After a while, a man and a woman in a Hermès suit walked out.

Seeing the man, Ye Chen was stunned, the man was a bit familiar.

The man was also taken aback when he saw Ye Chen, and then excitedly said, "You are Ye Chen."

Ye Chen also remembered when he saw the other party, the two were junior high school classmates, and the other was Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang sighed when he saw Ye Chen wearing a courier service to deliver the courier: "Ye Chen, why are you mixed up like this?"

The woman on the side jokingly said, "Zhang Yang, this is the boy Ye Chen from your junior high school class you told me? He looks good, but he's too miserable."

Ye Chen smiled: "I think it's good to send express delivery, free, and can contact all kinds of people."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

free? If you have the ability, how can it be possible to deliver express.

Zhang Yang patted Ye Chen on the shoulder: "Brother, I understand. Look at me. The school district room I bought for my child is 40,000 rent per month."

Ye Chen took a look, and suddenly remembered, isn't he the renter of this school district?

It seems that it should be time to collect the rent now.

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, indeed, the pressure is quite heavy."

Zhang Yang smiled and said: "Ye Chen, after all, we are classmates. Our company is hiring people recently. The security salary should be similar to that of express delivery. It should be harder than express delivery. If not, let me introduce you to our company?"

Ye Chen shook his head, "I don't need it anymore. Actually, I think it's good to do express delivery."

The girlfriend beside Zhang Yang is not happy: "What time are you wasting with a courier? We are still in a hurry."

Obviously the other party was afraid of his wife, and smiled awkwardly, just about to leave.

At this time, a man in a suit passed by in a Passat car.

Seeing Ye Chen, the man was stunned for a moment, and he hurriedly got out of the car and ran over.

"Mr. Ye, why are you dressed like this?"

Ye Chen was stunned. It turned out to be Manager Chen from the sales office.

Ye Chen authorized them to rent the school district.

Ye Chen smiled: "This is not for me to deliver the express."

Manager Chen was also taken aback for a moment: "Oh my god, the rent for a year alone is hundreds of millions. Such a big guy even delivers express delivery."

Do all the big guys now know how to play like this?

Zhang Yang also knows Manager Chen.

When they rented a house, they asked someone to find Manager Chen to go through the back door.

Zhang Yang hurriedly laughed and said, "Hello Manager Chen, do you know Ye Chen?"

Manager Chen smiled and said, "Of course I know. Mr. Ye is the owner of our two hundred school district houses. I also work for Mr. Ye. I will give him your rent."


After listening to Manager Chen's words, Zhang Yang gasped.

Even Zhang Yang's girlfriend's face changed.

Ye Chen turned out to be the owner of two hundred schools in the school district, so how much money would he get for just collecting rent a month?

Think about how I ridiculed Ye Chen with my girlfriend just now, their faces were hot.

They are charterers, and they are tenants. They are still laughing at others for being poor.

Zhang Yang's girlfriend immediately changed his face.

"It turns out that you are Mr. Ye, and our family will say that Mr. Ye is a talent. I saw him today and he really deserves his reputation."

Ye Chen was speechless.

Your face has changed faster than a book.

"In this way, Ye Chen, I haven't seen my classmates for so long, let Zhang Yang do the best, please invite you."

Zhang Yang: "Don't we have to see your parents?"

"Seeing what my parents are in a hurry, how come old classmates finally get together and get together!"

Ye Chen smiled: "I'm sorry, I won't bother you anymore, I want to deliver the express."

Saying that Ye Chen got on the Cullinan car next to him and left.

There is actually no need to associate with such classmates.

Step on when you see you can't do it, lick it when you see you are awesome, don't worry about such old classmates.

Seeing Ye Chen leaving in Cullinan, Zhang Yang's girlfriend stomped her feet.

"Look at your classmates and then at you. It's a waste. I have to rent a house when I marry you."

"What's wrong with me, I am already a lot of fifty thousand a month."

"That's a lot. You earn 50,000 and 40,000 to give to your classmates. What is left, we won't get married without buying a house," the woman said angrily.

"You... If you don't get married, you won't get married, the big deal will break up."

Manager Chen looked at the quarreling couple with embarrassment.

Did I just say something wrong?


Ye Chen sent a day of express delivery, but did not activate the system task reward.

It seems that today's luck is not so good.

At this time, Xiao Ya called.

"Brother Ye Chen, when are you coming over?"

Ye Chen then remembered that he had promised Xiao Ya to attend the party at night.

"Hey, it's too difficult for me to deliver express delivery. Not only do I need to repair water pipes and light bulbs, but I also have to supervise high school students to study."

Ye Chen drove the Lycan to the Starlight KTV for the party.

Xiao Ya was already standing at the door, seeing Ye Chen running over excitedly, and directly grabbed Ye Chen's arm.

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "Xiao Ya, you don't have to hold it so tightly, I won't run away."

Xiao Ya: "Haha, I just have to hug tightly, so that I can be like a boyfriend and girlfriend."

At this time, several classmates were chatting in the box.

"I haven't heard that Xiao Ya has a boyfriend."

"Huh, no matter who her boyfriend is, she puts on a big score, so many people wait for him."

"Don't worry, Shao Sun, we will help you chase Xiao Ya."

Ye Chen walked into the box and took a look. They were all young kids, but they seemed to be well dressed. They were all rich second generations.

It seems that Xiao Ya's family conditions are also good, so her friends are all rich.

Xiaoya is wearing a pleated dress today with crystal high heels on her feet and light makeup, which is very beautiful.

At this time, Xiao Ya was at the age of her budding, and she exuded the charm of youth.

In KTV, these classmates talked with laughter again, but Xiao Ya ignored no one and was always by Ye Chen's side.

Sun Ze's face turned blue.

He prepared this gathering for Xiao Ya.

In the end, Xiao Ya, who was so special, was soaking up other boys here.

At this time, dance music sounded.

Xiao Ya pulled Ye Chen onto the dance floor.

There were a lot of people on the dance floor. Xiao Ya took Ye Chen's hand and danced in a decent way at first.

But Ye Chen soon discovered that something was wrong, and the woman's body unexpectedly stuck to Ye Chen.

The distance between the two was very close, Ye Chen felt Xiao Ya's breathing, but the girl kept making small movements no matter it was dancing.

Ye Chen was helpless.

"Xiaoya, this is a huge crowd, can you converge a little?"

"You are so busy to help me as a shield, don't I have to thank you?" There was a smile on Xiao Ya's face, but there was a sly light in her eyes.

Ye Chen was overwhelmed by Xiao Yagou's heart.

"Hey, isn't this also to serve customers?"

Ye Chen wanted to hide, but there were people on the dance floor making Ye Chen hide.

In a short while, Ye Chen was so provoked that he could no longer hold it.

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