At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Su Wanyi was about to go out to open the door, only to find that Ye Chen had already gone.

Ye Chen opened the door, took the ingredients in, and then quickly got into the kitchen and was busy.

Soon the sound of washing vegetables and cutting vegetables rang in the kitchen, and scenes of magical phenomena occurred in the kitchen, but these did not let Su Wanyi see.

If this girl saw it, her mouth would not close in surprise.

Ye Chen's cutting vegetables is like a magic trick, which is very interesting.

A big potato was thrown in the air by him, and then he waved the knife. After a few times, the potato turned into a thin thread and fell on the plate.

Then wash and cut the other ingredients, and start cooking.

Soon a scent of vegetables wafted out of the kitchen, and Su Wanyi was deeply attracted by the scent.

After reading the last page of the contract, she stretched and got up from the chair, walked out of the study and went straight to the kitchen door.

Looking at Ye Chen, who was constantly busy, a smile appeared on her face.

Because Ye Chen was too focused, he didn't even notice that anyone outside the kitchen was looking at him.

He put the fried dishes on each plate, including sweet and sour pork ribs, Kung Pao chicken, red braised beef and lettuce in oyster sauce.

After finishing these four dishes, Ye Chen did not stop but continued to make a soup. He decided to make a hot and sour soup.

After everything was done, Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, and he was startled as soon as he walked to the door with a dish.

"Wanyi, why are you standing here and not talking? Hurry up and wash your hands and eat." Ye Chen said slowly.

Su Wanyi nodded and did not wash her hands but went into the kitchen to bring out other dishes, and then served two more bowls of rice.

She felt that she didn't help Ye Chen, if she just sat and waited, she felt a little sorry.

Now there are four dishes, one soup and two bowls of rice on the table. Ye Chen and Su Wanyi are sitting on their chairs.

"How about, Wanyi, are you satisfied with these dishes?" Ye Chen asked, pointing to the dishes and soup on the table.

Su Wanyi nodded in satisfaction and said: "It's really good, she has a good craftsmanship."

After talking, she took a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and savored it carefully. She had to say that the ribs were moderately sweet and sour and very delicious.

After a while, only a plate of spare ribs was left, so Su Wanyi ate it without asking.

Ye Chen looked dumbfounded at the side, he didn't expect Su Wanyi, who usually clamored to lose weight, would eat so many ribs.

Feeling Ye Chen's surprised eyes, Su Wanyi said embarrassedly: "Ye Chen, don't look at me, you eat too."

"No, I'll be happy if you eat more." Ye Chen said as he picked up another spare rib from the plate and put it into Su Wanyi's bowl.

Then he said: "Wan Yi, don't patronize ribs, try other dishes."

Hearing that, Su Wanyi extended his magic claws to the rest of the dishes, and I have to say that Ye Chen's craftsmanship is really comparable to the level of a star-rated restaurant chef.

Whether it's meat dishes or vegetarian dishes, they are so delicious, as well as the hot and sour soup.

Ye Chen just ate a few bites of each dish. After eating the rice, he kept watching Su Wanyi's enjoyment expression.

In fact, watching Su Wanyi eat more happily than by himself, this is the heart of the cook.

Su Wanyi ate for a while and raised her head to look at Ye Chen and asked, "Ye Chen, you'll be full with this. There are so many dishes here, let's eat more."

"No, no, you can eat it." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

Su Wanyi stopped paying attention to Ye Chen, and still ate for herself.

Ye Chen brought another bowl to Su Wanyi to prepare the soup and set it aside, just sitting and watching her eating.

He even had the urge to take a picture of her entire meal, and then post it to Moments to show everyone that this was the Su Wanyi that people knew.

Su Wanyi is now for eating, and she doesn't care about any image. It's just an expression of being cheered.

After a while, she drank the last sip of the soup and patted her stomach with a satisfied expression on her face.

"Wanyi, are you full?" Ye Chen asked concerned.

"Ye Chen, I hate you for allowing me to eat so much again, and I have reduced it all in this meal." Su Wanyi said with a scolding expression.

Hearing Su Wanyi's words, Ye Chen felt a little aggrieved in his heart. He thought to himself how could this be blamed on me, it's obviously that you can't stand the temptation.

But he knew that since Su Wanyi ate the food he cooked, it meant that the girl had forgiven him and the two were reconciled.

"Wan Yi, you are really not afraid. You don't have to lose weight at all. Besides, I won't despise you even if you get fat." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Cut, even if you don't dislike it, I will dislike myself. I can't tolerate myself getting fat." Su Wanyi retorted.

These words completely choked Ye Chen into speech.

After eating, Su Wanyi originally said to clean up the table and clean the dishes, but Ye Chen refused.

How could he bear to let his woman do this kind of thing.

Ye Chen felt that women were for pets, and he wanted Su Wanyi to be the happiest woman in the world.

Su Wanyi who was rejected could only return to the study to continue working.

After Ye Chen packed up all the things, he knocked on the door of the study room lightly.

"The door is unlocked, come in." Su Wanyi's voice came from inside.

Ye Chen opened the door and walked in, came to Su Wanyi's side, then put his hands on her shoulders and gently massaged her.

While massaging, he suggested: "Wanyi, don't work so hard. You can't finish your work. It's better to take a break and let's go outside."

Su Wanyi nodded and said, "Ye Chen, wait for me."

Ye Chen pressed Su Wanyi for a while and walked out. He sat in the living room and waited patiently.

He decided to take Su Wanyi to see Star Media.

Less than half an hour later, Su Wanyi walked out of the study with a tired expression.

"Okay, Ye Chen, I'm going to change clothes, let's go." Su Wanyi said with a smile.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for you outside, don't worry."

After he finished speaking, he went out and sat in the car waiting for Su Wanyi.

Women are in trouble, and it took Su Wanyi an hour to see her walk out.

Seeing the woman in front of him, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment. Wasn't he just going out for a walk? As for the dressing up so grandly?

Su Wanyi's exquisite makeup, satin dress and high heels on her feet look very charming.

"Okay, let's go." Su Wanyi got in the car and said with a smile.

Ye Chen started the car and drove to the villa area.

"Where are you taking me?" Su Wanyi asked, looking at Ye Chen with a puzzled expression.

"Confidentiality, you will know when it comes." Ye Chen said with a mysterious face.

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