Dr. Rock took a deep breath.

"This Easterner must be captured."

Ye Chen's speed and strength have surpassed the limits of human beings.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen is still an ordinary person.

In other words, there must be some kind of mutation in Ye Chen's body that would allow Ye Chen to have such a physical change.

Dr. Rock was very excited.

He had studied the captain of the United States before.

His body mutated because he was injected with a certain hormone, causing the body to mutate.

Perhaps this Ye Chen's body has also changed.

Compared to the American captain, Dr. Roque is more interested in this Oriental.

After all, there are too many mysterious places in Ye Chen's body.

This guy must be caught.

As long as the secret of Ye Chen's body changes was extracted from Ye Chen's body.

Then his army of mutants can become the master of this world.

"Be sure to catch that Oriental."

The important target of this arrest has changed from the captain of the United States to Ye Chen.

But he thinks beautifully, but he is very backbone on the battlefield.

Several armored vehicles have been overturned by the cooperation of Ye Chen and the US captain.

Now those special forces were beaten by Ye Chen and the captain of the United States.

I saw the shield in the hands of the American captain directly hit another armored vehicle.


The armored vehicle was hit heavily and rolled down the sand dunes.

Almost at the same time, three more mutants attacked the two.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, and the bright silver spear in his hand swung like flying.

Pouch, pouch.

The three mutants were pierced by Ye Chen as soon as they approached the attack range of the gun.

These mutants are elites, invincible in this world.

Even the American captain was very embarrassed by them.

But today, in front of Ye Chen, they suffered heavy casualties.

The special forces and mutants who are still alive at the moment are all looking silly.

But at this moment, a sound of breaking wind came.

The American captain raised his head and his face changed.

"Ye Chen be careful."

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Ye Chen was fighting with the rushing special forces, and a crossbow behind him had already shot at the back of Ye Chen's head.

"Damn it, it's a Falcon."

The face of the American captain changed wildly.

The Falcon's shooting skills can be said to be perfect.

Now Ye Chen turned his back to him, and did not find the crossbow shot by the Falcon on the helicopter.


The American captain closed his eyes unbearably.

He blamed himself for the death of his little brother.

But at this time, an unbelievable scene appeared.

The arrow that should have been shot on Ye Chen's head suddenly stopped one inch behind Ye Chen.

It was like being blocked by a mysterious force.

In the next second, the arrow lost its momentum and fell directly to the ground.

how can that be?

Seeing this scene, the American captain was stupid.

The falcon was sitting on a helicopter.

Just now Ye Chen killed so many of his companions, and his heart was full of hatred.

So he wanted to kill Ye Chen.

But he didn't expect that an arrow he thought he would definitely hit would be shot in the air.

how can that be?

Ye Chen also ended up with the mutant in front of him at this time. He turned around and looked at the falcon on the helicopter.

At this time, the Falcon shot another arrow.

Ye Chen didn't stop, but quietly watched the arrow shoot over.

But an unbelievable scene appeared.

Same as before.

The moment that arrow approached Ye Chen, it fell to the ground again.

how can that be?

Everyone was stunned.

Dr. Rock, who monitors Qian, trembled with excitement.

This oriental man is too mysterious.

Must catch him.

Ye Chen looked at Falcon coldly.

Although Falcon didn't shoot Ye Chen, his face was unremitting.

Even this guy raised a **** at Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen is on the ground and he is in the sky, and Ye Chen's gun can't hurt him too much.

Ye Chen snorted coldly, "Boy, I want to run after shooting, so I should pay you back."

"Captain, I'll get that helicopter down."

The American captain was stunned when he heard this.

But this helicopter is ready to escape, flying very high, even my shield may not be able to reach it.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry about me. By the way, you can help me drive the electric car."

The American captain nodded after hearing this: "Okay."

The electric car galloped fast.

At this time, Dr. Rock, who monitors the money, was stupid.

This is too incredible.

What kind of transportation this Easterner uses is faster than a helicopter.

Soon the electric car has come under the helicopter.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and he raised the silver gun in his hand.

The American captain was stunned.

He is going to poke the plane down with a silver gun.

how can that be?

You know, the helicopter is already flying very high now.

At this altitude, unless it is a cruise missile, it is impossible to shoot a helicopter down with a gun.

But at this time, Ye Chen's bright silver spear had already been shot.


The bright silver gun in Ye Chen's hand struck out a silver light and shot it towards the helicopter.

The Falcon sneered.

"Idiot, how can it be possible to shoot me at this height."

But suddenly, his pupils tightened.

Because he found that the bright silver spear thrown by Ye Chen was extremely fast.

Most importantly, the target of this bright silver gun is a helicopter.

"Damn it, change direction quickly."

Falcon's face suddenly changed.

But it was too late.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen's silver gun had already hit the plane.

Damn it.

Falcon didn't have time to think, and jumped directly into the air.

Fortunately, he is carrying a parachute behind him.

The plane behind him, being stabbed by Ye Chen's silver spear, had already exploded in the air.

Falcon's face changed wildly.

Fortunately, I jumped fast.

But at this moment, his eyes condensed.

Because he saw Ye Chen below.

At this moment, Ye Chen was looking at him with a bright silver gun in his hand.

The plane burst, and the bright silver gun returned to Ye Chen's hand.

"What is he going to do?"

Soon, Falcon knew the answer.

Ye Chen's bright silver gun was thrown again.

"Do not!"

Falcon looked at the flashing silver gun, with a terrifying expression on his face.

He wanted to hide, but now he was hung by a parachute, and there was no way at all.

He could only watch Ye Chen's silver spear, constantly zooming in before his eyes.


In the next second, the bright silver gun pierced the Falcon's heart directly.

Falcon looked at Ye Chen below, still with terror in his eyes.

This is not a person, this guy is the devil.

Dr. Rock in the command center was completely stupid.

He never dreamed that he sent the elite of mutants, and they all died in the hands of Ye Chen and the captain of the United States.

Who is this guy? How could his strength be so terrifying!

At this moment, the US captain was also dumbfounded.

There are many heroes in their S.H.I.E.L.D., and he has also seen many awesome enemies.

But like Ye Chen is so awesome, it was the first time he saw him.

This is too scary!

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