Zhang Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard the principal's words.

He knew that his chance to pretend was coming.

Zhang Chuan hurriedly came to the principal and asked: "Principal, what's the matter? What difficulties have you encountered? Don't worry, I am now the chairman of the Ten Billion Group. Even if the school has difficulties, tell me, I I must help to solve it."

After listening to Zhang Chuan's words, the reporters, teachers and classmates on the scene were all bright, as if they had seen the savior.

Principal Wu was also a little excited after hearing this: "Xiaochuan, can you really help our school?"

Zhang Chuan saw that everyone looked at his worship with triumph.

He smiled faintly: "Principal, don't worry, no one can dismantle our school with me."

The principal held Zhang Chuan's hand, tears of excitement: "Zhang Chuan thank you so much. If you can keep the school, you are the benefactor of our teachers and students."

Zhang Chuan smiled faintly: "What the **** is going on with the principal."

The principal told the story again.

It turned out that a developer wanted to build an ecological park here, so the school had to be demolished.

Although the principal fights all the way, unless someone pays a higher price to buy the land, the school will definitely be demolished.

Hearing what the principal said, Zhang Chuan smiled faintly, and said exasperatedly: "Principal, it turns out that this is a trivial matter. How much does he pay, can I just buy the land back?"

Zhang Chuan was happy in his heart.

It's just a remote place, how much can it be worth?

Principal Wu became even more excited after hearing this: "Zhang Chuan, you can really buy it."

"Of course, who am I, Zhang Chuan, chairman of the Ten Billion Group, a mere drizzle, how much is this land?" Zhang Chuan asked.

Principal Wu said: "80 million."

"How much?" Zhang Chuan's expression changed abruptly.

Principal Wu said: "This land is valued at 80 million yuan, and the real estate agent has already bought it."

Zhang Chuan suddenly felt vomiting blood.

This is a piece of land worth 80 million, grabbing money.

Principal Wu shook Zhang Chuan's hand and said, "Xiao Chuan, if you bought this piece of land, it would be great, our teachers and students all thank you."

Zhang Chuan's face was extremely ugly.

In fact, he just pretended to be forced.

It's fine now, pretending to be beaten in the face.

His company's total assets are no more than 100 million, and if he bought land for 80 million, wouldn't the company go bankrupt?

What I just said about tens of billions of assets is just a pretense.

The pretense is too high, and now I can't make it to the stage.

Zhang Chuan said awkwardly: "President Wu, why is this piece of land so expensive?"

Principal Wu sighed: "I heard that our land is the dragon vein of Ssangyong playing in the water, so it is expensive. By the way, Zhang Chuan, you can contact and buy this land."

Zhang Chuan's face was extremely ugly.

When he bought this piece of land, what would he buy?

There is no such thing as the force of Zhang Chuan just now, and his face is ugly and said: "President Wu, I'm sorry, I don't have that much working capital now, and I can take one million at most.

one million?

After listening to Zhang Chuan's words, President Wu was extremely disappointed.

Others also looked at Zhang Chuan like they were idiots.

People have 80 million in this piece of land, and you take one million out to give it a fart.

Ye Chen asked from the side at this moment: "Which company took down this piece of land?"

Zhang Chuan snorted coldly on the side: "Which company, did you make 80 million?"

Ye Chen ignored Zhang Chuan at all and looked at President Wu.

President Wu sighed and said, "It's Yida Group."

On the side, Zhang Chuan sneered and said, "Have you heard? It's Yida Group. Do you still know someone from Yida Group?"

Ye Chen ignored Zhang Chuan's cynicism at all, and took out his phone directly.

Zhang Chuan sneered: "Wang Dong of Yida Group, but China's top boss, can you know?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "You don't believe it?"

"It's strange if I believe you." Zhang Chuan snorted coldly.

Ye Chen nodded, and directly turned on the hands-free.

The phone rang a few times and then connected.

"Hey, hello, it's Dong Wang, I'm Ye Chen, by the way, have you recently taken a piece of land in Jade Town to develop an ecological park?"

"Yes, why are you also interested in that piece of land, Brother Ye?"

Ye Chen said: "Well, my primary school is here. If you demolish the school, it will be too inconvenient for the children here to go to school more than ten kilometers away."

"Ah, there is such a thing? I didn't understand at the time. Now that Brother Ye has spoken, do you think this will work? I will develop it as usual. I will prepare a piece of land for the school nearby and build a new school.

Ye Chen listened and said, "That's great."

"Okay, I'll talk to the next one."

"Wang Dong, thank you, I owe you a favor."

"Brother Hahaye is too far-sighted. We are all our own. You are a major shareholder of Yida Group."

The phone hung up, and the scene was silent.

Zhang Chuan was stunned.

A group of classmates are stupid.

The principal, students and teachers all looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.

You know, at the beginning, they also reflected on the above, but the result was that they couldn't build a school here.

As a result, Ye Chen made a phone call and all the problems were solved.

The most important thing is, what did Wang Dong just say?

Ye Chen is the company's major shareholder?

This is too awesome.

Li Ruoqi looked at Ye Chen in shock.

At the beginning, Ye Chen said that he was a Didi driver, and Li Ruoqi was not surprised.

In fact, she was just an elementary school teacher after graduation.

But what she values ​​more is the feelings between her classmates.

Li Ruoqi never dreamed that Ye Chen would have such a strong background.

Yida Group, one of the top ten companies in China, Ye Chen turned out to be a major shareholder.

Zhang Chuan's face was even more ugly at this time.

He is at best a local tyrant.

How does it compare with Yida Group such as 100 billion group.

Ye Chen is a major shareholder, and he is a scum in front of Ye Chen.

Thinking of him pretending to be forceful in front of Ye Chen just now, Zhang Chuan's face flushed, and he wanted to find a place to sew in.

The principal held Ye Chen's hand tightly: "Ye Chen, thank you so much, you are the benefactor of our teachers and students."

Ye Chen shook his head: "President Wu, don't say that. When you first came to town, you worked door to door and let the children go to school. You are our benefactor."

There was warm applause on the scene.

Those elementary school students stood in a row: "Thank you Mr. Ye."

The teachers also burst into tears.

The reporters filmed all of this scene, and even the eyes of some reporters were wet.

As for forcing Wang Zhang Chuan, there is no one at all.

You are a tens of billions of people who can't take out 80 million. At first glance, you are a guilty criminal.

It is the most embarrassing and most conspicuous when you pretend to show off stuffing.

Ye Chen continued: "Principal, I have already agreed with Wang Dong. Our school buildings use the best materials. I will build our Yushi Town Primary School into the most modern school, so that children can enjoy classes in comfort."

This video was posted online by reporters, and Ye Chen became popular again.

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