Zhao Hua looked at Ye Chen.

Unlike other people's panic expressions, Ye Chen was very calm.

Seeing Ye Chen's expression, Zhao Hua's nervous heart also let go.

He knew that Ye Chen was definitely not an ordinary person, even if the plane crashed, he must have a way.

He even felt that Ye Chen had the ability to change his fate against the sky.

By the way, that must be the case on TV.

Things haven't been so bad now, so Shangshen hasn't taken any action.

If there is a danger, God will definitely not stand idly by.

At this moment, the entire cabin was wailing.

Some cry, some pray.

The oxygen mask that fell from the top made the atmosphere of the scene even more tense.

At this moment, there was a mixed wheel in the cabin.

No matter how rich you are, no matter how talented you are.

It is fair to face life and death at this moment.

The richer people are, the more reluctant they are to die.

"Please be calm. This is just a small accident, and our pilots can definitely resolve it."

"Although we have an engine destroyed, we still have a chance to make a crash landing, but we need everyone's cooperation."

The stewardess hurriedly stabilized the emotions of the passengers at the scene.

Ye Chen agreed with the stewardess's words.

Now the plane has arrived over Eagle Country.

As long as the pilots are skilled, there is no problem with making an emergency landing.

But this requires the pilots to have enough technical and psychological qualities for the orgasm.

After all, there is only one engine, and the landing process will be dozens of times more difficult than normal.

And you can only choose manual, even if you make a mistake, the end of the game may be crashed or killed.

Only an ace pilot with a real mentality can accomplish this impossible task.

At this time, in the cabin, Dennis, the main pilot in charge of flying the plane, had his eyes solemn.

Although he has more than ten years of driving experience, this is the first time he has encountered this situation.

The co-pilot was a blonde in her early thirties.

She has only been driving for three years, and she has only worked as a co-pilot.

"Notify the tower, let them clear the alternate runway, and prepare the fire truck." The driver solemnly ordered the Xiamen University.

At this time, the fault light is on.

The driver's face was very ugly.

The engine on the left is completely scrapped, and now he can only control the direction manually.

The pilot began to adjust the direction of the plane manually.

After the flight attendant's comfort, the emotions of the passengers also stabilized.

"Now, please follow my instructions to wear an oxygen mask to prevent accidents."

The stewardess began to sit and demonstrate to everyone.

Afterwards, the flight attendant said solemnly: "In case of unexpected events, I will prepare a piece of paper and pen for everyone."

Hearing the words of the flight attendant, the cabin boiled again.

Everyone understands what these do.

This shows that the aircraft's current situation is very dangerous.

Writing a suicide note is something no one wants to do.

There were screams again in the cabin.

"God, are we really going to die?"

"I don't want to die, I haven't lived enough yet."

"I don't want to fly anymore."

Some people are still complaining, and some are hugging each other.

Some people started to write suicide notes.

There were crying and wailing at the scene.

The flight attendant said, "Don't worry, this is just in case. Our pilots were once the ace pilots of the Air Force. They have very good psychological qualities and first-class driving skills. We will definitely be able to make a crash landing."

I have to say that the stewardess is very dedicated.

She still patiently comforted the passengers at the scene.

In fact, the stewardess was panicked.

After all, she was just over 20 years old, still in her youth, and of course she didn't want to die.

At this moment, suddenly a flight attendant ran over in a panic.

"Something happened to the flight attendant."

The flight attendant's expression changed: "What's the matter?"

"Just now, the captain was so nervous that he had a heart attack and fainted."


There was a dead silence at the scene.

Everyone is stupid.

Just now the flight attendant said that the pilot’s mental quality was excellent, but now he has a heart attack, so he slapped his face properly.

The most important thing is who flew the plane when he fainted?

You know, that co-pilot has only three years of driving experience.

If it is said that a normal plane is landing, it may not be a big problem, but this is a forced landing with a broken engine.

In other words, a careless operation may cause the plane to be destroyed.

At this moment, when the plane most needed an experienced captain, the captain fainted unexpectedly.

Is this God's will?

The plane trembles violently.

Hearing this news, the flight attendant couldn't calm down, his face pale.

The captain is their only hope.

Now that the captain fainted, their only hope of survival was also shattered.

Let a pilot with only three years of driving experience make an emergency landing without a helper, and the success rate is almost zero.

At this time, the flight attendant stabilized his emotions.

"Excuse me, are there any passengers in this room who can fly airplanes."

The most needed thing for airplanes now is the pilot.

Because various data needs to be recorded during the emergency landing, it is difficult for one person to complete it.

"If so, please stand up, we all need you."

The flight attendant was almost crying.

Although she understood that the chance of having an experienced pilot on the plane was too slim, he still wanted to give it a try.

There was dead silence in the cabin.

Everyone was pale.

After all, everyone can drive a car, but there are too few people who can drive airplanes.

Everyone was ashamed.

Song Xiaoxiao clutched Ye Chen's hand tightly, his face was also very ugly.

She even thought in her heart that if she could die with the person she loves most, it would not be the worst result.

Zhao Hua also closed his eyes.

Is it really my own death date today?

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly let go of Song Xiaoxiao's hand and stood up.

Ye Chen's complexion was very calm.

He said to the flight attendant: "I can fly a plane."

"Don't worry, I will fly the plane and land safely."

After speaking, Ye Chen unfastened his seat belt and stood up.

Although the plane was shaking a lot, Ye Chen seemed to be rooted in the cabin.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone was stunned.

Especially the people who knew Ye Chen were stupid.

What, this young man can fly a plane?

No one thought that Ye Chen would stand up.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't want to make a move. He believed that an experienced pilot who made an emergency landing should not have a big problem.

But now, the main pilot has a heart attack. If he doesn't take action, the plane will definitely crash.

"Okay, let's go to the cockpit quickly."

Ye Chen said in a deep voice.

In an instant, the aura on Ye Chen exuded.

Although Ye Chen stood up, the atmosphere on the scene was still very solemn.

If Ye Chen were a middle-aged person in his 40s or 50s, people might still have expectations.

Ye Chen is too young, in his early twenties, this age is probably only at the level of academy.

The flight attendant couldn't control so much, and led Ye Chen into the cab.

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