned out that the high school head teacher was sick.

Now living in Xicheng Hospital.

Teacher Chen, the head teacher of the high school, is very nice and helped Ye Chen a lot at the beginning.

The teacher went to Anxi later, and happened to have a set of palaces in Anxi. Apart from looking at the teacher, you can also see what your palace looks like. Choose the latest chapter address of the President of Yiwan Group: full text reading address of the president of Yiwan Group is selected at the beginning: the txt download address of the president of Yiwan Group at the beginning: the president of Yiwan Group to read on mobile phone: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1010 Conquering the Delicacy of Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei), next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Choose the President of Hundreds of Millions in the Start", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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