Because Song Xiaoxiao has been by Ye Chen's side, knowing that the relationship between the two is unusual.

The organizers no longer concealed: "Boss Ye is the boss of Douwang. We all work for him."

"So you are Douwang's boss?" Song Xiaoxiao exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand.

Before Ye Chen told her to get tickets for the VIP stand of the annual meeting, she was still wondering how Ye Chen did it.

Now everything seems to be the truth.

"It's nothing, don't be so surprised." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

The apology was also passed, and was forgiven by Ye Chen.

The organizer and director also felt that Ye Chen and the girl around him should no longer be disturbed.

They wisely said, "Boss Ye, you are busy, so we won't bother you."

Ye Chen and Song Xiaoxiao drove away from the venue and drove toward the mall.

"Ye Chen, why are you so good?" Song Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

"This is nothing at all, there are more places where I am great." Ye Chen said without humility.

The two drove to the China World Trade Center, parked the car, and went straight to the eighth floor.

The eighth floor of the mall gathers gourmet food, and of course there are fish cool.

Song Xiaoxiao took Ye Chen into the store, and there was a place now.

The two people sat down and ordered three kilograms of Qingjiang fish with spicy lychee flavor, and then ordered some side dishes and two bowls of rice.

While waiting for the food, Song Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Ye Chen, you are so amazing. You are the owner of Douwang. I thought about how much you paid for the ticket."

Ye Chen smiled: "Silly girl, you can't buy this ticket with money."

"Yeah, I also told my friends before, and I realized that it is not as simple as using money, and I have always had questions in my heart." Song Xiaoxiao stuck out his tongue and said.

"Now you know." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, but I am very curious about how you became the boss of Douwang." Song Xiaoxiao continued to ask.

Why does this girl have so many problems in Ye Chen's heart, and she has a headache for a while.

"This is a long story." Ye Chen said deliberately.

Just when he wanted to say something, the waiter brought the grilled fish up.

Smelling this scent, Song Xiaoxiao's already greedy saliva must be kept out.

She picked up the chopsticks and said, "I won't listen to you, I'm going to start eating fish."

The two people just bowed their heads and ate silently. After a while, only the bones of a fish were left. Of course, the one who ate the most was not Ye Chen, but Song Xiaoxiao.

Ye Chen didn't expect this girl to be so edible.

Song Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed and said, "Ye Chen, I made you laugh, I just can't stop this kind of sweet and spicy food."

"Have you never seen a girl eat so much?"

Indeed, as she said, it was the first time that Ye Chen saw a girl who could eat so much.

But even so, he didn't tell the truth, mainly because he was afraid of embarrassment.

"Eat more is good for your body, you are now the time to grow your body." Ye Chen teased.

"Ye Chen, you treat me as a child, you are too bullying." Song Xiaoxiao groaned.

Ye Chen gave the girl a glance: "Are you younger than me? There is nothing wrong with this."

Song Xiaoxiao choked with these words, her face flushed with anger.

"Well, I won't tease you anymore, let's say where are you going to go after dinner?" Ye Chen turned the subject away.

Although Song Xiaoxiao didn't speak, Ye Chen thought he couldn't stay in the store all the time.

"Well, count me wrong." Ye Chen said hurriedly.

He thought to himself that Song Xiaoxiao still said that he was not a child, and this little temper was no one.

"What do you mean by counting you as wrong? You were wrong." Song Xiaoxiao said reluctantly.

"Well, well, what you say is what you say." Ye Chen said helplessly.

Sure enough, women are unreasonable, whether they are small or big women.

Two people walked out of the grilled fish shop.

Ye Chen looked at Song Xiaoxiao and asked again: "Where do you want to go."

"A fun place." Song Xiaoxiao replied.

This fun place is Ye Chen, how could he, a big man, know where the fun place is that the girl said.

"Or I'll take you home." Ye Chen scratched his head and said.

"Hmph, I can tell that you just don't want to stay with me." Song Xiaoxiao had a little temper again.

Ye Chen asked, "Should we go to the movies?"

"Don't go."

"Should we go shopping?" Ye Chen suggested again.

"do not want."

Is watching movies and shopping all things women like to do, but they are all rejected by Song Xiaoxiao.

Ye Chen didn't know what to do, and this time he also had a temper.

It's okay for girls to act like a baby, but they can't be coaxed like this.

He no longer paid attention to Song Xiaoxiao walking forward.

Seeing Ye Chen's actions, Song Xiaoxiao knew that she was a bit too much, and hurriedly followed Ye Chen.

Two people passed by the door of a shop where the doll was caught, and Song Xiaoxiao stood still.

In fact, Ye Chen pretended to be angry, he knew that the girl had stopped.

He came to Song Xiaoxiao and asked, "Are you trying to catch a doll?"

"Well, but I tried a few times and I couldn't catch it at all." Song Xiaoxiao nodded and said.

The entertainment of catching dolls is a kind of fun for young people. In fact, you can buy dolls there, but the feeling is really different.

"Of course you can't, but I'm different." Ye Chen said as he pulled Song Xiaoxiao and walked inside.

Ye Chen looked at the girl next to him and asked, "Tell me which one do you like, and I'll catch it for you."

Most of the claw machine shops are girls, and of course there are some boys like Ye Chen who accompany their girlfriends.

As soon as he entered the store, Ye Chen's handsome appearance attracted the attention of many girls.

"Look, look, there's a handsome guy coming in."

"Which star is this?"

"I think it's impossible to be a big star. You have to know that those people are covering them tightly outside, for fear of being recognized by others."

"How do I feel that he is better than a star? I love it."

The girls just looked at Ye Chen, but didn't notice Song Xiaoxiao.

At this time, someone suddenly found Ye Chen and a girl walking in hand in hand.

The scene before him inevitably disappointed those girls who admired Ye Chen.

"Why God is so cruel to me, the boy I like already has a girlfriend."

"Hey, I fell out of love as soon as I fell in love, oooooo."

"Why the handsome guys belong to others, so can't you give me one?"

Ye Chen didn't care about the girl's wailing voice in the store.

But Song Xiaoxiao was unhappy. She pouted and said, "Ye Chen, why are you so attracted to girls?"

"Hey, there is really no way. Who makes me look handsome? Actually, I am also very distressed about this matter." Ye Chen said with an aggrieved expression.

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