"Brother Takeaway?"

Hearing Song Xiaoxiao's words, everyone was stupid.

how can that be?

The person who can make Song Xiaoxiao's painting skills leap forward is actually a takeaway boy?

This is incredible.

"It's impossible."

"I think the goddess must be joking."

"That's right, how could it be a takeaway boy?"

"Haha, I guess the goddess must be dreaming."

"If you really have this ability, why do you want to deliver food?"

Almost no one believed Song Xiaoxiao's words.

Even Tang Zhen frowned, feeling that Song Xiaoxiao's words were too ridiculous.

A takeaway boy can actually give advice to Song Xiaoxiao to paint.

In any case, Song Xiaoxiao is also the first prize winner of the Huaguo Painting Competition.

How did a takeaway boy give directions?

"Xiaoxiao, you must be joking with everyone!"

The host Chen Hua walked over and said.

"Hey, you must be too tired to have been busy creating these days. With such a humble job as a takeaway guy, how can you guide you to draw such a beautiful picture."

"You, you are joking regardless of the occasion, so quickly apologize to Teacher Tang?"

Chen Hua said in a teaching tone.

He thought that by doing so, he was protecting Song Xiaoxiao and stepping down for Song Xiaoxiao.

Chen Hua still fantasizes about Chen Hua, and Song Xiaoxiao will even appreciate herself because of her appearance.

Perhaps after this incident, Song Xiaoxiao's attitude towards herself will change and even fall in love with herself.

But he didn't notice, Song Xiaoxiao's face had become increasingly ugly.

What is the most humble occupation?

Song Xiaoxiao had long seen Chen Hua's arrogant look unpleasant.

Although Ye Chen is a takeaway brother, Chen Hua is not even a fart compared to him.

Song Xiaoxiao said loudly, "I didn't lie. If it weren't for the takeaway boy's guidance, I wouldn't be able to draw such a work."

"It can be said that this takeaway boy is a mentor to my painting career and the person I should be most grateful for."

"Also, I know that takeaway boy is in the audience."

Hearing Song Xiaoxiao's words, everyone was stupid.

what? The takeaway boy is sitting in the audience?

Everyone looked around.

Could it be that this takeaway boy is sitting in the audience?

Song Xiaoxiao nodded: "The takeaway boy said that after watching the takeaway, he will watch the show."

"In my eyes, he is the most handsome boy in the world. He has demeanor and demeanor, and he is also a master painter. His works are almost comparable to the real works of Tang Bohu."

There is worship in Song Xiaoxiao's words.

On the side, Chen Hua was almost mad when Song Xiaoxiao praised Ye Chen so much.

He has always loved Song Xiaoxiao and has done so many things for Song Xiaoxiao.

But this woman didn't even look at herself.

Now, this woman was in front of him, praising other men, how could this make him stand it.

Someone in the audience asked curiously: "What's the name of that takeaway boy?"

Song Xiaoxiao looked at the audience with fiery eyes: "His name is Ye Chen, if you are here, please stand up for the number? I want to thank you in public."

Sitting in the audience, Ye Chen frowned when he heard Song Xiaoxiao's words.

Originally, he only wanted to watch the show offstage, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He's so handsome, I can't even keep a low profile.

"Ye Chen?"

At this moment, Murongxue and Xu Ning beside Ye Chen stared at Ye Chen blankly.

Is it really Ye Chen?

Murongxue looked at Ye Chen dullly and asked, "Ye Chen, is Song Xiaoxiao talking about you?"

He couldn't imagine that Ye Chen was so versatile.

And also a hidden master of painting.

This is too unbelievable.

How can a person be so perfect?

Ye Chen was a little embarrassed.

He had already noticed that when he heard Murong Xue's words, many people looked at him.

Murongxue said excitedly when Ye Chen didn't speak, "Ye Chen, I know, you are in the audience, please stand up and accept my thanks?"

Chen Hua's words completely angered her just now, and she wanted everyone to know Ye Chen.

Let them know that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

Many people are already looking at themselves, Ye Chen knows that if he doesn't stand up, others will pull him out.

If that's the case, it would be too unmanly.

Under everyone's attention, Ye Chen slowly stood up.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is still wearing a particularly dazzling takeaway boy costume.

"It's really the takeaway brother?"

"I rub, this boy is so handsome."

"Why do I feel in love at first sight of him?"

"This man won't really be a master of Chinese painting."

Looking at Ye Chen, everyone was shocked.

"Mr. Ye Chen, then please come on stage." The hostess was also attracted by Ye Chen's face and said with a smile.

Ye Chen nodded and walked towards the stage very smartly.

At this time, there were bursts of exclamation from the audience.

"Gosh, it's so young."

"Impossible, how can you be a master of Chinese painting at such a young age."

"That's right, Song Xiaoxiao must be making up a story."

No one believed Song Xiaoxiao's words at all.

Traditional Chinese painting pays attention to the foundation.

Ye Chen is so young, how could he be a master of Chinese painting.

Especially the host Chen Hua standing on the stage.

Chen Hua looked at Ye Chen who walked up to the Tai Tai with a look of hostility.

This Ye Chen is so young, how could he be a master of Chinese painting.

And this guy is a takeaway.

You know, the masters of traditional Chinese painting are very profitable now.

Even the paintings sold have to be calculated on a flat ruler.

If Ye Chen is really a master of traditional Chinese painting, would he still deliver food?

What a joke.

At this moment, Chen Hua's face already had a sarcasm smile.

"Ye Chen, you really are here, great, we will meet again so soon."

Song Xiaoxiao looked happy.

In fact, just after Ye Chen left, she missed Ye Chen a little bit.

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly. He didn't expect Song Xiaoxiao to be so bold, calling out his name on the stage to find himself.

"Haha, Song Xiaoxiao, your joke is a bit too big, right."

"Will this takeaway boy be the one to point you?"

"Your painting is even praised by Teacher Tang. How could he instruct you to paint it?"

"And this takeaway boy, don't you have any points? You really dare to come on stage."

Chen Hua looked at Ye Chen with a sneered expression on his face.

In his opinion, although Ye Chen is handsome, he is the most beautiful boy in Magic University.

In the entire Magic University, who can be compared with him except that Zhao Kun?

How could Chen Hua endure this takeaway boy who actually robbed him of the limelight.

Seeing Chen Hua's arrogant look, Ye Chen also frowned.

Is this guy a mad dog?

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