Select the President of the Billionaire Group at the Beginning

Chapter 711: What happened to the express delivery?

It may be because the guests looked at Ye Chen's dress and thought he was a poor dick, and they were sure that he would not play the piano at all, which was a ridicule.

Ye Chen didn't tell everyone what he was going to play before he played.

When they heard Ye Chen's performance, although everyone was really surprised to see that Ye Chen could play the piano, they thought it was still far from the level that Sun Ze had just played.

As Ye Chen's fingers kept beating on the piano, everyone's expressions changed. The mockery and disdain disappeared, and they were surprised and shocked instead.

He closed his eyes and looked intoxicated, as if he had merged with the piano.

With the beating of the fingers on the piano, the feeling was sometimes exciting, sometimes soothing, sometimes cheerful, and sometimes melancholy, making everyone present fascinated by it.

The melody of this piece is delicate, soft, and steady. It gradually advances in a quiet, roundabout way, and finally reaches a climax. In the roundabout way again and again, the emotional level was clearly released, which was quite a bit of twists and turns.

In the eyes of all the guests, there seemed to be a scene of a beautiful young girl standing by the water, and the surrounding scenery was so beautiful and intoxicating.

There was silence in the box, and the ridicule that had just disappeared, and everyone was fascinated by the sea of ​​music.

Sun Ze was so shocked that his mouth opened wide and his face was unbelievable.

He muttered to himself: "It's impossible."

Others may just be able to hear that this piano is more beautiful than the one he played before, but Sun Ze, who has received professional training, knows very well that Ye Chen's piano is required to reach the master level. Can do it.

With Ye Chen's slender fingers, when he pressed the last key, the box was still quiet, and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

Everyone was completely immersed in the music played by Ye Chen, unable to extricate themselves for a long time, and some even shed tears in their eyes.

Xiao Ya's eyes were also full of tears, and she liked the man in front of her even more.

Sun Ze looked at the expressions of the people around him, gritted his teeth in hatred, thinking that this kid had even taken away his limelight.

After a while, everyone recovered from the wonderful sea of ​​music, but the touched expression still hung on their faces.

When everyone looked at Ye Chen on the stage, they were still unbelievable. The piece of music just now was actually played by this ordinary young man who couldn't be more ordinary.

Only Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, and he did not stand up, but said into the microphone: "I want to give this song to Xiao Ya."

With the slender fingers pressed on the piano keys again, and the beautiful music sounded, Ye Chen sang into the microphone with expression:

"Forgot how it started, maybe it’s just for you, I have a feeling

Suddenly I found myself deeply in love with you, love is really simple

It doesn’t matter if the land of love is dark or dark, right or wrong can’t be decided, oh~~


Never give up, this right to love you.

Since Ye Chen activated the God of Singing skill, he sang like the original sound.

Everyone was surprised again. Not only did they play the piano well, but they also sang so well.

Sun Ze clenched his fists, looked at Ye Chen more jealously, and thought: "This kid is not only stealing the limelight, but also smashing the scene."

He can play the piano, but he can't sing very well. There is no way to compare with Ye Chen.

After hearing the song Ye Chen sang for herself, Xiao Ya's emotions that had just calmed down became excited again, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

She walked in front of Ye Chen, regardless of the eyes and opinions of everyone around her, and kissed Ye Chen lightly on the face.

Feeling the moistness of his side face, a small flame ignited in Ye Chen's heart.

The applause sounded one after another, and could not stop for a long time.

Sun Ze's face was ugly to the extreme, it was clearly his stage, and all the scenery that belonged to him was robbed by Ye Chen.

The object of everyone's attention is no longer him, the most important thing is that he has achieved others in order to humiliate Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was liked by everyone and worshipped by everyone, all of which was caused by him.

Regret, unwillingness, and jealousy are all in my heart at this moment.

Seeing that Sun Ze's face was so ugly, how could Ye Chen miss such a good opportunity? He always pursued victories.

Ye Chen walked up to Sun Ze with a smile on his face and said, "Thank you, Shao Sun, for giving me this opportunity."

Sun Ze almost fainted when he heard Ye Chen's words. Is this mocking him?

Ye Chen's expression is very obvious, Lao Tzu is deliberately angry with you.

Sun Zeqi's face was green and he walked straight away. When he reached the door, he didn't forget to drop two ruthless words: "Ye Chen, let's not finish this matter, you wait."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, not caring about Sun Ze's threat.

Xiao Ya smiled and said, "Ye Chen, it is estimated that Sun Ze is being abused by you today."

Finally completed the task, Ye Chen and Xiao Ya left together.

The next day, Ye Chen continued to deliver the express.

Today, Ye Chen came to the door of a luxurious five-star hotel.

As soon as he arrived at the door, a security guard frowned.

"Delivering the courier, don't stand at the door, we are a five-star hotel."

Ye Chen was stunned, what happened to the five-star hotel.

At this time, a man and a woman walked out of the hotel and looked at Ye Chen with contempt.

The man wore a Hermès suit with a Rolex on his wrist.

The woman is in good shape, wearing Gucci sunglasses, heavy makeup, and holding the man's arm.

"Hey, why is there a courier at the door of such a high-end hotel?" The man frowned and said to the security guard.

"Yeah, it was a very high-end hotel, but the image was ruined by this guy."

Women relying on the richness of the men next to them are also inhumane.

Hearing what the woman and the man said, the security's face changed.

Theirs is a high-end hotel, and those who can live here are people with status and status.

The security glared at Ye Chen, and it was this guy who asked the guests to comment.

Ye Chen was here to deliver the courier, and he was immediately unhappy listening to the words of the two men and the woman.

What happened to the express delivery? The door of this hotel is not opened by your house. I am not blocking your way when I stand here. What are you beeping?

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "What's wrong with the courier? You haven't bought anything online, and there is no courier. How did you get the fake bag you bought for your girlfriend?"

"What fake bag?" Hearing Ye Chen's words, the man's face suddenly changed.

That's right, the Gucci bag on the woman's back is indeed a high copy he bought, but he really gave it to his girlfriend.

This kid is just a courier, how could he know that this is a fake package?

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