Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 559: Robin's pride (3rd more seeking subscription)

The green tea women who advocated the supremacy of money were all dumbfounded.

It is said that this world is the world of money?

"Why do girls choose Chinese men? That foreigner's strength crushes little brother Didi."

A green tea girl was even more speechless: "There is such a stupid woman now, who can clearly live a rich life, but she has to live a hard life with little brother Didi.

At this time, the depressed men fought back.

"You see, there is still love in this world."

"You women know that you kneel and lick every day. The moon in foreign countries is always round. Fortunately, not all the women in China are as vulgar as you."

Robin looked dumbfounded.

How could it be that I actually lost, and I lost to a little brother Didi.

Looking at the rear lights of the Jili car, Robin gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "I won't admit defeat, I must take back my Oriental Goddess."

"Su Wanyi, I want you to know that only I can be worthy of you in this world."

"Cut, I thought it would be great to have some money, and dream of a woman who snatched us from China."

"Hehe, how could our women in China chase so well? Let's slap her face."

"You foreigners are just fooling around with those green tea girls, our good girls in China, how could you be fooled by you."

Ye Chen drove the car, and Su Wanyi was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, that guy has been pestering me abroad, but I didn't expect to follow Hua Guo."

"It doesn't matter, by the way, what's the background of that guy."

Ye Chen understood that this guy would definitely not give up, so he had to get to know the other person.

Knowing yourself and the enemy can win all battles.

Su Wanyi said: "That guy is the president sent by the Barley Group of Country M to China. The Barley Group is a top ten company in Country M. It's very powerful."

Su Wanyi went on to introduce: "This Robin is very arrogant. He even said that he would crush you on the plane."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Why does he want to crush me? He has money?"

Using money to crush Ye Chen, hehe magic all forced the gods to understand.

But Su Wanyi was a little worried.

After all, the strength of the Damai Group is very strong, and Robin is the president of the Damai Group. If the other party deals with Ye Chen, then Ye Chen will definitely be in trouble.

Ye Chen has always kept a low profile, and he didn't tell Su Wanyi all of his true strength.

Therefore, although Su Wanyi knew Ye Chen's strength was good, I am afraid that Ye Chen's industry had reached hundreds of billions.

For Robin, Su Wanyi has only disgust in her mind.

In particular, Su Wanyi's look was disgusting because of the tall white appearance of the other party.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, Hua Guo is our territory after all. He wanted to act in Hua Guo, but he found the wrong place."

Because Su Wanyi was struggling all the way, Ye Chen sent Su Wanyi home and left.

"Ye Chen, remember to pick me up tomorrow to go shopping in the commercial street."

"No problem." Ye Chen waved his hand.

Su Wanyi directly gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

"Ding congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, activating the first praise star, and obtaining system rewards for the stock master."

Master stock trading skills can have god-level stock trading skills.

In other words, when Ye Chen buys stocks, he can find the best stock in the first place.

The next day, Robin started the preparations for the company.

The first is site selection.

According to the company's requirements, the location of the Damai Group Huaguo headquarters must be the center of the magic capital, which is the financial building.

In his eyes, China is just a backward country.

But he was also taken aback when he saw this financial building.

The luxury of this financial building is not lost to their headquarters.

No wonder the boss requested that the company's headquarters must be built here.

The only thing that makes Robin a little distressed is that the rent here is too expensive.

"The rent is 12 yuan per square meter a day, but he wants to rent one floor, which is really expensive."

But there is no way, the area of ​​the magic city is just like every inch of land.

The rent alone is more than 40 million a year.

However, this time Barley’s presence in China is also determined to win. In order to demonstrate the strength of the Barley Group, the headquarters must be built in the Financial Building.

Robin came to the Financial Building early in the morning.

Go straight to the office of manager Chen Wei.

When Chen Wei saw Robin, he understood that this was a fat sheep.

This kind of foreigners will not slaughter the white.

So, just after talking, Chen Wei directly doubled the rent.

Directly 24 yuan per square meter.

"Manager Chen, you are too expensive."

Chen Wei smiled faintly: "Excuse me, Mr. Robin, we have this price here. Some of the things you don't rent are rented by people. Several people have contacted me. If you hesitate, it is likely that you will not have the opportunity to rent in the future."

"But you are too expensive, I asked, but it is 12 yuan per square meter."

Chen Wei shook his head: "I'm sorry, if you have any opinions on the price, you can go to other places if you can't rent it."

Robin was about to vomit blood out of anger.

He knew that these people must know that they were determined to win, so they deliberately raised the price.

However, it is a matter ordered by the boss to use the Modu Building as the company's headquarters.

After all, the Magic City Building is a landmark building in the Magic City. Their barley stationed in China must show their strength.

And only by setting up the headquarters in the Magic City Building, can they show their strength.

Robin was too pretending to be forced. When he came, Lincoln opened his way and was very compelling. Who wouldn't you kill you?

Chen Wei is also a business veteran and he sees that the other party is bound to win, so he won't give up any money.

Although Robin feels distressed, but there is no way, who will let himself pretend.

As a last resort, the two parties signed an agreement of intent.

After signing the contract, Robin was in a good mood and started walking around the Magic City Commercial Street.

Sure enough, he saw a lot of world large companies here, and basically the headquarters of well-known companies are located on this commercial street.

And this street has all kinds of luxury brands from the world.

Robin is very satisfied with this office space.

But when he walked into a luxury shopping mall and saw Su Wanyi and Ye Chen walking around holding hands, his face suddenly condensed slightly.

He was in a good mood at first, but seeing the appearance of the two people being intimate, the whole good mood was destroyed.

Damn it.

Robin walked directly to the two people.

He was very upset by pretending to fail last time, and he must find his face today.

Robin decided to find face here today.

He stood in front of Ye Chen and Su Wanyi with a cold snort, "Are you shopping?"

Seeing Robin, Su Wanyi was a little depressed.

"Robin, I said it's impossible for the two of us, please stop pestering me, okay?"

Robin sneered: "Miss Wanyi, you are misunderstood. Our meeting was purely accidental, because I rented a floor in the Magic City Building, and I will work here in the future."

After speaking, he looked at Su Wanyi.

I want to see a look of shock and admiration in Su Wanyi's eyes.

But soon he was disappointed.

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