Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 537: Bear child (five more seeking subscription)

At this time, a woman rushed over and pushed Ye Chen away.

"Oh, my little ancestor, did this person hurt you just now?"

While talking, the woman put her arms around the child and squeezed out a few tears.

Ye Chen was speechless. He just pulled the child to find a parent, and even deliberately gently grabbed the child's arm.

It turned out that this woman seemed to have killed her son by herself.

The little boy immediately pointed to Ye Chen as if he had a backer when he saw his mother coming, and said, "It's him. I just hurt me when he pinched him. He wants to hit me."

After saying that, the little boy actually cried like he was wronged.

The boy's mother heard it, and instantly turned into a shrew, pointing at Ye Chen and cursing.

"Why are you so unqualified, you bully even children, or are you not a human being?"

Talking and stroking the boy's arm.

"Mom, see if your arm is swollen. I don't want to touch my baby normally. Now you hit him too much."

Ye Chen was speechless.

"It's your son who paddled my car, okay?"

In fact, Ye Chen just wanted to find the parents, so if the other party apologized, it would be fine.

Although it costs hundreds of thousands to touch up the paint, are hundreds of thousands counted as money by Ye Chen?

But this woman didn't respond and asked Master Ye Chenxing instead, which made Ye Chen very upset.

At this time everyone saw the little turtle painted by the boy on Ye Chen's car.

The boy had scratched the paint of the car by painting with stones.

After all, Ye Chen's car is very expensive. Whose car will feel comfortable when it is scratched?

As a result, the boy’s mother disagreed: "Our baby is still ignorant. Isn’t it just a few paintings in your car? What's so great? Isn’t it sensible for you to hit someone?"

Ye Chen sneered for a while.

This woman is a child one by one.

You are the parent of your child and have not fulfilled your supervisory responsibilities.

Eating by oneself and letting the children run around is a waste of the car. If you are hit by a car, it must be the driver's responsibility.

Especially this woman's tone is too disgusting, she is completely righteous.

Her son is a child, so she can do whatever she wants, the wicked can file a complaint first, and then she can blame others for granted.

Ye Chen said coldly: "This lady, you are right. Your child is ignorant. Are you ignorant as an adult? Your son painted my car. Shouldn't you apologize to me? Is it? Your son has scratched my car. Whose responsibility is if he is hit by the car?"

The woman was unhappy after hearing what Ye Chen said.

"You are so vicious that you cursed my son."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "I won't talk nonsense with you, you have repaired my car, don't say anything."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the little boy's mother snorted coldly: "Huh, the kid drew your car, and you are endless with the kid. Are you a man, being rich and unkind, who told you to drive a high-end car? Young man? , I tell you as a person over here, don’t be too mean."

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing after hearing it. He was mean. It turned out that he was too mean.

His car was scraped, do you have to thank the other person?

Say, kid, you paint really well, continue to paint next time?

This woman's idea is simply amazing.

Now Ye Chen finally knew why the boy had painted on his car.

What kind of parents are there, there are kind of bear children.

The child was spoiled at first glance.

Ye Chen also called someone from the 4S shop.

"Let's see, how much does this spray paint cost?"

The maintenance staff looked at it and said, "This kid painted on the door. The entire door has to be painted, so the price is more expensive, about 300,000 yuan."

Hearing this amount of money, the woman's face suddenly collapsed.

"You are robbing money, isn't it just spraying paint? As for so much money?"

Ye Chen sneered: "Sister, you are optimistic that my car is Lycan, 300,000 is already very cheap."

At this time, the maintenance staff also coldly said: "This lady, the price we quoted is already very cheap. If it weren't for Mr. Ye, our super VIP would cost at least 500,000 yuan."

At this time, Ye Chen was too lazy to continue pestering this woman, and directly reported to the police.

At this time, many onlookers supported Ye Chen.

"This kind of bear child will have to be treated. My car was marked by someone last time."

"Yes, this kind of bear kid is too used to condone."

"It deserves it, this kind of child won't be able to shake the sky in the future regardless of it."

At this time, the police quickly arrived at the scene.

Seeing the police, the woman pretended to be pitiful.

"Comrade police, my child just accidentally paddled his car and he acted on my child."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "Sister, you can't talk nonsense, there is a camera here, you can let the police comrades call out to see if I have beaten your child."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, the woman had no words.

The police asked about the situation and said coldly: "This lady, your son painted someone else’s car. As a guardian, you have to pay full responsibility. If you lose money, it is considered private. If you don’t lose money, due to the huge amount of money, you Go to the police station with us."

When I heard that I went to the police station, the woman was scared.

She felt so distressed when she thought that three hundred thousand would be gone.

These three hundred thousand, but she used to buy a car, but because of the bear child, she had to save money to buy a car again.

After paying the money, the woman left with her son dingy.

Not far away, the more the woman thought about it, the more distressed she became, and she beat her son fiercely.

The onlookers around couldn't help but laugh.

Ye Chen returned to the car and Tong Xiaoya said: "Ye Chen, you did too right, this kind of bear kid just can't indulge."

"Well, in fact, their parents should thank me. Without this lesson, his son still doesn't know what outrageous things he will do in the future."

Ye Chen drove Tong Xiaoya back home.

"Tong Xiaoya lives with her parents. It's too late to go. Ye Chen drove home."

Back in Washington, the lights of the villa were on, Ye Chen was happy, and Lin Wanrou came back.

Ye Chen returned to the room on a straight ladder, and Lin Wanrou stood at the elevator entrance: "Welcome the son to go home."

"Wan Rou, you are finally back, you want to kill me."

Lin Wanrou blushed pretty: "I miss the son too."

"Haha, I haven't exercised for so long, let's get some exercise at night."

Lin Wanrou's face blushed: "My son, you are really bad."

The next day, Ye Chen glanced at the calendar, and soon it was his father's 60th birthday.

He decided to give his father a gift he liked.

At this time, the radio is reporting on the Moto Auto Show.

Ye Chen remembered that his father liked driving very much. Their car had been driving for several years.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to change it for his father, but his father said that the car was out of affection, and he said he was not willing to change it.

This time, Ye Chen decided to take advantage of his father's birthday and give his father some decent gifts.

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