Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 1362: Crows in the world are as black

How could that fat man give up scallops? He reluctantly said: "If an apology is useful, what do you want the police to do?"

The man's unreasonable attitude really scared the waitress, her legs trembled and she couldn't speak.

Seeing the cute look of the waitress, the man smiled lewdly and said, "If you kiss me, I'll assume nothing happened, otherwise I will not only make you pay for my loss, but also make you lose this. Work."

This man's approach is obviously aggressive, but how can the waitress finally get the job lost?

You must know that she was born in a poor family. Her parents died when she was very young. She has depended on each other with her brother since she was a child. Over the years, she has been working hard to make money for his brother to study.

The waitress just hopes that the younger brother will have the ability in the future, so that the siblings can lead a better life.

She knew that if she didn't do it, she would definitely lose her job. What about her brother's tuition?

The waitress gritted her teeth for a while and decided to compromise with fate.

She clenched her fists and walked towards the man. Originally, this man was disgusting and still had a pustule on his face. She resisted the stomach churning and slowly moved towards the man's face.

Just as the man looked smug, waiting for the beauty to kiss, suddenly a man's voice came.

"Wait a moment."

The sudden sound startled both the man and the waitress.

The owner of this voice is not someone else, it is Ye Chen.

The waitress turned her head to look at the male customer who had just been rejected by her, her expression surprised and speechless.

The man widened his triangular eyes, pointed at Ye Chen and said fiercely: "Smelly boy, don't worry about Laozi's business here, and go away."

"Zhu Bajie, I'll take care of this nosy, you don't look at what virtue you have, it's really not ashamed to lick a face and let a girl kiss you." Ye Chen said with a mocking face.

Just now he was very uncomfortable with Dutou Nan's approach. He would pack the whole shop by himself and not let other guests dine. This kind of person is too domineering.

If it weren't for Su Wanyi's persuasion, he would definitely have to teach the pig-headed man a lesson.

Since the waitress was bullied by the pig-headed man, and she was there, she would definitely not be able to stand by and let the wicked succeed.

"Smelly boy, what a big tone, do you know who I am? Do you dare to take care of my business?" The pig head man asked with an angry expression.

He hates other people saying that to him the most. Ye Chen's words have dealt a heavy blow to him. How could the pig-headed man give up?

"Who are you having a half-cent relationship with me?" Ye Chen said lightly.

Seeing that Ye Chen did not hesitate to argue with the pig-headed man for her own sake, the waitress was also grateful. She didn't expect Ye Chen to help herself.

The quarrel between Dutou Nan and Ye Chen attracted the restaurant manager.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the manager frowned first, then came to Dutou Nan with a flat face and asked, "Master Zhu, who made you so angry?"

The manager looked at the pig-headed man with an ugly face, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous. He knew that he would never offend the young master Zhu in front of him.

Ye Chen laughed aloud when he heard the words, he thought to himself that he was truly as his name.

Zhu Qiang knew that he was being laughed at, his heart was burning with anger, and he vowed to let out this breath.

"It's not the waiter in your restaurant and that stinky boy." Zhu Qiang glared at the manager and pointed to Ye Chen.

Hearing that, the manager looked up and down Ye Chen, seeing that his clothes were also rich after all, not to mention that he didn't dare to provoke Ye Chen.

At this time, he looked at the waitress again with a displeased expression, and said with a cold voice: "I think you don't want to do it, so don't hurry up and apologize to Master Zhu."

"I don't accept your method, you forgot what I said just now?" Zhu Qiang said with an arrogant expression.

This sentence also confuses the manager. He doesn't know how Zhu Qiang told the waitress just now, after all, he was not there just now.

"Master Zhu, you can forgive me for what you see. Or I will apologize to you for her. You can forgive her for being young in the face of my face." The manager said in a low voice.

"Your face? How much is your face worth? You are too proud of yourself." Zhu Qiang said with a look of contempt.

After all, the manager is nearly fifty years old, much older than Zhu Qiang, and being said that he blushes and stops talking.

Ye Chen didn't say anything from the side from beginning to end, he just wanted to see how the manager would handle this matter.

"Yes, yes, Master Zhu is right." The manager said with a smile.

"I just told her that you can wipe out the past with one kiss." Zhu Qiang looked at the waitress and said with a smile.

Wen Yan, the manager hesitated, he knew that Zhu Qiang was looking for trouble and wanted to take advantage of the girl.

Although he couldn't get used to Zhu Qiang's approach, but after all, people are light-hearted, and there is no way.

Even if the manager is willing to help the girl, he can't afford it on his own.

Ye Chen looked at the manager with a smile, waiting for his choice.

"Look at how good Master Zhu treats you. I won't rush to take a snapshot." The manager looked at the waitress and ordered.

The waitress originally thought that the manager would be able to help her out, but she didn't expect this to happen.

The hope that had just ignited disappeared without a trace again.

The waitress slowly approached Zhu Qiang again with tears in her eyes.

Ye Chen really couldn't stand it anymore. The manager's approach really disappointed him. It seemed that he had to do it himself.

"Manager, manager, if you help outsiders like you and don't protect the interests of your employees, who would dare to do it with you?" Ye Chen asked jokingly.

He felt that this manager was really too useless, and he didn't even dare to speak for his employees.

"Mr., there is nothing for you here, and the restaurant has already been booked by Master Zhu. If you have dinner, go elsewhere." The manager said emotionally.

At this moment, he had already vented all the grievances he had received from Zhu Qiang on Ye Chen. Of course, he could also see Ye Chen's identity, and he did not dare to speak too harshly.

"Xiao Ting, why don't you kiss me? Annoyed Master Zhu, we all can't eat anymore." The manager urged.

Liu Yuting never dreamed that this kind of thing would happen to her. If she really kissed her, her first kiss would be gone, but she had kept it for so many years.

She originally wanted to dedicate to the one she loves most, but she didn't expect to give it to the disgusting man in front of her. Unwilling tears of her heart were already welling up.



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