Ye Chen walked to the front of the car and patted the body: "This car is really good."

Seeing Ye Chen's actions, Wu Hao was startled.

"Ye Chen, do you know what you are doing? This car can be worth more than 100 million yuan. You are the one who delivers the express. If the film is broken, can you afford to lose it?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Pay? Do I need to pay? This car belongs to me."

Then, in the dumbfounded expressions of many classmates, Ye Chen pressed the switch.

The door opened, Ye Chen got in the car and waved to the classmates: "Everyone will be together next time."

Wu Hao was completely stupid.

It turned out that the dying boss he envied just now was Ye Chen.

At this time, they finally understood why Ye Chen would reject Teacher He's invitation.

Will driving a sports car worth hundreds of millions of dollars cost the show crew?


The next day, Ye Chen continued to deliver the express.

The "Beep Toot" cell phone rang, Ye Chen glanced at the unfamiliar number and ignored it.

The phone rang again, and Ye Chen answered with a frown. Before the other party could speak, Ye Chen said: "You've been endless, but you lied to Lao Tzu."

The girl's sweet voice came from the other party: "I am not."

Because recently received a lot of harassing calls, Ye Chen was upset.

"I don't buy insurance, and I don't have any children to enroll in the tutoring class... Don't call me anymore." Ye Chen said, he was about to hang up.

Xiao Ya: "..."

It seems that this handsome little brother didn't save her mobile phone number at all, and regarded her as a liar, a salesman.

Xiao Ya's face flushed with anger while holding the phone.

She pouted her mouth and said coquettishly: "Brother Ye Chen, you can't even hear my voice. I still miss you because of others."

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Chen scratched his head and asked, "Excuse me, who are you?"

The voice of the girl just spoke really made Ye Chen feel familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Xiao Ya pretended to be angry and said, "Brother Ye Chen, this is Xiao Ya. You didn't even save other people's phone number. I said that adding your WeChat account would not accept it?"

Ye Chen's friend request on WeChat did indeed have a little fairy named Tangren. He hadn't thought about adding this name before, and he felt that it was definitely not a serious person.

I did not expect that this was actually a WeChat message from Xiao Ya, a high school student. This little girl didn't study well, and there was something messy in her mind.

Now that the girls said so, Ye Chen clicked Accept in the friend request, and then asked: "Xiao Ya, what can I do if you call me? Is there a problem with the courier, or do you need to send the courier."

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Xiao Ya felt very speechless: "Brother Ye Chen, is there only express delivery between us?"

When asked this way, it was Ye Chen's turn to be speechless. He was a courier, and he really couldn't think of anything else that a high school student would do if he came to him.

Seeing Ye Chen didn't speak, Xiao Ya's pretty face turned red, and she said shyly, "I miss you."

After hearing the girl's words, Ye Chen almost sat down. He admitted that he was handsome and attractive, but it was not a good thing to be missed by a high school student.

If Xiao Ya's parents found out, they wouldn't have to find him to settle the accounts.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen fought a cold war.

"You, a high school student, should study hard, and you can't think about falling in love." Ye Chen said as a teacher instructed the students.

"People are teasing you. I just want to study hard and want to ask you something." Xiao Ya quickly changed the subject after hearing the other's answer.

From the first time she saw Ye Chen, she fell in love with this handsome man, and she was not even disgusted with Ye Chen being a courier.

Seeing that Xiao Ya gave him a favorable comment and got him rewarded by the system, Ye Chen didn't hang up the phone, but asked: "What's the matter? I will do my best."

"Recently, a boy haunted me, making me unable to study at ease. You pretend to be my boyfriend and go to a party with me at night." Xiao Ya said timidly.

She was very afraid that the other party would reject her, and Xiao Ya's heart sank when she heard Ye Chen didn't speak.

"Okay, you send me the time and address, see you in the evening." After Ye Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Originally, he wanted to refuse. He couldn't say no when he heard Xiao Ya let herself be flies, and it was even harder for him to say no to the girl because she wanted to study hard.

Hearing Ye Chen's agreement, Xiao Ya jumped off the bed happily and almost fell to her leg.

Ye Chen continued to drive Lycan to deliver the courier and came to a high-end villa area.

Although the security guard did not know Lycan, he knew that the car was worth a lot of money. He stood up straight and saluted to the car's standard, and the lever slowly opened.

Lyken disappeared as soon as he slipped, leaving only the security guards stunned.

He has seen a luxury car, but he has never seen such a luxury car. The most important thing is that it is driven by a courier.

Ye Chen parked the car and took out a courier from the car. He walked to a villa and rang the doorbell a few times. What he didn't expect was that he would meet Xiao Ya again.

"Brother Ye Chen, do you think we are very fate?" Xiao Ya opened the door and said with a smile.

"Well, really." Ye Chen showed a helpless expression on his face.

He felt that every time he met Xiao Ya, it seemed to be arranged in advance, and this little girl did it on purpose.

"Brother Ye Chen, see you at the Marriott Hotel at six o'clock in the evening." Xiao Ya hurriedly told Ye Chen the time and place, fearing that he would regret it.

"Well, okay, see you tonight." Ye Chen said lightly after seeing the girl sign for the delivery.

After bidding farewell to the girl, Ye Chen walked another distance and came to Lycan's car.

When Ye Chen drove into the villa area, a couple of men and women stood at the gate of the area.

The girl’s typical internet celebrity face, and the boy looks very gentle with glasses.

"Hani, this is not the limited edition bag I want at all. You are definitely cheated." The internet celebrity pouted and looked upset.

"Yueyue, but the sales lady told me that it was a limited edition." The glasses man explained quickly.

"Hani, your model is more than 10,000, and what I want is the twenty-five thousand." The net red face continued.

"Well, I'll change it now." The spectacle man said quickly because he was afraid of upsetting the girl.

"I'll leave this first. It just so happens that my girlfriend gave her as a gift for her birthday, so you can buy me the one." The net red said with a smile in her eyes.

The man with glasses twitched the corner of his mouth. Although he made a lot of money, the two bags cost nearly 50,000 yuan, and he couldn't help but feel that his heart was dripping blood.

Net red face saw the expression on the boy's face and hurriedly said coquettishly: "Hani, my sisters all know that you are good to me, you are reluctant to buy me a bag, if you let the sisters know how shameless I am. "

The man with glasses is most afraid of girls acting like a baby, so he said: "Okay, let's buy it now."

When the net red face was about to agree, he saw Ye Chen driving out of Lycan.

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