"Ye Chen, I'm sorry, I'm rude." Song Xiaoxiao quickly let go of Ye Chen, lowering her head like a little girl who made a mistake.

"No, I am afraid that it will not affect you badly. After all, you still have a year to graduate." Ye Chen expressed his concerns.

Hearing this, Song Xiaoxiao felt warm. She originally thought that Ye Chen was afraid that someone would see their intimate behavior, and that Su Wanyi would know the relationship between the two.

But he didn't expect Ye Chen to think all about himself.

"Xiaoxiao, how do you feel that you are weird today?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the girl in front of him.

"It's nothing. I saw Li Mei's fate and thought of myself, but I was afraid that one day I would lose you." Song Xiaoxiao whispered.

"Silly girl, what are your little heads thinking about, how could you lose me, and you and Li Mei are in different situations." Ye Chen comforted.

"How can it be different? I think it's almost the same. You need to be sneaky, for fear of being discovered by another woman." Song Xiaoxiao retorted powerlessly.

From today when she saw that Li Mei was approached by the fat woman, she felt that the day when Su Wanyi approached her should not be far away.

To know that there is no impermeable wall in this world, the relationship between her and Ye Chen will be discovered sooner or later by Su Wanyi.

Song Xiaoxiao knew that her fate would not be any better than Li Mei, after all, no woman can tolerate a mistress who seduce someone else's boyfriend.

Ye Chen certainly knew that the woman Song Xiaoxiao said was referring to Su Wanyi.

Not only was he funny in his heart, but he also felt that Song Xiaoxiao, a girl, was really too cute.

Ye Chen finally knew why Song Xiaoxiao always looked worried today, because she was afraid that Su Wanyi would come to her door.

"Xiaoxiao, you can rest assured that it will not happen. The thing you are worried about will never happen." Ye Chen stroked the girl's soft hair in front of him and comforted.

Song Xiaoxiao only felt that Ye Chen was comforting her, but still did not let go of the worries in her heart.

After all, no woman is so generous, and it is impossible for Song Xiaoxiao to share the love of a man with other women, let alone others.

"Ye Chen, you don't need to comfort me. I know that this day will come sooner or later, but I hope it will come later so that I can have more time with you." Song Xiaoxiao cried and hugged Ye tightly. Chen, my heart is so inseparable.

It seemed that it was not Li Mei that was discovered by the main room today, but her.

This move made Ye Chen a little distressed.

Song Xiaoxiao is not a girl who is good at expressing herself, Ye Chen didn't expect her to love so deeply.

Ye Chen just hugged her and let the girl vent her emotions.

After a while, Ye Chen patted Song Xiaoxiao's head and said, "Okay, don't cry. Those who don't know thought I was bullying you."

Song Xiaoxiao wiped her tears with an embarrassed expression on her face. Looking at Ye Chen's clothes, she said, "Sorry, I soiled all your clothes."

Ye Chen looked down and saw that a large area of ​​his T-shirt was wet, and he knew that it was all Song Xiaoxiao's tears without asking.

Fortunately, it is summer, and the clothes are drying fast, otherwise Ye Chen really needs to consider going home to change one.

"It's okay, it's okay." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Seeing that Song Xiaoxiao stopped crying, he said again: "Xiaoxiao, I assure you that the thing you are worried about will not happen at all, so don't think about it."

I don’t know if Song Xiaoxiao listened to Ye Chen’s words. She suddenly smiled and said, “It’s okay, Ye Chen. I knew how interesting it was when I was in school, and it happened to make me feel it."

Seeing that most of the classmates around him are in love on campus, Song Xiaoxiao sometimes feels very envious, after all, two people can be together often.

But she and Ye Chen are different. It is impossible to see each other often, because there is another girl Su Wanyi beside Ye Chen.

Even if she missed the other party, Song Xiaoxiao could only bury this miss silently in her heart.

Hearing Song Xiaoxiao's words, Ye Chen was even more distressed. The girl told him before that she liked the feeling of meeting occasionally. It turned out that they all lied to him.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as you miss me, I will come and find you. Let's walk around the campus and feel the campus romance." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Song Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously, with a bright smile on his face.

The sun shines on her face, setting off her delicate and pretty face, which makes people look even more emotional.

Seeing Song Xiaoxiao and Ye Chen walking side by side on the campus alley, there was a sound of discussion around them.

"Wow, look, that tall man is so handsome."

"Which class does this boy belong to, why have I never seen it before?"

"His looks are several blocks away from the school grass."

"How do I feel that the girl next to him is Song Xiaoxiao?"

"What is feeling, this person is Song Xiaoxiao."

"No wonder, Song Xiaoxiao turned a blind eye to so many seniors and younger brothers pursuing her. It turns out that there is something better."

Of course, Ye Chen and Song Xiaoxiao did not hear these comments.

Song Xiaoxiao walked side by side with Ye Chen like this, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Suddenly, I felt someone slapped her behind him, and looked back and shouted: "Liu Xin, you girl is scared to death."

Liu Xin stepped forward, smiled and greeted Ye Chen: "Handsome Ye Da, we meet again."

"Hello Liu Xin, my family Xiaoxiao will trouble you to take care of you in the future." Ye Chen said politely.

Song Xiaoxiao was so simple and kind, Ye Chen was also worried about what happened to this girl and he was not around.

I've seen Liu Xin before, and I think this girl is pretty good, not like Li Mei that makes people bored at first glance.

After all, one more person still has more care.

"Handsome Ye Da, even if you don't say it, I will do it. Don't worry." Liu Xin said with a smile.

Then she whispered a few words in Song Xiaoxiao's ear, with a smirk on her face and said: "I'm going now, so I won't be an electric light bulb here, so you don't bother me."

Liu Xin left wisely.

Ye Chen found that Song Xiaoxiao's pretty face suddenly turned red, and he knew it must be because of what Liu Xin said.

"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter with you?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, Ye Chen, let's go to the football stadium." Song Xiaoxiao hurriedly pulled Ye Chen and ran towards that side.

She also felt that the move just now was a bit inappropriate. After all, it was on campus, and it should be estimated that some of them are better.

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