Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 1202: For the first time to invite a girl to dinner

Ye Chen smiled at her, Zhang Xu saw all this in his eyes.

He was a little unwilling in his heart, why Ye Chen could get Song Xiaoxiao, and he could only watch the two of you, you and me.

Even so, Zhang Xu's face did not show it.

Because he had already decided that on the day of the match with Ye Chen, he would not only defeat his opponent, but also **** Song Xiaoxiao back.

Seeing Song Xiaoxiao and Ye Chen leaving behind, Zhang Xu clenched his fists, with an angry expression on his face.

This was the emotion he had concealed for a long time, and finally broke out.

Song Xiaoxiao pulled Ye Chen away from the football field with a worried expression on his face.

From the moment I saw Zhang Xu, the girl no longer smiled.

Ye Chen ridiculed: "Xiaoxiao, why do I feel that someone owes you money? Why are you so unhappy?"

"Ye Chen, you are still in the mood to make a joke here, do you know how good Zhang Xu's skills are? Why do you still agree to play with him?" Song Xiaoxiao asked helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I think what happened, it turned out to be unhappy because of this." Ye Chen comforted.

"This matter is still small, you don't know how Zhang Xu is, but I know him very well."

Having said this, Song Xiaoxiao felt that he had said something wrong and did not continue.

"You know Zhang Xu well?" Ye Chen pretended to be angry and said.

Song Xiaoxiaosheng was afraid of Ye Chen’s misunderstanding, and hurriedly explained: “It’s not what you think, Zhang Xu and I have nothing, but he has been pursuing me, not only pursuing me but also a good friend of mine. His character is very bad. I am worried that he will hate you when he sees the two of us together, and will prevent you from coming to the stage by the opportunity of the game."

Of course Ye Chen knew that Song Xiaoxiao was telling the truth, and all he thought of was himself.

He smiled and said: "Xiaoxiao, don't worry, Zhang Xu won't succeed no matter what he thinks. I just want him to get out of trouble and dare not harass you in the future."

"Ye Chen, playing football is Zhang Xu's strong point. You can't beat him at all." Song Xiaoxiao still looked worried.

"Xiaoxiao, it's no better, how can you grow others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige. What's more, how do you know that my skills are not as good as that of Zhang Xu." Ye Chen retorted.

When Song Xiaoxiao heard Ye Chen say this, she didn't eliminate the worries in her heart, but she didn't say anything anymore.

Ye Chen is a man after all, if she keeps saying that Zhang Xu is good at football, then Ye Chen would definitely not like to listen.

Two people quarreling about this matter is completely unnecessary.

Before seeing Ye Chen, Song Xiaoxiao wanted to cherish every minute and every second he spent with Ye Chen, so why bother to make the werewolf unhappy for some small things.

Ye Chen stopped, looked at Song Xiaoxiao with a serious expression and said, "Xiaoxiao, you can rest assured that since I promised Zhang Xu to play with him, I must be sure."

Song Xiaoxiao nodded and said with a smile: "Well, Ye Chen, when we are together, why should we mention others? Let me take you to other places for a walk and feel the life of college students."

"Okay, Tour Guide Song, then I will trouble you." Ye Chen said.

Song Xiaoxiao brought Ye Chen to the library, but the two of them just went in and took a look instead of reading in it.

I have to say that the library of this school is really big. The students in it are either reading books or doing homework. The learning atmosphere is very strong.

Ye Chen has been away from school for several years, and seeing the scene before him, he has the urge to return to the university campus.

Leaving the library, I checked it was noon.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm leaving first, so hurry up and have lunch." Ye Chen said.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Song Xiaoxiao stopped him.

"Ye Chen, I want you to have lunch with me."

Ye Chen turned around and asked, "In the school cafeteria?"

"Yes, it's in the school cafeteria." The girl in front of her nodded.

"Well, I happen to be hungry too." Ye Chen did not refuse but readily agreed.

After graduating from university, he hasn't eaten in the school cafeteria for a long time, so he really misses him.

With a happy expression on his face, Song Xiaoxiao walked into the cafeteria holding Ye Chen's arm.

At this time, there are not many people in the cafeteria.

But seeing Song Xiaoxiao and Ye Chen walk in, the students in the cafeteria looked at these two people with envy.

Ye Chen and Song Xiaoxiao had long been accustomed to such gazes.

When they were walking on the campus just now, they always attracted the eyes of everyone around them.

I have to say that Ye Chen is handsome and handsome, Song Xiaoxiao is pure and beautiful, two people together is a beautiful scenery on the campus.

"Wow, this is the first time I have seen a man and Song Xiaoxiao so close."

"I guess that handsome man must be Song Xiaoxiao's boyfriend."

"This girl is really hidden, his boyfriend is so good."

Of course Song Xiaoxiao heard the comments of the girls around.

There was no embarrassment on her face, but she looked at Ye Chen very generously and asked: "Ye Chen, what do you want to eat, I will buy it."

Although Ye Chen wanted to invite Song Xiaoxiao to dinner, he did not have a meal card for this school, so he could only let the girl buy him food.

This is the first time Ye Chen has asked a girl to spend money for dinner, and his face is also a little embarrassed.

"Xiaoxiao, you often eat here, you must know what is delicious, I will eat whatever you eat." Ye Chen said.

"Okay, then leave it to me." Song Xiaoxiao went to the meal outlet after she finished speaking.

Ye Chen found a position close to the corner and sat down. It was not that he was afraid, but mainly because he was afraid of causing trouble to Song Xiaoxiao.

After all, I am not a student of this school, so Song Xiaoxiao took him to the cafeteria.

If you meet people who are jealous of Song Xiaoxiao, you will definitely sue Song Xiaoxiao.

After a while, Song Xiaoxiao walked towards Ye Chen with the dinner plate.

There are two bowls of rice, sweet and sour pork ribs, fish-flavored chicken shreds, pineapple chicken nuggets, Bazhen tofu, and seaweed egg drop soup.

"Ye Chen, how about it, do these dishes still have your appetite?" Song Xiaoxiao asked, sitting in a chair.

Looking at the food in front of him, Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction, thinking that this girl really knew herself too well.

"Very good, but it cost you money." Ye Chen said jokingly.

"Take this meal as if I thank you for saving my life." Song Xiaoxiao also said with a smile.

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot. You still owe me a meal. This meal is not counted." Ye Chen shook his head and said.

Song Xiaoxiao expressed aggrieved expression: "I also want to invite you out to eat, but, but..."

Ye Chen didn't let the girl finish her sentence, because he knew that Song Xiaoxiao would only arouse her worries once she said it.

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