Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 518: The truth is revealed (first more seeking subscription)

The video was published on the same public account the next day.

The name of this public account is Promoting Positive Energy.

I saw the video first started with a mineral water bottle falling on the ground.

Then the girl picked up the mineral water bottle and came to the BMW car and reprimanded: "Why are you littering!"

The girl threw the wine bottle back into the BMW car.

A paragraph of text was typed out at the end to promote positive energy and please take care of the environment and don't litter.

This video was posted online and immediately attracted attention.

Netizens commented.

"The girl is so good."

"Our society needs such positive energy too much."

"Like the girl."

Soon the number of video clicks exceeded one million, and it was even growing rapidly.

"Successful, we succeeded."

In one room, a man and a woman cried with joy.

Last time, they planned the cockroach door incident, this time it was the incident of throwing mineral water bottles.

The two videos, by reflecting the negative energy in the society, fully achieved the purpose of resonating with the audience.

This also caused their two videos to catch fire instantly.

Now the two people's public account fans have exceeded one million, and even many advertisers have called to cooperate with them.

This is their real purpose for making videos.

However, they were happy too early.

Another video was posted on the Internet soon.

The boy and the girl discussed how to make the film hot.

After that, it was the performance of the girls, how to stop the BMW car, and give the main mineral water bottle to the BMW car.

Then throw it on the ground and pick it up.

Even the chat records of the boys and girls were posted.

"Last time the Cockroach Door, we took a very good photo. If this is successful, we will definitely be popular."


This video was just released and immediately attracted the attention of netizens.

"I wiped, there is such a sorrow operation unexpectedly."

"It's too wicked, to deceive attention like this."

"It turns out that they are all routines, but I even gave them a thumbs up."

"It seems that the cockroach door last time was also the script they played."


On almost the same day, Wanbao Hotel issued an announcement that, after being tested by the most authoritative health and quarantine agency in China, the hygiene of Wanbao Hotel reached the 5A standard.

This has reached the highest standard in the world.

"I'll just say, how can there be cockroaches in a five-star hotel."

"At that time, I felt that the video had a problem. The cockroaches that were fired, should be black, I feel like they were just thrown in by the dead cockroaches."

"It's really wicked to deceive the feelings of netizens."

There was a lot of scolding online.

Promoting positive energy is constantly being taken off by netizens, and in the blink of an eye it has become a rotten public account.

The Wanbao Hotel has become the biggest beneficiary.

The manager of Wanbao Hotel, Baitang said excitedly: "Mr. Ye, great. After the cockroach door incident in our hotel is resolved, the turnover has continued to rise, even surpassing before."

Ye Chen said lightly: "Are the catering customers in our hotel still satisfied?"

"Very satisfied, Boss, where did you find the chef? It's really amazing."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I still have a surprise for you."

"What surprise?" Bai Tang was taken aback for a moment.

"I want our hotel to reach three Michelin stars."

"What?" Baitang was also taken aback after hearing Ye Chen's words.

"Boss, it is difficult to apply for a Michelin three-star. Although our hardware conditions are met, we must have signature dishes that can be recognized by the other party."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Leave this to me."

In the back kitchen, Li Xiangxiang is directing the chefs to keep busy.

This time, Li Xiangxiang brought out the team of their chef class.

In the past, they could only give the classmates a taste of the delicious food they cooked, but now they finally have a chance to show their strengths.

For each dish, they will write some ingenious poems, and attach comments and scoring tables.

Customers like this method very much.

Many customers even eat once and become repeat customers.

At this time, Ye Chen walked in.

When Li Xiangxiang saw Ye Chen, his eyes lit up.

"Principal Ye, you are here."

Ye Chen nodded: "Fragrant, good job."

Li Xiangxiang blushed: "Principal, you gave us this opportunity."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "By the way, are you interested in challenging the Michelin three-star."

Michelin three stars?

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Li Xiangxiang's heart moved.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "It is not easy to challenge the Michelin three-star. The dishes must have unique characteristics and can impress all the judges to be eligible."

Li Xiangxiang nodded.

"Three-star Michelin has always been our dream, but now our problem is that we don't have special dishes that we offer."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I have a few recipes here, you can take a look."

Speaking, Ye Chen gave a piece of paper to Li Xiangxiang: "If you cook these dishes, I believe that you can become a Michelin three-star, the problem is not very big."

Li Xiangxiang took the recipe, just glanced at it, and was immediately attracted.

This recipe is really amazing.

Ye Chen smiled faintly. Would it be bad to have a recipe written by a god-level cooking skill?

As for whether these students can make their own dishes, that is their problem.

But Ye Chen believed that with Li Xiangxiang's talent, there should be no problem.

As long as they make 70% of their recipes, there will be no problem for Wanbao Hotel to become a Michelin three-star.

Ye Chen just got out of the hotel and received a call, and Wei Lao came again.

Wei Lao has been to the school several times, which shows how much attention is paid to this mecha project.

Ye Chen came to the school and greeted Mr. Wei at the school gate.

In fact, Ye Chen is also very helpless. Is this Wei Lao so idle every day?

Run to your own school if you have nothing to do.

"Brother Ye, I'm here to bother you again."

Ye Chen smiled: "Wei Lao, it is our honor for you to come."

The same is true indeed. High-level officials always come to patronize any university or college.

But Wei Lao was still a little embarrassed.

During this time, he ran to school almost every few days.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Let's go to the office and talk."

When he came to the office, Lin Shiyin poured tea for the two of them.

Now Lin Shiyin has become the vice principal of the school, responsible for the management of the school.

After all, managing a school is still very hard.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Lao Wei, what are you doing here?"

Old Wei embarrassed: "I'm here to see the progress of the mecha."

With that, Mr. Wei was also a little embarrassed.

"The country needs this mecha too much now, can I not rush it? Now the above are all concerned."

From Wei Lao's expression, Ye Chen knew that Wei Lao was really anxious.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Wei Lao, you should also know that mecha manufacturing is not just building blocks, it can't be so fast."

"Yes, I understand all of these, but I still think about this big guy every day."

Ye Chen smiled: "However, during this period, there has indeed been some progress in the production of mechas."

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