Song Xiaoxiao's eyes were so cold that Li Mei's back was chilly, which made people shudder.

"You, you..." Li Mei was already angrily speechless.

In front of the classmates, Song Xiaoxiao told her scandal, and now everyone knows it.

Li Mei felt hot on her face, more uncomfortable than being beaten.

If there is a crack in the ground now, she must go in.

"It's ridiculous that you have done that kind of disgusting thing. It's ridiculous that you don't reflect on yourself and always blame others." Song Xiaoxiao said without showing any weakness.

"Li Mei, I tell you not to mess with me again, otherwise I will make you unable to eat, you'd better be honest with me." Song Xiaoxiao looked at Li Mei and said.

"You shameless woman get out of the classroom."

"I feel sick as a classmate with you."

"Hurry up and disappear before our eyes, don't defile this classroom."

Song Xiaoxiao's words once again caused the students to blame Li Mei.

Even without these people, Li Mei would no longer have the face to stay in the classroom.

Li Mei, who has always been strong, ran out of the classroom with tears on her face.

Seeing Li Mei leaving, Song Xiaoxiao felt her body soften and sat on the chair.

"Xiaoxiao, are you okay?" Liu Xin asked, looking at Song Xiaoxiao who was a little ugly.

The other classmates also gathered around, hushing and asking warmly.

Song Xiaoxiao was not originally such a woman, she was forced by Li Mei.

When she just said those words, she mustered up the courage to tell Li Mei's bad things.

What she did was to teach Li Mei a little lesson, and to let Li Mei know that she was not easy to provoke.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine, don't worry." Song Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

In fact, Song Xiaoxiao also felt that it was a bit improper to do so, which would make Li Mei unable to hold her head up in school.

But what Li Mei did to her was really horrible, even if Song Xiaoxiao had a good temper, she still had to breathe it out.

When Li Mei ran out of the classroom, she smiled coldly, her smile was very strange.

Song Xiaoxiao made her face scandal in front of her classmates. Li Mei is a woman who must report to her. How could she easily let Song Xiaoxiao go.

At this moment, Li Mei actually had a murderous heart towards Song Xiaoxiao.

She walked to a place with no one, took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

After the call was connected, a man's voice came from the other side: "Mei Mei, miss me?"

She said with rain, "Brother Hei, I was bullied. You have to be the master for me."

Hearing Li Mei crying, the black brother on the opposite side pushed the woman next to him away and asked: "Mei Mei, who is so bold to bully my black brother's woman, let me send a car to pick you up, and we will go to my villa later. Say."

It just so happened that Brother Hei also missed Li Mei this little fairy these days, and now it just happens to be an opportunity.

"Good black brother." Li Mei said with a reluctant expression on her face.

She knew exactly what it meant to find Brother Black.

Brother Hei is also a man of Li Mei, and there are many younger brothers under his hands.

Since Li Mei wanted to kill Song Xiaoxiao, she could only seek help from Brother Hei.

Before long, Li Mei's phone rang.

After answering the phone, a strange man's voice rang out: "Miss Li, Brother Hei asked me to pick you up. The car stopped at the school gate. It was an Audi A8."

"Okay, I'll go over now." Li Mei frowned and said.

After hanging up the phone, she walked towards the black Audi parked at the door and got in the car reluctantly.

The car drove for more than half an hour and drove into a villa. This is where Black Brother lives.

Li Mei got out of the car, tidyed up her clothes, took a deep breath and walked inside.

Seeing the black brother sitting in the living room, she immediately smiled on her face.

"Meimei, you are here." Hei said as he stood up and hugged her up, walked straight into the bedroom.

"Hei brother, don't be like this, it's not good for people to see." Li Mei said spoiledly.

"You little fairy, as soon as I heard your voice, I blasted those women away. You have to stay with me." Black brother smiled unkindly.

He squeezed Li Mei's waist as he spoke.

Brother Hei put Li Mei on the bed and then closed the door.

Li Mei's body trembled slightly when she heard the sound of closing the door. She was a little frightened, and kept hiding behind her.

The bodyguard outside the door shook his head and said to her companion: "This girl is estimated to be very miserable."

The voice fell, and Li Mei's screams kept coming from inside.

Another bodyguard said disapprovingly: "I think she deserves it too, who asked her to come to the door on her own initiative."

After about three hours, the door opened.

"Meimei, I know, this matter is left to me, don't worry." Hei said as he walked outside.

At this moment, Li Mei was already speechless in bed.

The two bodyguards just stood outside and heard the sound of ecstasy inside. They were a little unbearable. Seeing Brother Hei came out, they hurriedly asked: "Brother Hei, what should we do with that woman, should we send her back or what about it?" "

"She'll leave it to you, just send her back when you're done." Black brother patted the shoulders of the two and said.

Li Mei heard the conversation outside and shouted with a bit of strength: "Brother Hei, how can you treat me like this?"

Brother Hei ignored Li Mei, but winked at the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards understood, walked into the room and closed the door.

In this way, Li Mei was tortured for a long time, and she was carried out of the villa.

The driver sent her to the school gate in the afternoon, and two bodyguards threw her from the car.

Thanks to a kind classmate who helped her to the dormitory, seeing the injuries on Li Mei's body thought that she was hit by someone else, but she kept shaking.

Liu Xin saw Li Mei's embarrassed look and asked out of concern for him: "Xiaomei, where have you been, and how did you make it like this?"

Li Mei ignored her.

Song Xiaoxiao saw Li Mei's heart suddenly softened. Although Li Mei was hateful, it was a bit distressing to look at this look. She didn't know how Li Mei could be like this.

Looking at Song Xiaoxiao in front of him, Li Mei hated the roots of her teeth.

At this moment, she thought in her heart that if it weren't for all of this, Song Xiaoxiao had bestowed it.

If it weren't for Song Xiaoxiao, she would not take the initiative to look for Brother Black, nor would she bear so much, she would definitely kill this woman.

Li Mei hated Song Xiaoxiao already, even murderous.

Seeing that Li Mei ignored no one, everyone stopped asking more questions.

Because there is still a date with Ye Chen today, Song Xiaoxiao put on makeup and walked out of the dormitory with his handbag.

There was a happy smile on her face.

This made Li Mei feel even more uncomfortable in her heart. She bit her lip fiercely, thinking that Song Xiaoxiao, you won't be proud of it for long, and soon you will experience what I have experienced.

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