Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 543: Is he alright? (One more subscription)

Dr. Zhang said to Ye Chen very seriously: "Although my master said that your medical skills are superb, Mr. Ye has to remind you that the patient’s condition is very dangerous. Although the operation is successful, there are many uncertainties. Come out, the patient may be in danger at any time."

Doctor Zhang gave all the information about Li's condition to Ye Chen.

"Mr. Ye, the explanation of Li's condition is here, and I can give you a reference."

Ye Chen nodded: "Thank you, I know everything you said, but Li's mother has run out of time, she has not survived for three days."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Doctor Zhang was stunned.

After all, even he can't know when the patient will pass away.

Even Doctor Zhang felt that Ye Chen was talking nonsense.

But this was the person introduced by the veteran Zhou, whom he respected, and he did not dare not believe it.

And Zhou Lao had told him about Ye Chen's treatment, so he had to believe Ye Chen's words.

Li Sitong's face suddenly changed when he heard Ye Chen's words.

She clutched Ye Chen's hand tightly and said, "Ye Chen, you must save my mother."

Ye Chen nodded: "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with my aunt."

Ye Chen said: "Hurry up and let the patient come out of the ICU. If it takes a minute, the patient's recovery time may be slower."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Doctor Zhang nodded.

"Mr. Ye, you are sure. After all, the ICU is a sterile ward. Once the patient is out of the ICU, cross-infection may occur, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Ye Chen nodded: "Don't worry, I will solve this problem."

Seeing Ye Chen so resolute, Doctor Zhang nodded.

"Well, then go through the formalities."

After Li's father signed the exemption agreement, Dr. Zhang began to arrange for Li's mother to transfer from the ICU ward to the general ward.

Doctor Zhang is still a little worried.

After all, Li's mother's disease has always been treated by him.

Although Zhou Lao said that Ye Chen was a genius doctor, he still had some doubts about Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen is too young, and he transferred the patient from the ICU to the general ward, which is nothing short of nonsense in his eyes.

But now that Ye Chen has obtained the consent of his family and the support of his teacher, he has nothing to say.

The more Dr. Zhang thought, the more he got more and more, he still called Zhou Lao.

"Teacher, is Ye Chen really okay? I think he seems to be an amateur."

Old Zhou smiled and said: "I was the same as you at the beginning, but do you know? The last time he rejuvenated, the old man of the Yan family had a heart attack and cerebral congestion and he was declared dead. I was so surprised that he was brought back from the ghost gate, this person It's not as simple as you think."

Hearing what Zhou Lao said, Dr. Zhang was also taken aback.

Doctor Zhang knows how serious the illness Zhou Lao said is.

If the disease progresses to that point, there is simply no cure.

But Ye Chen was able to rejuvenate.

If Ye Chen really had that kind of ability, then he would really be a genius doctor.

Zhou Lao continued: "Actually, I was the same as you at the beginning, and I was suspicious of him, but after seeing his medical skills, I really can only admire him. If I don't believe it, I can't do it. Now Lao Yan is said to be able to practice Tai Chi in the square. ."

Hearing what Zhou Lao said, Dr. Zhang opened his mouth even more shocked.

Such patients, even after recovering, can hardly get out of bed, and they can still practice Tai Chi.

This is simply incredible.

Doctor Zhang nodded: "Teacher, I understand."

As Zhou Lao, Doctor Zhang understands that in China, he is known as the master of medicine.

Even he admired Ye Chen so much, Ye Chen's ability would not be fake.

He also knows the identity of Lao Yan, but Ye Chen's identity is certainly not simple for a well-known Chinese hero who can cure Yan Lao's illness.

Now he was just curious as to what kind of recovery technique Ye Chen had to cure Li's mother's illness.

After signing the agreement, Li's mother was transferred out of the ward.

Both Li Sitong and Li's father are very nervous.

After all, although Ye Chen was very confident, he was his relatives after all, and they were also very worried.

Ye Chen smiled and said to Li Sitong: "Don't worry, everything is left to me."

With that said, Ye Chen gave Li Sitong a pet to kill, and then said: "I can guarantee that in an hour, the aunt will wake up, and tomorrow the aunt will be able to eat something to get out of bed and walk, and it may take longer to recover. It will take about a month."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Doctor Zhang was immediately shocked.

For Doctor Zhang, Ye Chen's words are nothing short of a fantasy.

Mother Li's condition is very serious, that is, she has changed her organs. She wants to walk on the ground for a year or a half without even thinking about it.

Isn't it a joke to get out of bed in the aisle all day?

Li's mother was quickly transferred to the senior ward.

Because of Ye Chen's relationship, Li's mother's ward is a VIP ward that can only be admitted by senior executives, and the conditions in all aspects are very good.

Ye Chen said, "Dr. Zhang, I will use acupuncture to activate the patient's failing organs. I hope you will cooperate. Any messy people will not let them in."

Doctor Zhang nodded and said with some embarrassment: "Then can I observe it?"

Hearing Doctor Zhang's request, Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, but don't make any noise."

Doctor Zhang nodded gratefully.

He was also very excited.

If Ye Chen really had this ability, it would be a rare opportunity for him to observe his medical skills from the sidelines.

Ye Chen took the pen and drew a prescription first.

"Doctor Zhang, can you please go to the Chinese medicine prescription to help me grab the medicine, grab the medicine according to my prescription, decoct it, and the patient will drink it when he wakes up."

"no problem."

Doctor Zhang immediately sent someone to prepare a prescription.

Treatment begins.

At this time, many doctors from various departments have gathered around the ward.

They all said that there was a young man who needed acupuncture to treat a patient with kidney failure.

Ye Chen took out the silver needles from the silver needle bag, then drew out a few silver needles and quickly stuck them on the acupuncture points on Li Mu's body.

Seeing Ye Chen's needle-handling technique, Doctor Zhang was shocked.

Zhou Lao is a national expert in Chinese medicine, and he has also seen Zhou Lao give acupuncture, but compared with Ye Chen, Zhou Lao is really much worse.

Ye Chen's silver needle kept piercing Li Mu's acupoints.

Li's mother's disease is renal organ failure, and the only treatment for this disease is a kidney transplant.

But Ye Chen's acupuncture technique is to rejuvenate the exhausted organs.

Ye Chen's acupuncture technique was the long-lost fire mountain acupuncture technique.

This kind of acupuncture was once recorded in ancient books, but it has been lost.

Watching Ye Chen perform acupuncture, a doctor whispered to Dr. Zhang, "Is this guy reliable? With a few needles, the patient's kidney function can be restored. Isn't this nonsense?"

Doctor Zhang also shook his head: "Now we can only hope for a miracle."

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