The reform of Aiyi Group is first to adjust the management. Lin Wanrou is the president, and some departments have been laid off and streamlined.

Aiyi Group has a total of 518 employees, many of whom are messy.

After the final assessment and layoffs, the company has 318 employees left.

These employees are the true elites of the company.

Ye Chen convened a staff meeting and announced a 10% increase in the wages of all employees.

This decision rejuvenated the originally lifeless company.

Originally, the company had been cutting salaries, but no one thought that the new boss would be so generous and directly raise the salary.

At this time, Mordu Robin's office.

Everything on Robin's desk was smashed by falling to the ground.

This time, he was pitted by Ye Chen again.

After graduating from the University of Finance, Robin went smoothly along the way.

But ever since I met Ye Chen, bad luck has been with him.

This time the cooperation with Ari Group was blood loss.

At this time, the secretary walked in.

Seeing the mess on the ground, the secretary was also taken aback.

"Damn it, I graduated from Yale University's Department of Finance, and the future elites of Wall Street can't do anything in China. I don't believe that all the companies in China are related to you, Ye Chen."

Robin gritted his teeth and said to the secretary: "Contact me the third partner."

"Mr. Robin, the target of our election this time is China's Yida Group."

"Yida Group, not bad." Robin nodded in satisfaction.

"It is Wang Xiaocong who is negotiating with us this time. You were still alumni in country M before."

"Haha, it's Xiao Cong, we are very familiar."

Robin snorted, "Ye Chen, I don't believe it anymore. In China, you can cover the sky with one hand."

Under the leadership of Robin, the elites of Damai Group came to the headquarters of Yida Magic City.

Yida Group also has investments overseas. He and Wang Xiaocong once had a meal, and they are considered acquaintances.

This time, Robin was also well prepared.

After the previous few failures, Robin didn't dare to pretend to be forced, very low-key.

When he came to the Yida Group meeting room, Robin saw Wang Xiaocong's expression of enthusiasm.

"Mr. Wang, I didn't expect that I missed it very much last time. I didn't expect that we would still have a chance to meet."

Wang Xiaocong was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the other person, he was indeed familiar.

Because his father went abroad to discuss business, this time, Wang Xiaocong was also discussing business on behalf of his father.

This is also an experience of his father.

The two sides talked very harmoniously.

Robin wanted to negotiate a deal too much.

So he can explain to the headquarters.

And Wang Xiaocong also wanted to talk about this business and prove himself to his father.

The two sides talked happily.

An agreement was reached soon.

Wang Xiaocong looked at the time: "Mr. Robin, it's time for dinner, let's eat first, and then sign the agreement."

Two people came to the hotel.

Robin is in a very good mood.

As long as you sign Yida Group, it doesn't matter if you lose in the front.

After all, Yida Group is also the leading company in China.

While eating, Robin couldn't help pretending to be sick.

Robin started blowing to Wang Xiaocong: "Do you know Mr. Wang? This time I came to China and encountered a very despicable enemy."

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiaocong became interested.

"Who is the other party?"

Robin looked smug: "That guy is Ye Chen, you know how mean and insidious he is. Fortunately, I'm so powerful that I have solved his conspiracy time and time again."

Wang Xiaocong just took a sip of wine and spit out.

"What the hell? Ye Chen?"

Robin saw Wang Xiaocong’s expression and thought he was pretending to be successful and said proudly: "Yes, it's that guy. He thought that with him in China, no one would cooperate with me. Now I haven't found a partner in the same way."

Wang Xiaocong's face sank directly at this time, and all the smiles on his face suddenly disappeared.

"So, the enemy you are talking about is Ye Chen?"

Robin was also taken aback when he saw Wang Xiaocong's face: "Why do you know each other?"

Wang Xiaocong snorted coldly: "Of course I know him. He is my uncle and a major shareholder of Yida."

Robin almost fainted when he heard Wang Xiaocong's words.

Let me wipe, who exactly is this Ye Chen? How come he is everywhere.

Wang Xiaocong snorted coldly: "Our cooperation is invalidated. I won't do business with Uncle Ye's enemy. Goodbye."

After speaking, Wang Xiaocong turned around with Yida executives and left.

The hotel that was still lively just now turned out to be empty.

Robin is going crazy.

Ye Chen, Ye Chen, and Ye Chen again.

At this time, Robin felt severe pain in his heart and thumped and fell to the ground.

The secretary and several of his men immediately hit 120.

At this time, Damai Group Corporation.

The group board of directors is being held.

Seeing Robin in a hospital gown, everyone was stunned.

This guy was very energetic when he went. Why did he fall ill after only a few days?

Could it be said that the work is too hard, tired and sick.

The chairman saw Robin's face with disgust.

"Robin, since you are sick, you don't have to participate in the video conference."

"I'm fine!" Robin smiled awkwardly.

"You are okay, I have something. I know what you did in China. I lost billions to the company. The reputation of our Damai Group in China is worse than that of stinky fish. Robin is all you. Good job."

Robin: "..."

"You scolded Chinese people in public and tarnished the reputation of our Barley Group. You just went to Hua Guo and you paid me several billion. Now Robin I officially announce that you have been fired."

"Am I fired?" Robin's face turned pale when he heard the chairman's decision.

He did not know how much effort he put in to become the president.

Robin thought he had reached the pinnacle of his life before he came to China.

But I didn't expect that this trip to China turned out to be a cliff.

It made him never expect that he would fall so badly.

All this is because of Ye Chen.

At this time, a group of people came outside.

I saw the leader, he was too familiar with Ye Chen.

"President Ye, our patient didn't have a room, but he wanted to live with VIPs. We charged him ten times the VIP room fee."

Robin paled when he heard it.

He is the president of the company and can be reimbursed, but now there is nothing, the medical expenses are paid by himself.

"I'm going to be discharged from the hospital. I won't live anymore. I can't afford it." An alarm sounded from the detector.

At this time, the doctors and nurses ran in and pushed Robin directly into the operating room.

The video was interrupted, and the chairman gritted his teeth angrily: "It deserves it, just a few days after I went to China, I lost so much money to Lao Tzu."

When everyone learned what Robin was doing in China, they were all confused.

This Robin is really stupid.

After all, Huaguo is an important development direction of the Barley Group.

But now, Robin's actions have greatly hindered their development in China.

The Chinese are very rich now, he originally let Robin make money.

But I didn't expect to lose several billions as soon as I went.

The chairman is going crazy.

At this time, Robin in the ward finally woke up.

He was very weak after the operation.

But as soon as he woke up, he received an official dismissal document from the headquarters. He suffered another heart attack and was pushed into the operating room again.

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