Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 504: Bidding (second more for subscription)

Xia Jinsheng had made up his mind to let Su Wanyi know his true strength.

He wanted to let Su Wanyi know that he was the most powerful man, and Ye Chen was just a poor man.

Old Lu smiled and took out a small box with delicate packaging.

"This is called Wanbao Liuli Jadeite. It is said that it is a bracelet worn by the Queen of the Qing Dynasty. I bought it from the Brown auction house in Ruiguo."

The box opened, and only a bracelet appeared in front of everyone.

Oh my god, it turned out to be a bracelet worn by the queen, this is a peerless authentic product.

Seeing the bracelet in Old Lu's hand, all of these big men's eyes lighted up.

Don't say that the head of the jade bracelet is thorough, it will give people an incomparable extravagance just if it is worn by the queen.

"Oh my God, such rare treasures are put out for auction, the owner of the museum really did it for charity."

"That's right, it's awesome, this bracelet is much more expensive than those luxury gold items."

Old Lu continued: "This bracelet is said to be a tribute from the Western Regions. It is known as the most transparent jade in the world. The whole bracelet is like clear water, but it is a treasure that can be encountered but not sought."

"At first, Empress Xiao was very fond of this bracelet, but she later rewarded it to Su Ma, and later it was lost to the people..."

After listening to Mr. Lu's introduction, these big guys are gearing up one by one.

The treasures of the royal family have always been things that bigwigs like to collect in auction houses.

What's more, this is something the famous empress dowager filial piety likes. In their eyes, this bracelet represents the dignity of the royal family.

Su Wanyi also liked this bracelet very much and kept her eyes on the bracelet.

Although she liked it, she didn't speak.

But Bi Tingting next to Xia Jinsheng was different.

She grabbed Xia Jinsheng's arm and whispered: "My dear, you must photograph this bracelet for me, I love it."

What Xia Jinsheng thinks now is not Bi Tingting, but Su Wanyi.

He was thinking, if he took a photo of this bracelet and gave it to Su Wanyi, Wanyi would have admired him.

Certainly, such an expensive treasure, as long as I take a picture of it and give it to Su Wanyi, she will definitely leave that poor brother Didi and put it in my arms.

The more Xia Jinsheng thought about it, the more excited he became, and he was even impatient.

Su Wanyi really likes this bracelet.

In particular, she has cherished jade since she was a child, and she once saw this bracelet in ancient books.

At that time she thought it would be great if she had such a bracelet.

Unexpectedly, this bracelet is right in front of my eyes now, and it is fake if I don't move.

But even though Su Wanyi liked it, she didn't pay attention after a few glances.

"Why don't you like jade bracelets? You are not uninterested in such a beautiful bracelet."

Su Wanyi nodded: "I'm really not interested."

Of course Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi said so because she was afraid of spending money on her own.

I have to say that Su Wanyi is really a very good girl.

Smart, capable, and considerate.

Old Lu looked at the crowd and said, "The starting price of this bracelet is ten million yuan."

As soon as the auction started, the price of the bracelet soared.

"Eleven million."

"Fifteen million."

"Twenty million."

Only at 20 million did the price come to a standstill.

But for this price, Lu Lao is not very satisfied.

At the beginning, he spent 18 million to photograph this bracelet from abroad.

Twenty million, he really feels distressed if it is sold.

After all, this treasure has great historical value.

"Twenty million once." Lu Lao began to count down.

"Twenty million twice."

At this time, a rich man looked excited, waiting for Lu Lao to finally drop the hammer.

"Wait a minute, I'll pay 30 million." Xia Jinsheng stood up with an arrogant expression.

Hearing the price of 30 million yuan, the scene was in an uproar.

Really proud, and even offered a price of 30 million yuan in one go.

Seeing Xia Jinsheng's ambition, the big guys on the scene also took a breath.

It seems that this young man is also a local tyrant.

Xia Jinsheng looked proud: "I am determined to win this bracelet, so please show me your face."

Thirty million has exceeded the actual value of this bracelet.

Things are good things, but those present are businessmen, so naturally they will not make a loss-making business.

Xia Jinsheng looked at Ye Chen with an arrogant expression: "Boy, see it, you know what the rich world is, you have the ability to bid with me."

Ye Chen faintly smiled: "Generally, small characters appear early, and the protagonist can only show his protagonist aura at the end."

Xia Jinsheng wanted to pretend to be forceful, but Ye Chen mocked him.

"You're poor, I'm thirty million, you won't be able to earn in a few lifetimes. If you have the ability, you can also bid. Apart from talking about your ability, you most look down on you who have no money and pretend to be forced. "Now," Bi Tingting said sarcastically.

Ye Chen smiled faintly after hearing it, "50 million."

There was a dead silence at the scene, and no one thought that Ye Chen would be so domineering and directly increased the price of the bracelet by 20 million.

Xia Jinsheng also froze for a moment.

But there was a bitter expression on his face.

"Wait a minute, I don't think he has so much money to buy a bracelet. This kid is clearly here to make trouble."

Fifty million, a little brother Didi can earn a few thousand dollars a month even if he runs without black or white.

How can it be possible to buy a bracelet of fifty million.

Ye Chen faintly smiled, and threw out a black gold bank card to the staff.

"If you don't believe it, you can verify it."

After checking the balance, the staff said, "Mr. Ye has a wealth of money in his card, so he can buy this bracelet."

Everyone at the scene was stunned again.

Oh my God, this little brother Didi is so rich.

Xia Jinsheng's face was very ugly, and he glared at Bi Tingting beside him.

If it weren't for this stupid woman to ridicule Ye Chen, thirty million, he would have taken this bracelet.

Ye Chen looked at Xia Jinsheng with a sneer and said, "Why, so soon, I was so awesome just now, I thought you were so rich, but that's all."

Being ridiculed by Ye Chen, Xia Jinsheng's face was blue.

He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

No, definitely can't lose to this guy.

"Six million."

Xia Jinsheng directly raised the price by 10 million.

Ye Chen was very calm: "70 million."

Xia Jin gritted his teeth angrily: "80 million."

"Ninety million." Ye Chen continued to increase the price.

Although Xia Jinsheng wanted to continue to increase, but 90 million to buy a bracelet is not worth it.

"If you buy a broken bracelet for 90 million, I will give it to you if you are sick."

The big guys at the scene despised for a while.

Obviously lost, but also forcefully pretended to be forced.

However, the effect of this pretense is too bad, but Xia Jinsheng is even more embarrassing.

Old Lu said with a smile: "Congratulations to Mr. Ye for getting the bracelet, Mr. Ye, would you like to say a few words?"

Ye Chen took the bracelet and stood on the stage, but looked at Su Wanyi.

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