As soon as Ye Chen got home, the phone rang.

Lin Wanrou called.

"My son, have you watched the news?"

"What news?"

Ye Chen opened the website.

A piece of news came and caused a sensation in the entire Chinese community.

It was revealed that the 76th Oscar nomination list was announced, and the Chinese film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was shortlisted for the best foreign language film, best director, and best special effects awards.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in China.

You know, for the Oscars, Hua Guo has never been shortlisted for a film.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was the first one, and it was shortlisted for three items in one breath, which is unique in the history of China.

In particular, the two titles of Best Special Effects and Best Director are the most important Oscar awards.

The Oscars ceremony will be held in seven days, and Ye Chen will be the special guest.

Almost the same day, another news came.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won the Golden Eagle Award for best film, best director, best actor and actress, best music, best design and other 12 nominations. It can be said to be the biggest winner of the Golden Eagle Award.

A film that has created twelve nominations is also a record.

The Golden Eagle Awards ceremony will take place three days later.

Ye Chen took Zhou Fa, Tong Xiaoya, and Liu Hua to attend the Golden Eagle Awards ceremony.

In the car, several people were talking and laughing.

When Zhou Fa made this movie, no one thought he would succeed, and doubts kept coming.

But Zhou Fa proved himself with his acting skills.

Tong Xiaoya and Liu Hua are regular visitors of the Golden Eagle Awards, but Zhou Fa has participated in such an event for the first time.

"Is Zhou Fa nervous?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm a little nervous." Zhou Fa nodded.

Think about it, it's almost the same as a dream. A month ago, he was a group performer, and now he has become a big star.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Well, keep a normal heart, I believe you will become a superstar one day."

Zhou Fa nodded vigorously: "Mr. Ye, you are my benefactor. Without you, I would not have achieved what I am today."

Ye Chen shook his head, "Well, this is also the result of your own hard work. Don't thank me."

After half an hour, several people got out of the car.

After getting off the bus, it was the red carpet. A large number of reporters were taking pictures in front of the red carpet. At this time, many guests had already arrived.

At this time, Dong Bo was standing on the red carpet and beckoning to reporters.

However, when everyone saw Ye Chen, they threw him aside, and they all surrounded Ye Chen.

Dong Bo's face was green, but he could only be angry.

After all, Ye Chen's popularity is much higher than him now, and in front of Ye Chen, he can't compare it.

Ye Chen stood on the red carpet and Zhou Fa waved to the reporter.

The reporters handed the microphone to Ye Chen one after another.

"Mr. Ye, how many awards do you think our movie will win today?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Several awards, let's go with the fate."

Other reporters asked questions.

Compared with Ye Chen's popularity, Dong Bo on the other side was very miserable, and no one took care of it.

Two tabloid reporters wanted to interview Dong Bo with microphones.

Dong Bo was very happy at first, but when he heard the other party's question, his face suddenly went dark.

"Mr. Dong, do you regret leaving the crew of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"?"

"No comment." Dong Bo left with a black face.

After taking photos on the red carpet and accepting the interview, Ye Chen walked into the venue.

Ye Chen's position is very high.

Next to him, Zhou Fa was very nervous, even shaking.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Relax."

At this time, Dong Bo walked over, and the seats of the two were actually next to each other.

Seeing Ye Chen, Dong Bo's face also pulled down.

Because of Ye Chen, his popularity was greatly affected.

Although the film he made this time was nominated for the Golden Eagle Award, the box office did not even return the cost, and it was a mess.

Obviously the movie is not good, but he put all his grievances on Ye Chen's body, thinking that it was Ye Chen's cause that caused his movie to hit the street.

Ye Chen glanced at Dong Bo, but he looked awkward and looked at a foolish expression.

At the beginning, Dong Bo deliberately withdrew from the crew of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", madly spraying Ye Chen's poor director ability.

As a result, this movie became the box office champion in recent years, and Dong Bo's film invested 100 million yuan, and the box office was only 10 million yuan, becoming a recognized bad movie.

If Dong Bo hadn't quit in the first place, then he would also have a share in this movie.

If it is just divided, Dong Bo can distribute at least 100 million in dividends.

Now, because of his withdrawal, Ye Chen has not only lost his reputation, but also suffered a loss.

At this time, the guests were already in place, and the lights dimmed.

The host of this Golden Eagle Awards is Mr. He and the famous host from the Mainland, Miss Zhu Zhu.

As the lights dimmed, music accompanies the scene.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening everyone, and welcome everyone to the Golden Eagle Awards site and participate in this grand ceremony."

There was thunderous applause.

Ye Chen also looked at the host with a smile.

Although this process is boring, the camera is facing, so you have to pay attention to it even if it is not interesting.

First, he said some polite words, and then he performed.

Being on stage again is the first award of this Golden Eagle Award, the Best Editing Award.

This is also one of the nominated awards for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Unfortunately, it was not "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" that won the final prize.

Then there are several awards that have nothing to do with "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

The sixth award, the best screenwriter award.

"Ladies and gentlemen, next I announce that the winner of the Best Screenplay Award is Ye Chen, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

At the same time, the camera aimed at Ye Chen.

Today, Ye Chen adjusted his charm value to the limit, more attractive than usual.

Usually Ye Chen's charm value is only about 6, even so, he still fascinates many girls, and now the charm of 10 has attracted many girls to exclaim.

Then came the Best Production Award.

When he saw the winning works, Mr. He looked shocked.

"Oh my God, Mr. Ye is really an all-rounder. The winner of the Best Production Award is Ye Chen from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

There was a warm applause on the scene again.

"Mr. Ye will be invited to the stage, and there will be award-giving guests."

Ye Chen stepped onto the stage for the second time.

The following is an award-winning testimonial.

Ye Chen stood on the stage and said to the microphone: "Today I can win this award. First of all, I thank our crew. It is your hard work that made today's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" result because of you. The perseverance in the whirlpool of doubt has created today's brilliance. This award belongs to all of us..."

In the audience, Dong Bo was about to be mad, which was obviously aimed at himself.

Ye Chen deliberately talked about the whirlpool of doubt, didn't he mean himself?

Regardless of whether it was intentional or unintentional, the director deliberately pointed the camera at the dark-faced Dong Bo.

Ye Chen finished his speech, then stepped down, and there was applause again at the scene.

At the beginning, Ye Chen has already won two awards!

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