Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 529: I lose one million (second more seeking subscription)

Yang Xiaozi saw Ye Chen, as if seeing a relative, plunged into Ye Chen's arms and started crying.

"Ye Chen, they bully people, they are a group, they touch porcelain."

Ye Chen patted Yang Xiaozi's head: "Don't worry, there is me."

Yang Xiaozi felt that she really felt so warm in Ye Chen's arms.

Although she is a big star and although she has millions of fans, Yang Xiaozi is actually very lonely.

She can only carry many things on her own, which is very tiring.

In the past, she also had a younger brother who was acting, and she could talk to him about something.

Now my younger brother also has a girlfriend, so she is too embarrassed to bother them.

Ye Chen saw Yang Xiaozi's pitiful look: "Well, is it necessary to cry for this matter?"

The old lady was pushed aside for a moment, then suddenly burst into tears.

"In this world, if you hit someone, you can still be so arrogant. Can you see if there is such an unreasonable?"

The man showed a fierce look and pointed at Ye Chen and said, "What do you mean, do you want to die?"

With that, the man slammed his fist at Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen's body flashed, and then he kicked the bald man's belly.

The bald man threw himself and fell to the ground.

The old lady felt distressed when she saw that the bald man was kicked over.

"Look at everyone, they don't say when they hit someone, but they hit someone."

The faces of the old man and middle-aged women who were watching also changed.

"You young man, you beat people in the street."

"Is there any king law."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "You are optimistic, he hit me first, I am called self-defense, and how many of you are going to be shameless when you sing and bully the little girl?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the expressions of several people changed.

The woman pointed to Ye Chen and said, "What are you talking nonsense? Who touched the porcelain, you tell me clearly? I have video evidence here."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "The video evidence is good. Send me the video of the girl hitting someone. If there is one, we will recognize it."

"Um, I didn't have time to shoot." The woman said in a panic.

Yang Xiaozi also said to the side: "I am obviously helping her find medicine, not stealing at all."

"Humph, medicine, who proves that you are taking medicine?" The woman snorted coldly.

Yang Xiaozi suddenly dumbfounded.

Ye Chen blocked Yang Xiaozi behind him and said: "Then do you have any evidence to prove that it was a girl hitting someone?"

The old man stood up and said, "I saw it with my own eyes."

Ye Chen nodded: "Oh, it's strange, so many people on the street, did you two see the girl hit the old lady?"

Upon hearing Ye Chen's words, some onlookers also whispered.

Some people even whispered at this time: "Actually, I just saw it. The old lady fell down by herself."

Hearing the surrounding discussion, several people panicked.

The bald head said fiercely: "Boy, this matter has nothing to do with you, I advise you not to wade in this muddy water."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "Who said it's okay, I'm her friend, her business is mine, I'll take care of this matter."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Yang Xiaozi's heart was warm.

For the first time in so many years, she felt the feeling of relying.

And it feels really good for someone to rely on.

Ye Chen didn't know that Yang Xiaozi had an overwhelming affection for him at this time.

Several people on the opposite side frowned upon hearing Ye Chen's words.

They all saw that this young man was much more difficult to deal with than that little girl.

The family who had just been fierce and vicious began to panic a little.

The woman whispered to the middle-aged man: "My husband doesn't seem to be very annoying."

"Should we forget?" the old lady said in a low voice, getting up from the ground.

"It took us so long to catch a big fish, so let's forget it." The bald man whispered.

Although the voices of several people were very small, Ye Chen could hear them clearly.

After a long time of trouble, this is a family group coming out to touch porcelain.

The bald man gritted his teeth: "Forget it, this little girl is lucky."

Several people discussed and were ready to go off.

Ye Chen snorted coldly. Just now you guys bullied the girls and wanted to leave like this, how could it be possible!

Seeing a few people turning around to slip away, Ye Chen suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Isn't it just for the money you have been tossing for so long? Let's make a price."

Originally, a few people were already ready to leave, but when they heard Ye Chen's words, their eyes lit up and stopped.

"I wiped it, this kid actually took the initiative to lose money?"

The bald man said: "If you know you guys, look at this girl who hit my old lady. No one can't leave."

The old lady suddenly wailed from the side.

"Oh my waist, my legs seem to be broken."

Everyone was speechless, and you were very agile when you just got up.

For these few people, even the crowd onlookers felt increasingly suspicious.

The bald man snorted coldly: "Originally, your friend ran into my mother and stole my mother's money. It should be sent to the Public Security Bureau. If you are sincere, you can just not call the police and lose money."

Ye Chen said impatiently: "How much money do you want, hurry up, I'm very busy."

The bald man was delighted when he saw Ye Chen's clothes. It seemed that this fish was a fat fish and had to be slaughtered fiercely.

In other words, it's worth a thousand yuan.

The bald man snorted coldly: "If you want to make this happen, you have to count it anyway."

Ye Chen nodded after hearing this: "How much money should I take, isn't it one million?"

There was a dead silence at the scene.

one million?

The man was even more stunned. What he meant was only one thousand. How could it become one million?

As soon as these words came out, even the onlookers were all stupid.

The bald man felt a bit cramped when he heard one million.

Oh my God, I was so lucky today that I actually met a super rich idiot.

The bald man quickly recovered his senses and nodded: "Yes, one million, one point less does not work."

At this time, Yang Xiaozi on the side became worried: "Ye Chen, they obviously touched porcelain, so why should they give them money?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

With that, Ye Chen said to the bald man: "Brother, to be honest, you want a lot of money for a million. How is your mother hurt?"

At this time, the old lady started a wonderful performance again and hummed.

"My back hurts, my legs hurt, and my **** hurts."

At this time, everyone around could see that the old lady was just pretending.

Now people understand that this old lady is simply touching porcelain.

Otherwise, he was still alive and sick again in the blink of an eye.

The old man came to the old lady's side and pretended to touch the old lady's leg.

"The bones of the legs are indeed broken. It is estimated that I have been lying down for a year or a half. One million is already a conscience price."

Ye Chen sneered at the clumsy performance of several people.

"Well, one million is one million, but it is settled at once, so I won't trouble us in the future." Ye Chen said lightly.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the scene exploded again.

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